February ends today. I am so blessed to have known Christ because when my life ends on earth, it shall continue on forever. The part of my life on earth is only the extremely short beginning. I'll be spending the rest of it with my Lord in paradise. Had I not known him at all, I would have no idea what will happen to me after I die, and that's not a good feeling.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Spiritual Levitation
***Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice!
In today's reading II from Romans 8, Paul wrote, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" People are against us precisely because we are for God. Jesus said that he had come to bring not peace but the sword. (Matthew 10:34) Precisely because he is our God and our judge, we end up being for him or against him. Rejoice that we and God are for each other.
Paul wrote more, "He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him?" We gain Jesus and everything the Father has is ours! Rejoice again.
Last, Paul said, "Who will bring a charge against God's chosen ones? It is God who acquits us, who will condemn?" No one will be able to condemn us, since we are already God's! Nothing can possibly separate us from the love of God. Rejoice one more time.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
*****Reverence the Holy Eucharist Please!*****
A recent survey showed that the majority of Catholics no longer believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. This Most Blessed Sacrament is at the center of the Catholic worship. If you no longer belief in it, you are no longer a true Catholic. It is unbelievable that the churches are still pretty much letting everyone receive it rather casually. It's time to reeducate all the Catholics. Here is the official Catholic Church teaching on Christ's real presence in the Eucharist.
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that, "the mode of Christ's presence under the Eucharistic species is unique. It raises the Eucharist above all the sacraments as 'the perfection of the spiritual life and the the end to which all the sacraments tend.'"
- "In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist, 'the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained.'
- "This presence is called 'real'—by which is not intended to exclude the other types of presence as of they could not be 'real' too, but because it is presence in the fullest sense: that is to say, it is a substantial presence by which Christ, God and man, make himself wholly and entirely present." (CCC 1374)
- "The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist." (CCC 1377)
- "To respond to this invitation, we must prepare ourselves for so great and so holy a moment.
- "St. Paul urges us to examine our conscience: 'Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself.'
- "Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation upon coming to communion." (CCC 1385)
***Becoming Perfect the Effortless Way*****
In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 5, Jesus advises us to be perfect, just as our heavenly Father is perfect. How can we achieve this? Since nothing is impossible for God, let's do it the effortless way by surrendering ourselves to him completely. With us out of the way, God can perfect us easily!
***Finding God the Effortless Way*****
In today's reading from Psalm 118, I read the verse "Blessed are they who seek the LORD with all their heart." So I ask myself how I should seek the LORD. Here is what I have learned. I seek him by letting him find me. This is what I mean. I remain open to him completely so that he may enter freely and do whatever he wishes. Voilà, we are one! The smart, effortless way of finding God.
***Most Dependable Lord
People break their word all the time, but not our Lord. You can trust in him absolutely. That's why I believe in all his promises. First thing you need to do is secure your eternal life. This is not being selfish; this is precisely what he wants you to do, for he loves you. It's so good that we have him to rely upon. The reality with our God is better than anything we can dream about!
Friday, February 26, 2021
Symbolic of the Holy Trinity
In 1985, I walked into this building with a dome overhead in Paris, France, and saw these three shafts of sunlight on the entrance doors. To me they symbolized God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
*****Repent Now or Perish!*****
From yesterday's first reading from Jonah 3, we learned that Jonah went to Nineveh according to the LORD's bidding to announce to the people that forty days more and their city would be destroyed. The people believed in God and proclaimed a fast and all of them put on sackcloth. Even the king and his nobles joined in. The king decreed every man to turn from his evil way and from the violence he had in hand. God saw all that, relented and withheld his wrath so that they should not perish. Good for the people of Nineveh. Looking at our own nation, my guess is that no even half of the population would repent when asked by God to do so. Whether this would be good enough for the Lord to change his mind, I do not know. In the Gospel reading from Luke 11, Jesus condemned his generation seeking a sign as an evil generation. I'd like you to hear Fr. Mark's talk in this video about our generation. It is his most powerful presentation to date. It climaxes as it ends. Don't miss it and pass it around. It's wake-up time!
