"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Knowing Jesus

        Today during Mass, I felt that I really knew Jesus better than anybody else I ever knew in this life, even though I had never seen him.  Of course, he already knows everything about me.  When I see him face to face, my yearning will cease as our union reaches perfection. 

Only One Correct Love

        There is really only one "correct" love, God's love.  Not knowing God, the human love is self-centered and can become possessive and jealous.  Strictly speaking, this is not even love.  On the other hand, the love of God is liberating ~ it frees you because you are now motivated by the Holy Spirit to love for the sheer joy of loving God, not expecting any reward.

Are You Fearless?

        If one has a clean conscience and pure heart and loves the Lord, there is really nothing for him to fear.  He is ready for the Lord to come at any time.  Psalm 27,  today's Responsorial Psalm at Mass, starts out: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?  The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?"
        Now, consider those in the world who are powerful, famous, wealthy, and influential.  They appear to be fearless, but will they not cringe when they face the Lord?  This is the true test.
        If you want to be truly fearless, get the Lord on your side first. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shocking Good News

        More thoughts on Palm Sunday.  Jesus has come and brought us the good news.  I say "shocking" because it's too good to be true and too good for those who believe.  God loves us and through Jesus, we learn what our Father is like.  Jesus has revealed the whole truth to us for our salvation.  There is just no more news as good as the gospel.

The Love of God

        This is Palm Sunday, the day the Lord rode triumphantly into Jerusalem atop an ass, only to be crucified on a cross.  I would like to extol the love of God.        
        (1) The love of God is the most beautiful thing in this world.
        (2) The love of God is the only thing that can transform us into beautiful sons and daughters of God, our heavenly Father. 
        (3) The love of God is the only thing that can give us true peace of the mind and freedom of the heart.
        (4) Only the love of God makes it possible for us to have eternal life.
        The real good news is that you don't need to go search for this love; it is always there and is yours when you open your heart to Jesus. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

True Liberation

        Watched a documentary on a once world-famous painter.  Here's an extremely talented, young artist, totally immersed in the world, creating amazing works, and became great in the eyes of the world.    He continued to seek more respect and success in the art world.  In the end unhappiness drove him to taking drugs and he died young and lonely.  I am lead to think that how infinitely better it would be to immerse oneself in God, be content to remain unknown, and do works to please the Lord alone.  This is true liberation. 

Jesus Is the Truth

        In today's Gospel reading from John 10, some Jews were ready to stone Jesus.  Since Jesus is the light of the world, those in darkness did not like him, hated him, and even killed him at the end.  It is no different today.  They now hide and run away from him, ignore him, mock him, or even attack outright his Church and followers.  He brings division and discomfort to many in this sinful world,  precisely because he is the truth, and truth matters.   

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wish Fulfilled by God

        I have posted before about the immense universe we live in and how amazing it is that God loves us on this earth not even the size of a dust particle in its surroundings.  I had no say when I came into this world.  All this and more made me feel small and helpless on my own ~ I just needed my creator, my God.  Then Jesus came and made everything clear.  My wish was fulfilled.  I am grateful and have now the peace that the Lord has intended for me as his child. 

Only the Heart Matters

        God looks at the heart only ~ I have mentioned this at various times in the past.  Today it got my attention again.  My throat felt slightly sore last night and as I was to receive the Lord in Holy Communion at morning Mass, I knew that I must have a lot of bacteria on me and physically, I wasn't too clean either.  I realized that the only thing that matters to the Lord is whether my heart is clean or not.  If it is and is filled with the love of Christ, then it's ready for him.  The spiritual life is really about purifying the heart so that we may approach God with freedom.  When a soul with a pure heart embraces the Most Holy God, it is pure joy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jesus Sets Us Free!

        In today's Gospel reading from John 8, Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  I can personally testify that Jesus did set me free ~ my heart tells me so.  Jesus cleanses and refreshes me by freeing me from the shackles of sin.  Anytime a sinful thought surfaces, it's as if I feel the taste of something awful in my mouth and want to spit it right out.  After tasting the sweetness and joy of the Lord, sin has become loathsome.  Yes, Jesus is the truth!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Staying with the Lord

        As I was getting ready this morning to visit some homebound folks, as soon as I got a little elated about sharing some of my good thoughts with them, I sensed that I was leading the Lord again.  So I banished them right away and expected to lean upon him for total support and guidance.  I have learned that it pleases him the most if we stay with him, neither rushing ahead nor lagging behind.  

For Those Who Do Not Believe

        The idea for this post came from today's 1st reading, Numbers 21:4-9. 
        Take a good look at Jesus.  If you believe, then you shall live.  If you don't, then only you are the cause, for the Lord is ready at any time to welcome and embrace you. He has done his part: he came to us, preached the good news and worked miracles, died for us and rose again.  Just what else do you expect to see?  To reject the Lord is to reject love, eternal life, and yourself.  Jesus is the life.  Choose life and you shall have life.  Take a good look at him again.   

Monday, April 11, 2011

Encounter with Love

        The love of Christ is beautiful, sweet, and purifying.  It can burn, but never hurts the heart.  In fact, it cleanses and soothes it.  This love is what love is all about, because it touches the soul and the whole being.  It renews us, transforms us, places us on a higher plane of existence, and draws us into union with him.  When I received Christ in Holy Communion this morning, I encountered this love. 

Go Deep into God

        God's depth is unfathomable in his love, mercy, patience, wisdom, understanding, and more.  Therefore, we can go as deep as we wish to discover more of his wonders, receive more of his riches, and be transformed more to be like Jesus.  This adventure is all ours to embark on.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Finally Understood

        Yesterday I talked about the world appearing unreal to me because I had changed.  Now I remember the first time I read about Mother Teresa in the newspaper decades ago.  My first reaction was that it was unbelievable that someone would give up the pleasures of the world and go serve the poor and the dying in India ~ this was being extreme.  The news in a way "shocked" my conscience and I eagerly shared it with others.  I admit that deep down that I felt a great respect for her.  Also, I used to think that monks who live in secluded monasteries were not being productive, as they did not do anything constructive to benefit the society.  I now know better.  Mother Teresa was doing the most noble thing ~ loving God by serving others as Jesus had commanded.  And the monks prayed and strove to be holy ~ practicing their faith and doing what most pleased God.  I am truly thankful that by the grace of God, I had come a long way.  

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Unreal World

        I caught a show on TV showing how you can do all kinds of exercises at home to shape your body.  While this is a good show, somehow it was unreal to me.  Then I thought of all the normal activities most people engaged in ~ playing electronic games, watching entertaining TV shows, shopping for fun, etc.  Now the whole world looked unreal ~ it's the real world looking unreal.  I think it's because after you get to know Christ, you find out what truth is and what real living is all about.  Anything you do that does not advance you spiritually seems to be more or less a waste of time.  This is where that "unreal" feeling came from. 

God Be Our Only Focus

        To love God, we must focus upon him alone and not get sidetracked by or become attached to anything along the way.  As St. John of the Cross said, if a beautiful statue or image draws us to the Lord, we must never become attracted to it and lose sight of the Lord it represents.  On a pilgrimage, even if I witness a miracle, I should not let it distract me from my concentration on the Lord.  We are to zero in on him alone, the Lord of all.    

Friday, April 8, 2011

Conflicting Feelings

        When I was about to receive Holy Communion this morning, I felt that it was just too overwhelming to receive the Lord daily for a wretched sinner like me, then I also felt that he would not mind entering me again because of my love and yearning for him.  He won out.