"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, January 29, 2024

***False Front**

         You see so much false joy exhibited on many commercials and various TV shows. In general, people put on a false facade to hide any emptiness or loneliness they feel. Today I was shocked and saddened to learn that the parishioner who owned a very expansive car (I think it was a Ferrari) had committed suicide. I didn't know him personally, but everybody noticed his flashy red car with gold wheels. How I wish that I had the chance to tell him about Christ who can fill us full with hope and joy. This had happen to me twice before. In the first case, I witnessed to a friend about Christ and he was ready to consider entering the Church. He called a local priest for an appointment to see him, but it so happened that he was tied up and couldn't see him right away. The next thing I knew, my friend had committed suicide. Obviously, there was a deeper issue here I wasn't aware of. The second friend was at the peak of his career. He earned two PhD degrees, owned a lot of properties, traveled all around the world, and had a lot of friends too. His job was with a famous think tank. One day I called him and learned that he had committee suicide. How I wished I had shared the gospel with him earlier! So we must share the good new of Christ every chance we get. What we see is often the false front. There are lots of people who are lonely and/or feel hopeless out there. We must do our best to reach out to as many of them as possible.

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