To be saved is one thing; you believe in Christ and you are saved. To be holy is another matter because it involves surrendering yourself to him. If you wish to go straight to heaven after you die, then you must become holy. Seeking to attain union with God through the Holy Eucharist is the way to go. All it needs is your total submission to him. To be a mediocre disciple is easy, but the Lord deserves that we become outstanding and topnotch, for he did command his disciples to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. A tall order for us, but God always makes things easy for us when we go along with him.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
***Listening to God's Word
This is today's first reading from Isaiah 55—Thus says the LORD: Just as from the heavens the rain and snow come down and do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, giving seed to the one who sows and bread to the one who eats, so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it. So we are to let the word of the Lord make us fertile and fruitful so that we may do his will, achieving the end for which he has intended. To reject the Lord's word is to thwart his intention and thereby a serious sin.
Monday, February 27, 2023
**God, Marvelous Creator
February is coming to an end and spring still more than three weeks away. It's still quite cold outside. Yet as I drove home after Mass this morning, I saw some flowering trees already in full bloom and other deciduous ones showing off their new buds. God has created them without a brain, a heart, nor a conscience, yet they "know" that spring is near and it's time to grow afresh again. It makes me marvel at God's creative power and happy that he has created me.
*Aging Grace
The older we get, the less able we are to do things for ourselves. This is a good thing because now we just have to trust in God more.
**Logical, Sane Response
Today's Communion antiphon from Matthew 25: Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of my brethren, you did it for me, says the Lord. Come, you blessed of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. The Lord has always existed and we were created by him at some point after the founding of the world, and he has a great plan prepared for each of us. It seems clear that accepting him as our Lord and obeying him in all things is our only sane and logical response to him.
*****Big Secret of Following God*****
Do not chase after the Lord; just relax and totally let him lead you. That is, you give the Lord total freedom to draw you to him.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
*Living a Good Disciplined Life
A short inspiring talk by Deacon Issac Longworth. Most of us don't belong to the clergy, but we can also live a good disciplined life like Dn. Issac here.
***First Things First***
Saturday, February 25, 2023
**Sweet Seconds*
Every second spent with Christ the Lord is a sweet second. The worldwide life expectancy is now over 73. If you live to 73, you will have lived over 2.3 billion seconds, and that can be a lot of sweet seconds.
***Devil's Channel***
Our ego is the channel the Devil uses to speak to us. To safeguard your soul, starve your ego until you become selfless and humble. And God will exalt you then.
**A Blessing
The more you sense God's awesome holiness, the more you realize how wretched a sinner you are. This is a blessing, for it's the Lord calling.
***Our Most Serious Problem***
It's with our sin, for sin can destroy our souls. And Christ is the only one who can free us from sin. That's why we need to surrender ourselves to him. This is how we can be saved! The absolute simple truth.
*****Forever witn God
With God, everything is forever. He will always love us. If we love him, we need to love him forever. He wants to save us to be with him forever. And we can be truly happy only if we can be happy forever. Everything works out beautifully if we stick with our God, the God of Christ.
***Why Christ Keeps Calling Us***
You'll hear Jesus calling you at all times if you tune in to him. His only reason: He wants you to get to heaven to be with him forever! The absolute truth.
You'll hear Jesus calling you at all times if you tune in to him. His only reason: He wants you to get to heaven to be with him forever! The absolute truth.
You'll hear Jesus calling you at all times if you tune in to him. His only reason: He wants you to get to heaven to be with him forever! The absolute truth.
***Most Beautiful Act***
In today's Gospel reading from Luke 5, Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs post. He said to him, "Follow me." And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him. We really should follow the Lord's call instantly as Levi did. If we do not leave everything behind when he calls us, we'll have to do it when we leave this world. Then, not only there'll be no merit for us, it can even count against us. Submit ourselves to the Lord, develop a sharp conscience, and obey him the moment he calls—this is what we need to accomplish in this life. Instance obedience is a most beautiful act on our part for the Lord.
**Speeding up Spiritual Growth
This was what we heard rom today's first reading from Isaiah 58: If you hold back your foot on the sabbath from following your own pursuits on my holy day; if you call the sabbath a delight, and the LORD's holy day honorable; if you honor it by not following your ways, seeking your own interests, or speaking with malice—then you shall delight in the LORD.... It dawned on me that if the sabbath is such a special day for the LORD, we can also make it special by trying to be extra holy on that day. This can help speeding up our spiritual progress.
