"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

*****What It's All About*****

           Three years ago, a Hubble study showed that our universe has trillions of galaxies. Well, that number is truly mind-boggling, but why should we stop there? As far as I am concerned, our universe can be infinitely vast, as our God is an infinite God! It's more logical to say that the universe is infinite than to say that it is finite, as a finite universe would raise even more questions. As I was praying this morning, I sensed the infinite depth of God's love, and that love deserves our total submission to him. It dawned on me like a revelation. We either submit ourselves to the Lord to become one with him or rebel against him to be cast out forever. This is what it's all about! When all the righteous are saved and Satan and all the evil spirits are cast into hell forever, we'll have eternal peace. 

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