"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

***Extraordinary Benefits of Surrendering to God***

        (1) You solve the whole mystery of your existence! When you and God reconcile, you restore your relationship with him and the entire heaven rejoices! (2) You experience freedom, peace, and joy; you are now worry-free. (3) You enjoy God's holy presence at all times. (4) You fall deeply in love with the Lord, knowing that you are a brand new creature. (5) In union with him, sin becomes absolutely repugnant. (6) Death is no longer fearful. (7) You never feel lonely and is always full of hope. (8) You now love and never hate anyone. (9) Talking to the Lord is a joy. (10) Hearing his voice is even more satisfying.

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