***Cherishing the LORD*
I yearn for the Lord. Even though I don't see him, I hear him speaking to my heart. This is an intimacy I deeply treasure. Hearing his voice just makes my day and draws me deep into him. The Lord is to be cherished and enjoyed thoroughly!
Friday, February 24, 2023
***Simple Ideal Life Plan
Believe in Christ to secure you eternal life first. Always remember that you are heaven-bound. Then follow Christ faithfully. Peace and joy will accompany you the whole time.
***Hope for the Church
The Church is supposed to save the world by proclaiming the gospel to everyone. But the Church today is so divided and causing so much confusion among the faithful that we now need to pray for her salvation. We are truly in some kind of end times. But have no fear, God is testing us. Remain firm in your faith and become holier than ever, and the Lord will purify his Church and restore her to a state more glorious than ever.
**Power of Love and Mercy
Communion experience. Jesus was so overwhelming that I had no choice but to accept everything he had wanted to give me.
*Sin Offends God
When we sin against others, we really sin against God who is most holy and the one who truly loves us and will judge us. Sin truly matters to him. Of course, it matters to us too, but sadly, we are not always aware of that. Nevertheless, we sin only against God and only he can take away our sins. If you are smart, you would want to submit yourself to him now.
***Making Following God Easy
During Lent now, we are reminded to deny ourselves and follow the LORD. This is living to please God alone and not others nor ourselves. Amazingly, this is how we get to experience joy and freedom. It also proves that we are our own stumbling blocks to following God.
**Enjoy God Foremost
Living in the world, we can enjoy the LORD as well as all the good things in life. I've found that with things of the world, I feel best if I don't overload myself with them. For example, if I overeat something that tastes good, I just don't feel that good anymore. And if I watch TV a little too long, even though what I watch is something good and interesting, it just doesn't make me feel any better. So it's best not to let things of the world tie us down to any extent. We should know when enough is enough. With the Lord God, it's just the opposite. We can let him "overload" us as much as he wishes and we'll feel all the more uplifted and upbeat.
**The LORD with Us
I walked into the chapel for Mass this morning and all lights were out; only the candles on the altar stands were burning. I wasn't sure what happened. My thoughts were as long as I know the LORD, it doesn't matter whether I am in darkness or not, for he is my light. Whether I see him or not, he's already in my heart. (All the lights did come back on later.)
Thursday, February 23, 2023
***Too Close for Comfort
We may love to know the Lord, yet we don't want him to get too close to us. With another human being, that may be being prudent and OK, but God is totally trustworthy. So keeping him at a distance is being rude, shows that you don't trust in him all the way, and cuts you off from attaining full union with him. I am sure that if you were in his place, you would be deeply hurt. With God, we should go all out with all our heart, if we ever wish to "capture" all of him.
**Getting to know the Lord
I've beeb looking for a monitor to replace my old one that has stopped working. And there are tons of information on choosing the right monitor online. The more you learn about it, the more questions you have. I really don't enjoy going down a rabbit hole like that. Then I thought of the Lord. Even though he is infinite, you can get to know himself thoroughly, for the path that leads to him is straight and clearly marked. You'll find him as he is and the journey is a delight.
*****Thanks Be to God***
Communion experience. It's the Lord God coming down from heaven to give me this heavenly bread, which is himself, to consume. Receiving it once is blessing enough, yet I have received it innumerable times and am receiving it now daily. I am dumbfounded that he should love and favor me this much. There's no way I can thank him enough. The best and least I can do is to always do his will. And I know that he'd be pleased. Bless my Lord now and forever!
**Be Awake, Not Just Aware
Also in today's Gospel reading from Luke 9, Jesus asked, "What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?" We all know the right answer to that question, yet so many of us still remain deeply attached to the world. I suppose we can be aware of a truth but still not awake to it. A tug of war is going on between God and the world over our souls. It behooves us to choose sides wisely and early.
**God Does It All*
In today's Gospel reading from Luke 9, Jesus said to all, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." The picture I see is little me carrying a tiny cross, following the Lord with his big cross. As I follow along, I realize that he's caryimg me with my cross as well. Following the Lord is letting him carry you!
**Alone with God, Not Alone
First thought this morning. I am not alone! For the Lord is with me—he watches over me; he knows all my intentions, and he hears me when my heart speaks to him. It's impossible for me to ever feel lonely!
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
**Reluctance and Willingness
We are always the ones reluctant to let God love us, whereas God is always willing to save us from sin. When you are willing to embrace God, you are like the prodigal son returning to his father. The whole heaven rejoices and you are an instant celebrity.