*****Letting the Lord Reveal Himself to Us
As we get to know the Lord, the Lord reveals many things to us for our edification. The great saints receive great mysteries and teachings; the great prophets, evens to come; various seers, special visions and messages. I see myself at the kindergarten level, so the Lord makes everything elementary for me to understand. So far what he has revealed to me is just himself, nothing more—already filling my cup to overflowing and rewarding me aplenty. I just enjoy his holy presence every moment of my life. Psalm 23.1: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
***Jesus, Heaven, and Hell
We need to hear these three subjects preached the most, for Jesus is the absolute truth and heaven and hell are real. Knowing that heaven and hell exist can definitely make us want to know our Lord. But we rarely hear the Lord preached with any fire or passion. Heaven is once in a while mentioned, and hell—what is that? Here is Fr. Altman's passionate talk on the reality of hell. I am not saying that you must know Jesus to enter heaven, for there are good people who have not heard about Jesus. But I know for sure that if you believe in him, you will go to heaven and not hell for sure.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
**Let Nothing Embarrassing Happen to You
I get a lot of scam phone calls at home which are annoying. I am saddened by the fact that this is such a big business with so many people engaged in swindling others. What if right in the middle of trying to swindle someone, you die and face God—wouldn't you be embarrassed about being caught? I certainly wouldn't be caught dead doing anything like that in my life. Remain holy and blameless so that you'll be ready to face the Lord at any time.
**Loving the heavenly Father First
Since our heavenly Father is perfect and loves us with an infinite love, we should do our utmost to please him, as we even try to be nice to our earthly father who is often far from being perfect and may not even love us that much. The perfect way to please God the Father is to obey him. Obey your heavenly Father first and you'll know how to love all your neighbors.
***Requisite for Setting Yourself Free
In yesterday's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, after teaching the disciples how to say the Lord's Prayer, Jesus added, "If you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions." Since forgiving those who have transgressed against us can be most difficult, we sometimes honestly tell the Lord, "Sorry, I can't do it," and not do it. Now we have committed the sin of disobedience and he'll deal with us exactly the way we deal with others on judgment day. Bad move on our part! What if we had turned to the Lord and said, "You know that it's most difficult for me to forgive my enemies, but I know that you are right and I must obey you. So help me, Lord"? Now we've made a smart move. When God sees that we are humble, he will help and not condemn us. The bottom line, rebelling against God is being foolish to the extreme, while yielding yourself to him is being truly wise. I am sure that most of you already understand this, but some of you might need to hear it again. To set yourself free, you need to set all others free from your heart first.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
**Upon Whom Shall I Depend?*
In this life, should I depend upon my government? If you've read my last post, you would know my answer already. Should I depend upon my family or friends? Maybe, it would depend upon their relationship with me. I'll try to depend upon myself as much as possible, knowing that one day I'll be completely helpless. So that leaves God last to consider. But I should have considered him first and only, for he is the only one most powerful and forever dependable. So I'll put myself completely in his hands and rest from now on. This is an insight, a foresight, and being wise and smart. I am speaking a truth, not trying to pat myself on the back, although I do feel good about it. God is love and equally a joy!
***Heavy Burden in Dark Days
The world is in darkness. This country is in darkness. I've never felt this burden this heavy on my heart. If I were someone who doesn't know Christ, I probably wouldn't feel it so intensely. Despite the repeated warnings God has been giving us through Mary our Holy Mother and other saints and mystics since the mid 19th century to this day about how we need to turn to him and repent or face chastisements (and some of the prophecies had already been fulfilled), we humans just tragically do not pay any attention and keep on sinning. The darkness began accelerating in the 1960s. We started seeing sexual liberation, divorce becoming common, unmarried couples living together, indecent fashions, immoral movies, legalization of abortion, increase in violent crimes, support of same-sex marriage, Satanic worship, etc. After more than half a century later, thanks to the complacency of the weak, lukewarm Church and people in general, the immoral ways have become acceptable to most of the world. It's in the last four years that the people of this country finally woke up to realize that evil had already infiltrated every segment of this nation except for those who live mostly outside of the big cities, work hard for a living, and are still honest, patriotic, and God-fearing. Although they still form the majority, the money and power are unfortunately not in their hands. The evil ones in control are the various governmental departments (with the exception of the military), courts at all levels, the majority of the news media, the academia, the entertainment industry, and the giant tech companies. The United States, known to be a staunch enemy of Communism, now appears to be on the way to becoming communistic! (This was warned by Mary too.) The burden is heavy on many of us. But don't despair, for God and truth are on our side. There is never a better time for us to choose sides.
