"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, August 5, 2024

**Strong Faith Needed*

        A strong faith in God remains steadfast, unaffected by any ongoing disorder or confusion in the world as well the Church. One with such a faith always thanks the Lord for his generosity and mercy, so he does not complain about anything. I'd like to thank God specifically for this. Decades ago, I had a blockage in a rein in my left eye, causing the the center of its vision to go blurry, and I had to rely on my right eye mostly for seeing. Time passed and the blurry vision started to clear up unexpectedly at an imperceptible pace and is almost completely well now. It so happened recently that the vision of my right eye became slightly blurry overall due to glaucoma, so the roles of the two eyes have reversed. The bad has become good and the good gone bad—the Lord surely knows what he is doing.

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