****Being Marked by God
Today we all received ash in the form of a cross on the forehead. It's a beautiful mark to remind us that we are but dust, and to dust we shall return. To the faithful, I also see that God has marked them as ones chosen to inherit eternal life! From dust to becoming eternal sons and daughters of the heavenly Father, that's truly an amazing metamorphosis!
***Best Healing Experience!***
Communion experience. Christ is he one who can shake up, enter, purify, and heal my soul! I love it! Lord, now I can truly thank you from my soul.
***Living in Secret, the Secret***
In the Gospel reading from Matthew 6 today, Jesus said to his disciples: "Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father." The Lord wants us to live our lives in secret, hidden from others. This is living for God alone! This is being truly humble and liberated from yourself!
***Ash Wednesday Hope*
Today is Ash Wednesday. In the first reading from Joel 2, the LORD calls the people to return to him with their whole heart, with fasting. and weeping, and mourning. We weep and mourn because we have sinned against the Lord. But we can also rejoice and celebrate because the Lord is also our Savior! To those who believe and follow him, he promises that he will wipe every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain (Revelation 21: 4).
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
**Advice to Married Couples
Union between two human beings can never match our union with God who alone is perfect. True, on earth there are happy marriages and not-so-happy ones. Always remember that in Mark 10, Jesus said that in marriage, the man and the woman shall become one flesh, and no one must separate what God has joined together. Again in Luke 6:32, Jesus said, "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them." In other words, we must love everyone, our wife or husband included. Learn to love the unlovely and we grow spiritually. The goal is to let the love of God rule in our hearts. And this can best be accomplished through attaining union with God. For in union, you become humble, selfless, and generous like the Lord, thus you will be able to overcome all difficulties in your marriage or elsewhere in your life. The love of God is the most powerful force in our universe. Obey the Lord to become powerful.
*Attaining Freedom in God*
Communion experience. It's by surrendering every bit of yourself to God that you gain total freedom in him! Everything else fades away, the LORD alone looms large. And I got myself totally renewed.
*Overwhelmed by God
My feeling at morning Mass: "My cup overflows." The Lord has filled my life with so many spiritual blessings as well as material things. Who am I that he should care for so much?
**Make It Good Now*
Live every moment for the Lord. Go all out to receive the most from him. Why not? You live only once on earth, so make it good by loving the Lord God, your creator and Father, as much as possible. (Even though you can undo your sins by repenting and asking for forgiveness from God, the damage has been done and you've lost valuable time on earth.)
***Desiring God in Any Manner*
At the current revival meetings happening at various colleges, we see students with outstretched hands raised high, yearning for the LORD or Holy Spirit. This was also what we did in the Catholic Charismatic Movement that began in the 1970s. Then there are always people who don't feel comfortable exhibiting themselves like that. No problem, you can always praise or contemplate the LORD quietly alone in a sitting, kneeling, or prostrate position. In fact, after being an active charismatic for four and a half years, the Lord "quieted me down" and eventually led me to experience the Holy Spirit fully through receiving the Holy Eucharist. The outer exuberance has now been replaced by an even deeper joy and contentment. Anyhow, desiring God in whatever manner is good, exciting, and rewarding.
Monday, February 20, 2023
***I Speak Jesus***
Jesus will indeed set you free if you will let him! Abandon yourself to the world (Satan) and you lose your soul. Abandon yourself to Christ the Lord and you are saved forever. It's that simple.
*****The Great Awakening*****
God not only exists, he is a living God. He not only lives, he is a caring God! We have a God who actually loves us with the greatest possible love—how can we not be moved to tears and rejoice in him for ever?
How do we connect with this God of Christ? We only need to open our hearts to let the Holy Spirit touch us. This is the great sweet awakening! Once you experience the Spirit, you are never the same again. Now you are ready to let the Lord draw you all the way to his bosom. I am speaking the truth, for I experienced all that personally. You see, when you let God lead you, everything becomes sweet and easy! To be lost in Christ is to be free in paradise forever.
The day before yesterday, my post Viva Cristo Rey showed that the students at Asbury College were being awakened by the Holy Spirit. The movement has now spread to other Christian colleges and universities in various states. These students are experiencing this life-changing awakening right now. Praise be to God!