Monday, February 22, 2021
*Completely Secure in Jesus
Today is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle. In the Gospel reading from Matthew 16, the heavenly Father revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus said to Peter, "So I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Of course, Jesus holds all the keys to the Kingdom of heaven. When we abandon ourselves completely in him, we'll be completely secure in him on earth and in heaven!
****Be Prepared for Temptation and More***
I'd like to talk about temptation again. God often leads those who love him into temptation to test them so that their faith might grow even stronger. The Lord had already revealed to us that the day of his coming would be like a thief at night (Revelation 16, 1 Thessalonians 5) and we must watch and be prepared. Let me tell you that when the Lord decides to test us, these tests also come suddenly when we least expect them. The severe ones can totally crush our spiritual life but for the grace of God. So be prepared is the best defense you can built for yourself. The spiritual battle we face is a fight to death for eternal life in God. If you don't take this seriously, continue to live on as usual, and do not know where you are going, but think that everything is going to be OK, then you are following exactly what Satan wishes you to do! Wake up now to avoid being shocked for all eternity! (I'd like to include this important tip. During any temptation, Satan loves to confuse you by making you think that it might be God's will for you to give in, as you do not know his reason yet. But it's crucial to know that if you do God's will, you'll always have inner peace. As long as you still experience turmoil in your heart, you are not out of Satan's grip yet.)
Sunday, February 21, 2021
***The Purpose for Which God Has Creatd Us*****
Today I see that the Lord God has put us on this earth to discover the purpose for which he has created us. I now know the Lord well enough to know what that purpose is. Most people of the world don't know or don't want to know the Lord. They just let him coexist. This is absolutely tragic. I know the following: (1) God is love. (2) We were created by God in his image. (3) God the Son came to earth to save us from sin. These three facts alone are enough for me to see that the Lord had created us so that he would have someone to love as much as he loved himself! This is an eye-opening, mind-blowing, most uplifting revelation! It's all about love. God is love; God created us out of love; and he died for our sins out of love. We only need to accept his love to make this universe perfect! For the love of God, let's make it into a two-way love!
***The Way to Transform Oneself***
Sermons or homilies that focus exclusively upon Christ the Lord are usually powerful and most effective, while those that focus upon ourselves are usually weak and instantly forgettable. For example, if I tell someone not to worry about anything without mentioning the Lord, that'd be a complete waste of time. My suspicion is that in the latter case, the speaker himself doesn't really know the Lord well enough yet. You see, if you know the Lord intimately, you'd want to talk about only him to others. He's really the only one who can fundamentally transform us. And people need to know this! To rely upon ourselves to change ourselves just won't work. My advice—no matter who you are, surrender yourself to the Lord to attain union with him first, then you'll receive the power you need directly from the Lord to get yourself transformed. After that you won't need to listen to another sermon or homily again, for you already dwell in the Lord!
Feeding the Soul Before the Body
Today's Gospel acclamation, Matthew 4:4b, was quoted by Jesus from Moses' second long address of Deuteronomy: "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." We eat bread in order to sustain ourselves physically. To sustain our spiritual life, we need be fed by every word that comes from God. The spiritual life is so much more important than the physical one. What good is it to have a healthy body but a sick soul? It is a clean, healthy soul that will enable you to live forever.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
**Why People Reject Christ
They cannot prove that he never existed. They cannot prove that he is false in any way. They cannot prove that he is not God. So their only reason has to be that they are afraid to face him as they wish to remain being their own god. They are a bunch of cowardly fools.
***To Be Rewarded Now or Later*
God rewards all of us. Do you want him to reward you in this life or in the next? I wouldn't want to be rewarded in this life at all, but would prefer to be recompensed in my next life only. If you get all your reward in this life, there'll be nothing left for you in the after life. This fact that God will reward you in the next life implies that you'll have eternal life. The greatest reward for us is actually Christ the Lord himself. Become one with him and you receive the greatest reward both in this life and the next. Let go of all other rewards. Leave any reward that comes from the world in the world. Once you have Christ, eternal life and all heavenly rewards follow. The future with our God can truly be unbelievable!
