"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, March 20, 2023

***Supreme Joy of the Lord God

        On the way driving home after Mass, I turned on the radio to hear what's playing on the only local classical music station. I haven't done this for years. What I heard was George Enescu's popular Rumanian Rhapsody No. 1. The music was tuneful, although not as inspiring or uplifting as the music written by such great composers as Beethoven, Brahms, and Schubert. Then I realized that the best classical compositions that used to move me almost to tears at times no longer have the same grip on me. You see, music is external and the sound enters you through your senses to create joy. By contrast, once you know the Lord God, having him dwelling within you, his joy simply bursts forth from your very heart. This is a joy that not only transforms your heart, but also heals your soul; whereas the joy of music can only stimulate you from without. Next to the joy of the Lord God, all other joys simply pale.

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