*****Perfect Union*****
Communion experience. The Lord God has made me. When I received Him in the Holy Eucharist, it was a reunion with him since my creation. It was a perfect union! 😇😂
***Mighty Power of Prayer
In today's reading from Mark 9, the father of a boy possessed by a mute spirit first asked Jesus' disciples to drive the demon out, but they were unable to do so. Now he asked Jesus to do it, and the Lord healed the boy. Later his disciples asked him why they could not drive the spirit out, he said to them, "This kind can only come out through prayer." Let's realize that through prayer we can bend God's ear, sway his heart, and have him change our lives and heal the world for us! With prayer we become powerful influencers of God.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
**Don't Lead a Double Life
We often live our lives acting as our own boss most of the time and with God in mind the rest of the time. This is living a double life, whereas we should live 100% for the Lord God. A divided loyalty makes us hypocrites, don't you agree? In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 5, Jesus taught about retaliation and love of enemies to his disciples and concluded, "So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." Hence we should not think, say, or do anything apart from the Lord. The more we abandon ourselves to God, the easier it becomes for us to succeed.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
**God Knows Me
I always feel like a kindergarten kid before the Lord God. Basically, I am a single and forthright person, not good at writing long essays or giving elaborate speeches. I always like to get to the point if I have something to say. So the Lord God simplifies everything for me to understand. The fact that he always gives me clear succinct messages to post shows that he totally knows me. As always, he gives us what best suits us.
**The Warning
Here's Mother Miriam's thoughts of The Final Warning: Are These the End Time? I really liked her last statement at the end.
***All We Need in Life
I just feel that knowing Christ alone is enough. When you have him, you have eternal life that'll keep you satisfied forever.
***Faith, Our Unique Treasure***
In today's first reading of Hebrews 11:1-7, Paul writes about faith. We can have faith in many things, but faith in God is unique and all that matters. We can never believe in other people fully, for they can change; nor can we believe in things, for they all pass away in time. God alone remains the same forever. Believing in the invisible God makes our faith even more meaningful and precious. It is a sign of humility that's most pleasing to him. It is this personal faith that forms the basis of our prayer life. It changes not only our present life, but also our afterlife for all eternity. (A necessary note. Once you believe in this invisible God, the God of Christ, because he truly is God, he becomes more real to you than all the visible people and things— absolutely rewarding!)
Friday, February 17, 2023
***Christ Makes All the Difference
Communion experience. I know that by receiving this bread, I will live forever (John 6:51). It's going to make all the difference in the world to my soul!
**To Get Best Treatment from God
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 8, Jesus made three key statements to the crowd: (1) Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it. (2) What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? (3) Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angel. So we must choose living for ourselves or for Christ. The answer to the question should be a no-brainer. We can't gain the world and have eternal life too. The third statement is good for us to know—the Lord will treat us the same way we treat him, so now we know how to get the best treatment from him.
**Wrong Is Wrong
In Matthew 5:37, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.' Anything more is from the evil one." So if you are wrong, know and admit that you are wrong. The Lord will be most pleased that you show no pride and remain with you.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
**Knowing God by Our Heart
We all have eyes to see and ears to hear, but our heart also has its eyes and ears. Keep using your heart to see and hear from the LORD until you know him totally by heart.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
**Big Folly!*
This is to think that we don't need God or that we know more than God when we don't even know how we came into being.
****Getting into Heaven Relatively Easy**
Before morning Mass began, I was thinking that heaven seemed to be so far away somewhere you don't know where. Then I realized that I'd be there with no sweat because I know Jesus Christ. I used to do a lot of photography and found out that to succeed as an artist, you'd need three ingredients: talent, luck, and connections. I now know that to get into heaven, you'd only need one thing: faith in Christ. And it turns out that Christ's most ardent desire for you is that you get into heaven!
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
*****Why We Stay Away from God
If we know that God is infinite, almighty, our creator, and that he loves us, we have no choice but to trust in, obey, and love him. It's a no-brainer. Yet so many of us don't see it. It must be that they don't really believe that God exists or they simply put off facing him because of their sinfulness. Of these two reasons, I believe that that the first one is less likely and the second one prevalent, for if we have no sin, we would embrace the holy Lord wholeheartedly.
**God Incredibly Kind!***
Today's Communion experience. I receive the Lord and know that he has already taken care of my eternity. More than feeling relieved, I still can't quite get over the fact that the Lord should be so incredibly kind to me.
***Blessed Lightning
Just a few days ago, the Brazilian photographer Fernando Braga shared his image of Christ the Redeemer statue being struck by lightning on Instagram, and it has gone viral. As you know, this is the 98-foot-tall colossal statue that sits atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro. It's considered to be one of the seven wonders of the modern world. Could this event be some kind of an omen? Ten years ago also in February, lightning struck the Vatican and a little over two weeks later, Pope Benedict announced his resignation. Anyway, here's the video posted by Braga on Instagram. (Watch it full-screen best.)