**The World, God's Eyesore
A couple of church friends just passed away. They both had served the Church well. One had suffered poor health for years. The other passed away rather quickly after an unexpected health issue was uncovered. May they rest in the Lord's peace now. Meanwhile, I had just witnessed some new births, not human, but still amazing. My older son lives next to me. He and I and one neighbor together own a bunch of alpacas to roam our adjoining lots to keep the weeds down. One alpaca gave birth to a baby just a few weeks ago after a gestation period of 11 months. Yesterday and the day before, two more baby alpacas were born. Births are always amazing to watch. Today is quite a beautiful day, but the world remains ugly in sin. The righteous are fighting the evil ones. With one group marching toward heaven and the other toward hell, a lot of people are caught in the midst still not knowing which way to go. Not a happy or pretty sight. Life should not continue like this. The world will need to turn to God, repent, do penance, and pray, pray, pray, if it ever wants to look good to God and save itself.
****Luckiest Person in the World!
I've blogged over 11,000 times since the blog took off in 2010. It has to be the Lord's doing, for it would've been impossible for me say so much about the Lord on my own. This month, you could say that I have fallen behind my quota as I have so far received less messages than usual. Zero, yesterday. I realized that should the Lord want me to stop blogging, he would simply stop depositing any messages in my heart. All the more I saw that the blog was all his doing. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. What is important is that we obey the Lord always, doing whatever he wishes us to do for his sake and at the same time not being attached to what we happen to be doing. Using my blog as an example, if the Lord wants me to quit blogging, then so be it. It's what God wants you to do, never what you want to do for yourself. Then you become the luckiest person when you and God happen to always want to do exactly the same thing.
**Lessons Learned in Suffering
Twelve days ago, I blogged about my fall. I'd learned these lessons. (1) Being human, no matter how careful we are, we still end up making all kinds of mistakes. So it makes sense for us to abandon ourselves in God now, not until we becomes totally helpless. (2) In suffering myself, I realized how horrifically Christ had suffered for my sake, and this united me to him even more. (3) I also realized that God had made us so that we all need a Mother who can look after us, and the Lord had given us his own mother to us to be that ideal Mom before he died on the cross. I am proud to be a mama's boy when my mama is so holy, beautiful, and perfect. I started calling on her a lot and felt greatly consoled. She's now with me always as she is always with her divine Son.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
**To Be Heartless and Foolish
I read today's Gospel reading from Luke 9 and saw exactly what Jesus said which I quoted in my last post. But before he said that, he said to his disciples: "The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised." The Lord was letting us know that he's going to do all the work necessary for us to receive eternal life. This was a huge price for him to pay. He has sown fully so that that we may reap fully. If you can prove that he is false in any way and believe that you have no sin and don't need salvation, then dismiss him by all means. If not and you still ignore him, then you have absolutely no heart and are being extremely foolish and are to be pitied.
**Sad Rejection of Truth*
In today's first reading from Deuteronomy 30, the Lord made it clear through Moses to the people that if they choose to love him, walk in his ways, and obey his commandments, he would bless them and they would have life. But if they turn away, do not listen, adore and serve other gods, they would perish. It amounts to choosing life or death. It couldn't be any clearer. In Matthew 16 (and Luke 9), Jesus said to all, "Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever losers his life for my sake will find it. What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?" It's so sad that the people of the world to this day continue to turn a deaf ear to the truth! They just reject anything that they think would inconvenience them. How self-centered can you be!
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
**Living for God in Secret
If money is the root of all evil, then ego is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, Jesus said to his disciples: "Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father." In other words, we are to live for God alone in secret and never for ourselves. The is the secret of shedding our ego and attaining inner peace.
***Responsible for Our Own Destiny
To get back in God's good graces, you only need to recite verses 3-6ab of today's Psalm 51: Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me. For I acknowledge my offense, and my sin is before me always. Against you only have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight. It takes less than half a minute to say the above from your heart to the Lord and you restore your relationship with God and change your eternal destiny! Getting back to God can be so easy. If it's hard, you are the one making it so!
