"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

***Serving God Overriding All Else***

        My wife wasn't feeling well yesterday, so she rested in bed in the afternoon. Meanwhile I was blogging away, enjoying the Lord's companionship. Then she, feeling hungry, called out to me to get her some food to eat, but I responded OK, I'll do that soon, since I was finishing up one post. Then I realized later that I should have stop blogging and do what she had ask for right away, for I could always finish that post later. In other words, serving God should take first priority, even over enjoying him. I remember how St. Juan Diego chose to skip his set meeting with Our Lady of Guadalupe and went to see his sick uncle instead, and Mary understood and wasn't offended at all. That's a good example for all of us to emulate.

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