"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, August 23, 2024

***God's Undeniable Existence (What We Need to Do)*

        The Lord God has done so many wonderful things as God, creation of the universe filled with infinite galaxies and our plant earth with plentiful things for us to live on and enjoy. We mustn't forget ourselves, marvelously created in every way. It is he who keeps us alive every moment. Last, never forget the sending of his own Son to us to free us from sin. The list of wonders is endless. His existence, power, and love are overwhelmingly present, yet many are blinded by pride and remain lost. It's so one-sided and unjust. This clearly reveals the existence of that underlying war between God and Satan with both aiming at capturing our souls. And we cannot afford sitting idly by without choosing sides and joining in the fight.

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