***Tragic State of Our World***
Today is Ash Wednesday. The first reading from Joel 2 begins as follows: Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God. This is exactly what the world needs to hear, do, and feel, or face even greater chastisements. We need to weep and mourn for our own sins. We need to feel the pain in our hearts for having turned our back on the Lord? Why are we not getting it? Why are we so thick-headed? God has been most patient, but we are relentless in pushing him to the limit. The cup has already been running over. If we don't return to God, we'll be heading straight for our own extermination, and we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
**Garabandal Messages and Prophecies*
' I am sharing this rather long video here, but it's worth watching to learn through the Holy Mother what the Lord God wishes us to do to save ourselves. The warnings are serious. We must pay attention or perish. Nothing new here, but we need to hear the messages again and again as our hearts have been so hardened. There are two more good videos about Garabandal I posted on June 20 and July 2 last year. You may want to look at them too if you haven't seen them yet.
**If You Are Truly Smart
Without God's guidance, we'd live in the unknown, not knowing how we got here and where we're going. With Christ the Lord, what's going to happen next may not be immediately clear, but where we are going we always know. We are no longer lost—this is the big difference. We must stop playing hide-and-seek with the Lord, for he knows everything and we will surely lose any game we play against him. Besides, beating God at hide-and-seek would mean that we remain lost forever. If you are truly smart, you would simply turn to the Lord and say "Here I am, Lord. I am ready to serve you."
Monday, February 15, 2021
**Man's Ongoing Rebellion Against God
In today's reading I from Genesis 4, Adam had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, their first son. Later she bore Abel, another son. In the course of time both Cain and Abel brought an offering to the LORD. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not. Cain greatly resented and was crestfallen. So the Lord said to Cain: "Why are you so resentful and crestfallen. If you do well, you can hold up your head; but it not, sin is a demon lurking at the the door: his urge is toward you, yet your can be his master." This is exactly what today's evildoers need to hear from the Lord! Evil was present then is still here today. I've never seen this many resentful and crestfallen people in this country alone. None of them have been seen walking or talking with their head held up high—they are already in cahoots with the Devil and serving him! One day, this spiritual warfare will be over and we who are with Christ will enjoy universal peace triumphantly with him forever. (By the way, Cain did kill his brother Abel later.)
Sunday, February 14, 2021
*Living a Meaningful Life or Not
In today's second reading from 1 Corinthians 10, Paul advises, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." This may sound cliché or boring to some, or even repel others, but the alternative is to do everything for you own glory, which can lead to eternal death. I can testify to you that doing everything for the glory of God has not only given me the purpose of life, but also made my life exciting and most rewarding. To think that following Christ is boring is one of the biggest misconceptions of our time. Without Christ, you are merely going though the empty motion of living a life without purpose, direction, and true meaning.
***The Joy of Salvation
Today's reading from Psalm 32 has this verse as the response: I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. It seems that after we have heard about our salvation so many times for so long, we no longer feel this joy. If we appreciate and think about our salvation, it should keep us excited our whole time on earth! The Lord is waiting for us in heaven. The only reason I don't want to leave this world yet is because there is still work for me to do in serving him. Eternal happiness can wait; it's not something that will ever pass away. Think about it and you feel sorry for those who are lost, but happy for yourself and all others who are in the Lord. The end is going to be bitter sweet, but that will pass too. After that, it'll be everlasting bliss! Now you should definitely feel the joy of salvation.
***Letting God Work Effectively
You wish to attain union with God, to really get to know him, or to abandon yourself entirely to him. So you are determined and try hard to achieve it, but that's not going about it the right way. The effective, effortless way is to relax, go passive, and open yourself up to God. Then he sees you and will come quickly to fulfill your desire. Picture the Lord at the top of a high steep mountain and you want to reach him. You can try climbing the mountain, struggling all the way, or just let him see that you'd like go to him and wait for him to send down a speedy tram to carry you to him in no time. As I'd said before, the password for logging into God was "passive." To let God work effectively in you life, just yield yourself to him completely.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
*Shielded from Evil
Today's Communion experience. I received the Holy Eucharist, the body and blood, the soul and divinity, of the Lord. I knew that where he dwells, there cannot be evil. I knew that I was shielded from all evil and that no evil thought could possibly germinate in my heart. Praised be my Lord!
