"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Total Occupation with God

        When you are in union with the Lord, figuratively you don't see, hear, or feel yourself anymore ~ you see, hear, and feel only him.


  1. How do YOU seek total union with God? Is this the same as total surrender to God?

    1. Total surrender to God is the beginning. The Holy Eucharist facilitates the union. God already knows your desire, so you just remain open and rest in his love, letting him do the work on you to surprise you. Do not get anxious; you must follow God's timetable. Search this blog under "union with God" to read many more posts. To seek union with God is a bold step more exciting to take than setting your foot on the moon. We reach for God and can actually become one with him! May the Holy Spirit lead you all the way in your journey.