Monday, February 13, 2023
**False Joy
The world is full of it. Just look at the ads, the TV commercials, and the entertainment industry. Leave out the word "joy" and look for falsehood, and you'll find it in the news media, the big corporations, many politicians, many government agencies, and even the churches. The world has lost genuineness and cannot be trusted any more. Only the God of Christ stands alone as our Savior. He's the one who will resolve all our issues and lead all genuine souls to victory in the end.
*****Spicing up Your Spiritual Life*****
Do you know that God can make you as perfect as you want him to? It all depends upon how much you get out of his way. The fact is that there's no limit to how holy you can become. Realizing this can make following Christ truly exciting! By the way, becoming perfect as much as possible before you leave this earth will also provide you with a most smooth transition to life in heaven.
**Restless Wanderers
Today's first reading from Genesis 4 tells us that Eve bore first a son named Cain and then a second one named Abel. Later, Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and resentment. The LORD then punished Cain and told him that he should become a restless wanderer of the earth. This is a good term to describe all evildoers. They wander because they don't know the way and are lost. They are restless because they don't know God and so have no peace. They are the very opposite of the Christians who know where they are going and have inner peace in their hearts.
*Loving God over Repenting Sins*
We need to love God and repent our sins. Of the two, loving God takes priority over repenting our sins, for if you love God, you will automatically want to repent your sins. Conversely, repenting your sins may not mean that you truly love God. Besides, focusing on loving God will also lead you to doing many good deeds.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
***Bonding with God***
When God calls us to follow him, it's our highest calling and a great honor to us. When we submit ourselves willingly to God to do his will from our very heart, it's the most beautiful response we can possibly give that he'll remember forever.
*****To Be Perfect Should Be Easy*****
In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 5:17-37, Jesus gave his disciples many teachings. He said he came to fulfill the law and even "went beyond" the many commandments. They are hard to any average listener, but listen we must, for they come from the LORD. Essentially, he wants us to be perfect in following him. Since he did ask, it must be possible. And if we comply with his will, success is assured. So trust in the LORD, follow his will, and let him make it effortless for you!
***Aiming for Everlasting Life
Another fact we need to be acutely aware is that everything and everyone in this world are passing away! We ourselves are passing away. So there is no point in living for or getting attached to this world at all. We need to seek the LORD who exists forever to let him set us free first, then we can sensibly live our brief lives on this earth in spiritual freedom under his protection. Heaven soon comes next to end our passing away. Live for what passes and we pass with it. Aim for what's everlasting and we become everlasting!
*****Abandonment Our Ultimate Fulfillment*
During morning Mass, for a moment I became aware of my mortality—I could go in a snap of a finger. That was a grace from God to make me see that I am in his hands and I need to abandon myself to him. Now after Mass, I realize that "abandon myself to him" is the consistent message he's been giving me all along. When I cut my finger and had to stop doing some routine things, he wanted me to abandon myself to him. When someone misunderstood me for something I'd said and rebuked me, he wanted me to offer up my sorrow to him. Anytime something went wrong, the same message. So always go to the Lord to seek refuge in him. Live, suffer, and rejoice with him as one. There is nothing more beautiful nor more fulfilling than abandoning ourselves completely to our God.
**Fearing God the Right Away*
To fear God is to be aware that if we sin against him, we can end up in hell. And this makes us want to be holy and blameless before him. There are many among us who seem to have no fear of God at all. They've already been deceived by Satan and are to be pitied the most. Then perhaps they still fear God. But in their case, the fear has made them want to hide or run away from God even more, not knowing that God can actually take away their sins. Nevertheless, pray for them the most.
Saturday, February 11, 2023
****Understand Our Plight**
To know God is not easy, for the world has a big advantage over the Lord. We live in a material world we are in immediate contact with thru our senses, so we experience and are influenced by it at all times. Going along with the world is easy like going downhill. Then there are times we do get weary of it—this is when God calls you. But to know God we need to find solitude, open up our heart, and make the effort to talk to him. As a result, we do not approach him unless some misfortune or tragedy befalls us or we have sinned to the point that our conscience starts to bother us. Of course, once you know the Lord well, the bond you have formed with him should be strong enough to overcome all your attachment to the world. You are finally set free. Now that you know the whole process, it's time to choose to let God lead you all the way to eternal bliss. The going may seem uphill, but the reward is incomparable! (I say "seem" because God can actually make everything virtually effortless.)