***Only Info You Need to Know About Yourself
We are all citizens of different countries. We may belong to the upper or lower echelons of society. Our families may be rich or poor, educated or illiterate. Lately, many people are taking DNA ancestry tests to get an ethnicity estimate. Does it really matter that you are 25% Irish, 4% Korean, 1% Ghana, etc.? To me, you only need to know that you belong to Christ and to the family of your heavenly Father. Forget everything else about you, for they no longer matter.
**Our Sin Affects All (Be a Saint!)
When we sin, we directly or indirectly cause others to sin too and our sin becomes more serious than we think. So we need to be concerned about not only our own, but also all souls. All the more we need to be blameless before God. You can't regard sinning to be your own business, for it offends God and the whole heaven knows about it. Then, keep sinning and you not only draw others away from God, you get yourself condemned in the end as well. God wants to save you and the whole world, so let him turn you into a saint. It'll be so easy for him to accomplish that, once you give him the full green light.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
**Not Quite Successfully Transformed
Christ can completely transform us, making us anew, yet it's often hard to tell Christians from non-Christians. So many Christians hold onto their old ways, following the tradition or the custom of the world. All their empty gestures may appear OK, but not truly genuine. Christ wouldn't have acted like that. Of course, you can say that God's ways and thoughts are way higher than ours, but to let the Lord transform us is to make us think and act more like him. And this is not obvious, when you look at how these Christians live and act. So we are not perfect yet, showing that we have not surrendered ourselves completely to God yet. This is the fundamental challenge all Christians face and must meet if we are to be successfully transformed.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
**Folly of Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing is the title of a comedy by Shakespeare. It describes so well what most people are doing nowadays. They lead their lives and do their things divorced from God altogether. They are busy and occupied, but unknowingly drifting away from God further and further. It there ever will be an awakening, it will most likely come as a shock, still infinitely better than receiving ultimately the worst shock without an awakening.
**How to Remain Undefiled
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 7, Jesus said to his disciples, "What comes out of the man, that is what defiles him. From within the man, from his heart, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile." If you agree to what the Lord had said here, then give your heart to him so that you may remain clean from now on.
***To Be with Christ***
When I am physically suffering, I realize that I am just tasting a tiny, tiny bit of what Jesus experienced when he went through the Passion. Nevertheless, this realization unites me more to the Lord and is a good thing. To go further, if we truly want to be with Christ at all times, we need to experience what he is experiencing at all times.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
*****Abandonment-to-God Time
Yesterday I blogged that I fell while walking. I felt OK at the time, but started to feel the pain afterwards. My left shoulder already had a tendon injury that had never completely healed, so I had been relying on my right arm most of the time. Now, after this fall, the left shoulder has gotten a lot worse; I could hardly lift the arm up high. My left chest is hurting too from the impact of the fall. I had a worse fall some years back. It was the right chest that got impacted badly; it took a month for the pain to go away. I expect it'll be at least a month this time, as I am now older. At a time like this, I must reprioritize my activities. I'll probably stop walking for a while and not do anything that requires the use of both arms. It is the time to pray even more, perhaps get in touch with some friends and relatives to tell them about Christ. When you realize that what you can do is limited, you can see that it is the perfect time to abandon yourself in God! This happens again when you are dying and see that abandoning yourself to God is the only sensible thing left for you to do. But why wait until such moments? Experience the freedom of letting go in God right now. We may suffer physically, but we are free to enjoy even more freedom spiritually!
Monday, February 8, 2021
***Be Aware of Body and Soul
Let's be absolutely clear that each of us inhabits a perishable physical body on earth and possesses an unperishable soul that lives on forever. Often when our body is giving in to death, we see that as the end of our life and forget that we still have an everlasting soul that's about to begin living a new life, the real life! Realizing this can help us live a much happier and fruitful life. Otherwise, you are just a lost soul, not knowing where you are going. Know Christ the Lord and Savior to let him put your soul on the path to heaven while you still have your physical body.
**No Nonsense Teaching
It is so refreshing to hear a concise, clear, to-the-point message than some long-winded, confusing, convoluted teaching.
