"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Live Every Moment

        In the older days when I was spiritually a lot less mature, I wasn't always happy at my job and felt that I didn't get to do what I really wanted to do in life.  I didn't exactly enjoy getting out of bed every morning to face the day ~ same old routine again!  Looking in the mirror I saw that I was getting older and older.  I asked myself, "What have I accomplished?"  
        Like most people, I lived for certain events.  For example: my upcoming vacation, Super Bowl on TV (for sports fans), the party at a friend's house this weekend, or the break coming up for me to finish making my storage chest.  I just looked forward to such events so much that it seemed that I basically lived for them and filled the in-between spaces with chunks of my tedious life.  I could see that this could go on easily for the rest of my life.  It's clear that this is not the way to live. 
        Now I am happy that with God's help I am living every moment instead of from event to event.  I don't need special events to keep me going; I am resting in God every moment of my life.  I am free to leave this world anytime.  To love and possess God is to be in heaven already.  It's just a matter of (short) time before the real heaven appears.  Events in life offer no hope of any kind; they merely provide temporary escapes.  Living for them is no better than going to a bar to get drunk to forget.  Live for God, the Truth, alone and you will know that you are truly living.
        (My apology for using "I" so many times in this post.)

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