"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

**Old Age Blessing

        When you are young and healthy, there are always things you specifically want to do or accomplish. Once you get older, you realize that your time left in this world is limited and if you already believe in Christ, you question what the point is of doing anything that's going to satisfy just yourself. So you become famous, important, or admirable for a little bit more, will that make you look better before God? The answer is clearly no. In the time you have left, whether you are old or still young, the wise thing to do is to serve the Lord and start storing up you treasure in heaven. Believe me, the inner peace you'll enjoy alone would make it worthwhile. Unfortunately, many of us do not realize this until we are very old or just before we die.

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