*A Lesson Learned (& First Things First)
I walk daily from the house to the street and back three times, just enough time to pray five decades of the Rosary. I walk briskly to help the heart. This morning as I was walking and looking sideways for something, I unexpectedly stepped on the edge of the asphalt road, tripped, fell forward and hit the pavement. The impact knocked the frame of my glasses out of shape. I was all right after sitting and resting on the ground for a couple of minutes. I have been falling yearly these past few years. I know that a fall can be detrimental to old folks like me. I am blessed that the Lord has given me strong bones. The lesson learned: no matter how much precaution we take, accidents can still happen. We must not only be careful, we must be extra, extra careful. Here I am only concerned about our physical wellbeing. What about our soul which is infinitely more important than the body? Good thing is that you only need to believe in the Lord and he will take care of our soul completely forever! Do this first before trying not to fall.
Sunday, February 7, 2021
**False Teaching by Bishops
This is a short video on false teaching within the Church posted by Fr. Corapi today. End times are here.
*****Biggest Sin of This Nation
Fr. John Corapi has started speaking out again. I have always thought that before asking God to bless this nation, it is appropriate that we repent of the sin of having legalized abortion first. Now listen to Fr. Corapi's clear pro-life message. (Note: The 48 million figure Fr. Corapi quoted for the number of abortions since Roe vs. Wade was on the low side. The number of know abortions hit 60 million in 2017.)
***Unwavering Faith***
Faith in the God of Christ should be unconditional and unwavering. This sounds good and is right and beautiful. It calls for believing in the Lord under all circumstances, irrespective of whatever happens to you. You may have to live through complete darkness your whole life, but you are fully aware that you'll be with your God for all eternity, knowing that he will never forsake you.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
***Be like a Child
In search of God, the educated ones would read books, research online, or even traveling abroad to find gurus. Sadly, finding nothing concrete, they end up believing that all religions are the same or everybody goes to heaven anyway or that there is neither heaven nor hell, etc. I see myself as a kindergarten kid before the Lord. I just believe what Jesus said to me that if we believe in him, we'll have eternal life. I now feel free, enjoy deep peace, and receive great joy. God has become my dearest father and soulmate. To God we are his little children, but sadly our pride has made us believe that we can find our way around without him.
Friday, February 5, 2021
*Love of Money
In order to be able to love God fully and freely, we must detach ourselves from the world. Since money is known to be the root of all evil and loved by almost everyone, if we can detach ourselves from money, we are pretty much there. If you hear that someone just made a lot of money quite easily and want to find out how he did it, you still love money too much. You need to know how good it is to attach yourself to God alone before you can detach yourself to money and all the other things. Depending on how willingly you are to let God change you, the process can take a certain period of time or remain incomplete your whole life. It again comes down to "our way or God's way."
*Be Prepared for the Worst
This is always good advice. Here, I have in mind preparing ourselves for meeting the Lord in particular. I must apologize to the Lord for sounding as if meeting him is not a good thing. Certainly, for the unrepentant sinners, it will be terrible, but for those who already belong to him, it will be absolutely glorious. We'll meet the Lord after we die or when he comes again, whichever comes first. When you are ready for Christ, you are ready for eternity! Amen.
Thursday, February 4, 2021
***Great Question to Ask Yourself
If you love to eat and I place a delicious dish in front of you, but also told you that it you eat the food, you'll get a stomach ache or even suffer food poisoning, you probably won't even touch the food. This is being sensible. Then I think of the many men who are obsessed with sex. In our culture this is a huge problem, giving rise to infidelity, pornography, and sex trafficking. In this case, even knowing that illicit sex could spread sexual diseases and cause pregnancies that can lead to abortion of the infant, these men still go ahead just to get some pleasure for their flesh. Probably the one thing that can stop them is knowing that committing such a sin can land them in hell. So we need to consider the consequences seriously before we give in to temptation. Always ask yourself "Do I want to offend the Lord my God and jeopardize my soul?"
*Odd Christians*
They love to tell others about their family members or friends who are doctors, lawyers, professors, or prestigious in any way, yet they don't tell others or are even ashamed of telling them that they believe in Christ who is supposedly the most important and prestigious person of their life. Why do Christians often relegate the Lord to the periphery or even oblivion?