***Point-of-No-Return Warning***
In these end times, you hear urgent messages from heaven through many seers. Mary our Mother has been been messaging us in profusion. The gist of all these messages is that we must all convert before it's too late, before the point of no return. Hearing such a warning sends chills down my spine, even though I know I'll be OK. I do not wish to scare anyone, but I do want everyone to know that the time now is most urgent and if you do not awaken to the reality of God, time will run out on you when you least expect it. This you can be more sure of than that that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Without faith in God, life is not worth living. The world has not a thing you can depend upon for long. Christ is our only hope, for you can only get to heaven thru him. He is our only light. Without him, we would end up in darkness for all eternity. There is so much more I can say, but it won't do any good if your heart is closed. I am just lighting up a little candle, hoping that it can help you see that the Christ is the way. Being the truth, he can set you free and make you whole again and you'll have the best possible time of your whole existence. I am speaking to you straight from my heart with absolutely no guile whatsoever. God bless you.
**Our Greatest News
From today's first reading from Genesis 3, we heard how Adam and Eve committed the original sin and the Lord punished them. But, have no worry, Christ our Savior has come and is with us. He will restore us to our pristine state if we follow him. This is our greatest news, worthy for us to rejoice about all our lives.
**Another Good Question to Ask
We can know God only via the heart. When the Lord looks at us, he sees what dwells in our hearts first. When he speaks to us, he always speaks from his heart. So the question for us is "Do we do everything from our hearts?" We should always mean what we do and do what we mean without duplicity.
**Good Question to All Catholics*
Today it's also the optional memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. In 1858, Mother Mary appeared to the fourteen-year-old French peasant girl Bernadette Soubirous (now St. Bernadete) at Lourdes fifteen times and totally changed her life. My question to all Catholics, myself included, is this: Now that you have received the Lord in the Holy Eucharist more than 15, 150, or perhaps even 1500 times, how much has he changed your life?
***Sign You're Becoming a Saint*
There are moments in which we are totally immersed in God's presence and moments in which we are totally immersed in the affairs of the world or our own doings. As we let God draw us closer to him, the former increase, while the latter decrease. Once you have become aware of God's constant presence and start immersing yourself totally in it at all times, you are becoming a saint.
Friday, February 10, 2023
**Completely Satisfied with God
Communion experience. The Lord has completely fulfilled me. It's such a good feeling to be able to trust the Lord with my soul.
***How God Has Made Us**
One will never be completely happy until he has submitted himself completely to God. This is how he has made us, proving that he loves us.
***Biggest Losers
They are the evildoers. They have lost their minds, not knowing right from wrong. They are to be pitied for they are on the way to self-destruction.
****Get This Blessing****
Blessed are you who open wide to the Lord. For now the almighty God is free to enter you to mold and shape you to his heart's content. The result will be a most beautiful you, a delight to him.
***Power of Jesus' Words
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 7, people brought to Jesus a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man's ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, "Be opened!" And immediately the man's ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly. Jesus' words are most powerful! Another instance: In Mark 4, Jesus said to the stormy sea, "Quiet! Be still!" The wind ceased and there was great calm. Whatever he says to us, we'd better believe. Jesus says in John 6.51: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world." You'd better believe it too!
**Eternal Life Awaiting
First thought at Mass. I already possess my God, my greatest love, so I have reached a conclusion in this life. From now on, it's continuing journeying toward the eternal Father who is waiting for me.
**Expecting Great Happenings
I've been asking all the saints and angels in heaven to intercede for me, so I am expecting great things to happen in my lifetime. I am totally in the Lord's hands now.
**Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall, Updated
On July 2. 2020, I posted the documentary Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall. It was in Spanish with English subtitles. I have just replaced it with the new version dubbed in English. If you are interested in watching it, just go here.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
***Prophecies Being Fulfilled!
This is an hour-long video. I am posting it because amazingly, some of the Garabandal prophecies have been or are being fulfilled right now. This is not the time to remain complacent anymore. It's time to believe in the Lord more than ever! You don't ever want time to run out on you!
*Jesus' Rest for Us
Communion experience. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." Today I experienced that rest in the Lord. It's the you-are-home feeling.
**Faith and Trust Most Beautiful*
In the Gospels, those who had great faith in Christ just went to him, fell at his feet, and asked for healing for themselves or a loved one, and he always healed them because of their faith. In today's Gospel reading from Mark 7, Jesus healed the daughter of a Greek woman unseen. It's just so beautiful to see that anyone would believe in the Lord to be his or her only sure hope, go to him, fall at this feet, and beg for his mercy. This is recognizing that the Lord is God and that he deserves our total trust.
