"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Union Analogy

        We who love God all want to be holy. Striving to become holy is analogous to climbing a high mountain. When we reach the top, we are holy. Normally, we climb one step at a time. This requires discipline and involves a certain amount of struggle. Often we even fall back after some advance has been made. The whole process is slow and arduous and we may not even reach the top in our lifetime. 
        The alternative is to seek union with God first. You could say that there is a helicopter available to fly you directly to the top in a short time. The problem is that you've never flown like that before ~ you are afraid of the unknown and wonder if the flight will be safe at all. Also, even though you know that the view at the top must be fantastic, you look around and see that where you are, the scenery doesn't look that bad. So you decide that the quick ascent is not worth the risk involved, and you continue to struggle. 
        The truth is that once you put the fear of flying aside, the helicopter will take you quickly and safely to the top of the mountain and you'll have the most magnificent view. Now, you look down and see that you have eliminated all that arduous climbing.
        The helicopter lift is God's arm lifting you up to him. You could say that the Holy Eucharist is already the ticket in your possession for you to board that flight. When you reach the top, you are in union with God. From there, what you see is what God sees. 

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