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
**We Need Christ to Anchor Us*
We all live in different environments. Some people live in countries so poor that their main concern is to be able to make a living. And there are rich people in affluent countries whose main occupation is to seek material comfort and worldly pleasures. For those who do not believe in God, they don't care about government oppression so long as they are not affected, while those who believe in God under the circumstances may completely change their outlook on life and rearrange their priorities. We all live in our own world and react differently to different things. How to always know the right thing we should do? I say that we need to firmly believe in Christ and get to know him intimately so that we'll know his ways, his thoughts, and his will. Then we'll just follow him, no matter how circumstances change, where we are, and what we face. We'll feel good, knowing that we are with Christ always.
**Again, Do Not Judge
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 6, Jesus got rejected at Nazareth, his native place. When the sabbath came the Lord began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. And they took offense at him. They came to judging the Lord quickly as the people of today do. To me, no matter how bad someone is, you should always give that person another chance. Jesus does not condemn anyone who is still living because there is alway a chance that person might repent and turn to him. In any case, leave the judging to God, as our judgment of anyone does not affect his in the slightest besides making us look bad.
*****Where to Find Freedom (Power of Infinite Love)*****
God's love and mercy for us is infinite, and we can let him love us as much as we allow him to. When we open ourselves up completely to him to let his love fill us to the brim, we are set free in our infinite Lord! The love of God now unites us to him as one. In short, when we let God love us as much as he wishes, we are set free.
****Get Disciplined the Smart Way
In today's reading 1 from Hebrews 12, Paul writes that the Lord disciplines those he loves and that he disciplines us as a father because he treats us as his children. We are not perfect children, so we should welcome discipline when we misbehave. But I do see a way of preempting any harsh discipline. Here's how. You surrender yourself to the Lord, aiming at attaining union with him. Now you let him teach, shape, and mold you to his heart's content to perfect you, while you experience only sweet and tender love! A case of no pain and lots of gain.
*Overcoming Fear of Death
If you still fear death, you haven't been liberated from the world and yourself yet. The only way to overcome that fear is to attach yourself entirely to God, as in union with him. When you know that you belong to God alone and is totally under his care, you lose all fears, not just the fear of death.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
*Getting Down off Our Pedestal
Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The Psalm reading comes from Psalm 24. Here's verse 8: Who is this king of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle. Then Jesus, the king of glory, came, humble and meek, not strong and mighty as people had expected nor fighting the kind of battle they had envisioned. For his ways and thoughts are higher than theirs as the heavens are higher than the earth (Isaiah 55:9). We are the ones who do not get it. To the ones who got it, they were overwhelmed, for the Lord was more amazing than they could possibly have imagined! We need to be open-minded, objective, and never look down on anyone different from us. Whatever we do to the littles ones, the meek and humble, the weak, the poor ... we do it to the King of Glory.
Monday, February 1, 2021
***In These Dark Days
We are going through dark times. In this country, we are losing our freedom of speech, religious freedom, our right to life, right to vote, and democracy. It's never been like this since the founding of the republic. This is the result of man falling away from God and ignoring all his warnings that we need to repent and return to him or be chastised. Even the Church did not take these warnings given to us through the Holy Mother, other saints, and various seers seriously. Since my soul is already safe and secure in my God, I no longer fear the death of my body. Psalm 23:4 comes to my mind: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the LORD is with me. But I pity those who are lost and not repenting. It seems that they are just asking to be punished—how tragic! And I do share the Lord's great sorrow over their self-centeredness, ingratitude, and hardened hearts. How difficult it is to be childlike indeed!
**Wise Living
In this material world, God as our Lord is meaningful to us only because God is knowable to us. As our Lord he knows everything about us. Every thought, word, and deed of ours cannot escape him. Whatever we do, good or bad, will have its consequences. This is good to know so that we may live right to be sure that we'll have secured our eternal life! It's a pure case of "we reap what we sow."
***Most Satisfying, Rewarding Living
February has begun; time marches on. We are all getting closer to being judged by God, so are you rejoicing and not even thinking about it? I want to praise the Lord as much as I can by word or deed in the time I have left on earth. My prayer is that every single person in the world will turn to Christ and be saved. To trust in, obey, and serve our most wonderful Lord is what makes our life most satisfying and rewarding. You see, when we submit ourselves to him, he makes us selfless. When we are selfless, we become free! So live for the God of Christ alone, which is really letting him live exclusively in you. This is loving your God with all your heart, with all you soul, and with all your mind.