**How God Calls Us*
When Jesus calls us, he simply lets us hear the truth. He does not coerce us in any way whatsoever; we have the free will to accept or reject him. It's our choice. If we accept him, faith is born. I have totally accepted him and I feel totally free with him. This is the beauty of his calling.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
*****God's Unimaginable Love!**
God's love for us is so great that it's impossible for our finite mind to grasp or conceive. I believe that if we can experience it for just a second on earth, we'll want to accept and follow him as our Lord God and Savior forever. He is always much, much greater than you think in every way! Make sure that when you enter your next life, you'll be surprised and amazed (not shocked).
***Our Ultimate Will*
Today my TV remote stopped working. I knew that the two AAA batteries were probably dead. If I change them, it should work again. I changed them and it indeed worked again. By doing my will, I accomplished something. Then I see that there's the will of God, the ultimate will. I instinctively know that this is the will to follow if we wish to accomplish anything good. Going against it can well lead us to death for all eternity.
***Becoming Anew in the LORD God*
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 7, Jesus said to his disciples, "What comes out of the man, that is what defiles him. From within the man, from his heart, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile." Thus, to be holy, we need to give our heart to the LORD God to be cleansed and filled with the Holy Spirit. This is how we become anew in God.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
***A Secret Truth to Be Revealed****
Total submission to the God of Christ instantly liberates your spirit and restores your inner peace, for you are now with God.
*****Only if We Can Be Aware*****
In today's first reading from Genesis 1, we heard about the last three days of God's creation. On the 6th day before he rested, he created us, male and female, in his divine image. Later, man disobeyed him and became sinners. Finally, out of pure love for us, the Lord God gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life (John 3:16). If we can truly be aware of what God our Father has done for us, we would want to ask for his pardon and mercy and gratefully submit ourselves to him completely.
Monday, February 6, 2023
***Our Duty and Our Honor***
Today's Communion antiphon, Luke 22: 28-32. It is you who have stood by me in my trials; and I confer a kingdom on you, says the Lord, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom. "Stand by the Lord in his trials," "Stand by him at all times," this is our calling, what we should do, and it's most consoling to him and most rewarding for us.
**God on My Side
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 6, as soon as Jesus and his disciples arrived at Gennesaret, people recognized him and began to bring in the sick wherever he was. They laid them in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed. I felt elated that this amazing Lord is on my side.
***God Truly Awesome***
The first 19 verses of Genesis made up today's first reading at Mass. It tells the first four days of God's creation of our universe. The LORD's mightiness awed me more than ever. The scientists can explain all they want how the universe was formed, but they can never explain how all the matters involved at the beginning came into being in the firs place. I find God's creation of all things logical, satisfactory, and most beautiful. To understand all things, we need to go to the Creator to find the answers. I'd ask the Lord to help us understand ourselves foremost. Then ask for great faith in him.
**Sin Likened to Physical Injury
Yesterday I couldn't find my house key after searching for it for quite a while, so I thought it might have accidentally fallen into the kitchen garbage. I started to look through it and got my right hand middle finger tip cut by the sharp edge of a metal can top that had been discarded. It wasn't a deep cut, but it did bleed quite a bit and disabled the use of that finger. Until it's healed, I won't be able to wash dishes, exercise with weights, or playing the piano. Then I see that committing a sin is like cutting yourself like that—it disables you from getting into heaven. In order to be able to do all the physical work, we need to recover from the injury first. Likewise, to get into heaven, we must have our sin(s) removed first. Of course, it's best that we don't get ourselves injured physically and we don't sin at all.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
**Call to Be Outstanding
In today's Gospel reading from Mark 5, Jesus tells his disciples as salt of the earth to not lose its taste and as the light of the world to shine before others that they may glorify the heavenly Father. So let's hear him and be outstanding as his followers.
**Sad State of the World
Since conversion refers to conversion of one's innermost self, God speaks to us via the heart. Even though the Lord is always calling us, most people just don't hear him because the world has already gotten their attention and turned them into spiritual zombies. Perhaps they will awaken at the hour of their death. This is the present state of our world.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
***Receiving Power from the Lord
Communion experience. When you receive the Lord with all you heart, all your mind, and all your soul, you receive power directly from him to overcome evil and to do his will! A great triumphant feeling.
