"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, February 11, 2023

****Understand Our Plight**

        To know God is not easy, for the world has a big advantage over the Lord. We live in a material world we are in immediate contact with thru our senses, so we experience and are influenced by it at all times. Going along with the world is easy like going downhill. Then there are times we do get weary of it—this is when God calls you. But to know God we need to find solitude, open up our heart, and make the effort to talk to him. As a result, we do not approach him unless some misfortune or tragedy befalls us or we have sinned to the point that our conscience starts to bother us. Of course, once you know the Lord well, the bond you have formed with him should be strong enough to overcome all your attachment to the world. You are finally set free. Now that you know the whole process, it's time to choose to let God lead you all the way to eternal bliss. The going may seem uphill, but the reward is incomparable! (I say "seem" because God can actually make everything virtually effortless.)

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