***Preparing for Judgment*
We are all sinners and live a holy life or a not-so-holy one. And none of us can escape judgment by God after we die or at his Second Coming. In other words, our judgment is imminent. Christ had told us 2,000 years back to remain vigilant and be prepared always. We are on our own; but if we are with him, we'll never be lost and alone again. Today's reading of Psalm 23 at Mass shows how beautiful it is to live in the LORD. I'll reproduce it below for your edification.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose. Beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. He guides me in right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage. You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come.
Friday, February 3, 2023
**A Sin of Omission*
Communion time thoughts. We worship the Lord and he lets us consume his own body and blood—this absolutely raises our intimate relationship with him to an extraordinary level. If we receive him and not ask him to make us holier, we would be committing a sin of omission.
***Most Beautiful Heartfelt Prayer***
When the Apostle Thomas saw the resurrected Jesus, he finally believed and said to him, "My Lord and my God!" It was a conclusion and declaration coming straight from the heart and soul. You can't get more beautiful than that. And it is now my favorite prayer.
**How We Should See Death
A glass of water may be seen as half empty or half full. So death can be seen as the end of this life or the beginning of a new glorious life in God. Knowing that God will resurrect us one day further helps us see death in a different light. To die once to live forever is definitely worth it.
**Important Truth to Realize
I hope we all see it. That is, our world will not get better the slightest until more people turn to God and repent of our sins.
***Best Blessing to Ask For
If you ask God to bless you, what do you really want from him? To give you good health? To keep your family safe? To save your crop? The blessing to please him and profit you also the most is actually to ask him to make you holy.
**Made for God*
I am amazed that when you truly turn to God and open yourself up to him, he makes you see all your faults clearly. There is something here. It's like he is a light that's able to expose all your imperfections. Then you realize that it shouldn't be surprising, for after all, he's your creator. All I can say is that we are truly made for God. In that case, he can make us perfect for sure if we let him.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
**Consequences of Our Doings*
What others do to us on earth affects our subconscious and shapes our dreams in sleep. What we do to others on earth affects our soul and shapes our entire afterlife.
***The Lord Is the Holy Spirit
Communion experience. I received the Lord into me and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
**Presenting Ourselves to God*
Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. When Simeon, to whom the Holy Spirit had revealed that he should not see death before he had seen he Christ of the Lord, saw the child Jesus at the temple, he took him into his arms and blessed God, saying: "Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation . . . ." We, who have not seen but have already known Christ and even received him in the Holy Eucharist, we should be ready to go to our Master in peace at any time.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
***Trusting Alone Not Good Enough
Some people say that they trust in God, so they are not too concerned about how bad the world is becoming. This attitude sounds admirable, but is it good enough? God wants us to trust in him, but he also wants us to respond to what he calls us to do. In our troubled times, the Lord wants us to pray and fast extra had so that we can mitigate any impending chastisement and avert another world war. The salvation of the the world is more urgent than ever. How many of us do heed this calling seriously can make a huge difference. So trust alone is not enough; we need to trust and act as we are called.
**Heed Your Spiritual Needs
We have physical needs to be fulfilled in this world, but we also have spiritual needs only God can satisfy. So if you don't even think about God much, then you must have become mired in this material world. It's time to wake up and reorient your life.
**Essential for Spiritual Growth**
God is best enjoyed after you've received the Holy Eucharist at Mass. I am blessed to be able to attend daily Mass at a small chapel at a seminary. Today there were I think eight attendees. After Mass, five left early, so only I and two others remained. Silence reigned and I was able to concentrate fully upon the Lord, meditating, praying, and talking to him from my heart. That was absolutely the best time I had with the Lord today. Spending time with the Lord in solitude is essential for spiritual growth.
**Humbling Experience
Communion experience. The Lord came down from heaven, changed the bread into his own body so that I might receive him to become one with him. That was absolutely humbling and I was most grateful!
***God's Perfect Love
God's love for us is so powerful that it can form the strongest possible bond between him and us. Once we are bonded with him thru this love, we are transformed. Now we are empowered to love others selflessly and do great works for him fearlessly.
***Right Way Dealing with Sin***
God can surely take care of our sins. We repent and he takes them away. This part is easy. The hard part is to remain sinless. The wrong way to achieve that is to struggle hard on our own, while the right approach is to surrender ourselves completely to the Lord God to let him make us holy. This is most effective because it's following his will! A big challenge for us for sure, but if we really want to be perfect, it's the only way. Once we break through with the Lord powering us, it becomes easy coasting all the way.