"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, August 28, 2021

***How to Defeat Evil***

        These are evil times for sure. One indication is the number of phone calls I get at home obviously from scammers. Receiving at least half a dozen such calls a day is not uncommon. I believe that most people are aware of the prevalence of evil, but they talk or worry about it, wondering what they can do. I think this is the perfect time for us to wake up spiritually, realizing that only God can help us overcome evil. When Mary in the first video of my last post asks us to settle things as soon as possible, she doesn't mean settling earthly things. Instead she wants us to settle our relationship with God. This is most important. When evil is widespread, it's the perfect time to seek union with God to get our soul secured. When Satan cannot touch our soul, he's already beaten. So, seek refuge in the Lord right now.

Friday, August 27, 2021

***Solving Our Biggest Problem

        The biggest problem mankind must deal with is sin. Since we are all sinners and "love" to sin, this problem is impossible for us to solve on our own. We are always struggling with whether to sin or not to sin. Because of it, the world has become a chaotic, godless "sinhole" which can easily sink our souls. It's obvious that we cannot be truly happy here. The great news is that Christ can get us into heaven when we depart this life, for he created the earth and all of us and is the only one who can take away our sins. When we are freed from sin, we become free indeed.

***A Much Better Choice*

         People put off facing God and focus upon reaping rewards in this life. But it'd be infinitely better for them to get to know God now and be rewarded with eternal life later. 

***To Stand Before the Lord

          What Jesus said in today's Gospel acclamation, Like 21:36, is especially appropriate for us now: "Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man." The tribulations are already here, but we'll still need to stand before Christ one day. And that won't be easy unless we are ready. Actually, the Lord is before us at all times; therefore, the smart move would be to get ready now so that we'll be ready anytime he calls us to stand before him.

***What God Needs from Us

        We hear a lot of horrible news daily. Look at the current Afghanistan situation. What can we ordinary citizens do about it. We can voice our opinions and protest, etc., but evil has infiltrated our government, our Church, and our societies. It all comes down to whether we obey God or not. So the best action we the faithful can take is still to pray extra hard and convert ourselves first, thus lending the Lord maximum support. The Lord needs our allegiance and obedience most of all. To surrender ourselves to him must be our first priority and this is the perfect time to do that when he needs us most. This way, the Lord can make things turn out best for him and all of us. Yes, our faith and trust are crucial to his and our success. 

**Interesting phenomenon

Thursday, August 26, 2021

***Our Greatest Joy

         Looking back on my past, I recall the emergencies, unpleasant situations, stressful times, physical and mental sufferings, etc., which I had gone thru. But since I have finally found Christ to be my dear Lord and God, all those experiences no longer matter. In fact, I am thankful that it was thru them that I was lead to the truth. Once you have the truth, you are so happy that nothing else matters anymore. It's like once you get to heaven, your life on earth, no matter how miserable it might have been, is all forgotten. The eternal God is all we need to have, for he is our greatest joy!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

**Inescapable from God

        It is an inescapable fact that we cannot avoid, hide from, or get away from God ever. His presence is more certain than our own existence, for he created the universe, us, and everything else. Therefore, to live as if God doesn't exist makes you the greatest fool in the whole universe, which is exactly what Satan wants.

***Our Last Times

         In another prophetic message, we are warned that these times thru which we are living will be our last on earth. This adds great urgency to our times now. The time to repent and convert is now, not later! I surely do not wish to be caught unprepared unexpectedly, for the consequences would be unimaginable. God has been so kind and patient. If we get shut out of his kingdom, we have only ourselves to blame.

**Doing It for God

         We do a lot of things to please ourselves, but things don't always turn out the way we'd expected. Then we become unhappy. It can be like that our whole life. Here's the superior way. I see myself as a servant of the Lord, so my duty is to serve him. Even if I must do something that's unpleasant but necessary, I see it as serving him and it becomes easy, and I even feel honored. This way, no matter how things turn out, I retain peace. Of course, the reward you'll receive in the end will literally be out of this world.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

***No Longer Amazed by God

        I already know that God is so great, so loving, and that nothing is impossible for him. To me, it's obvious that no one, nothing, can possibly be more amazing than our God. Therefore, he no longer amazes me.

Monday, August 23, 2021

**How Much Do You Know the Lord?

        John 10:27, today's Gospel acclamation: My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. Of course, following Jesus has to be following him willingly and gladly, not in any way forcing yourself to do it. If that's the case, then you and the Lord know each other well. Otherwise, you don't know him well enough yet. Life is all about how much we and the Lord know each other. Do you know that if you let him know all of you, he reveals all of himself to you too?

Sunday, August 22, 2021

***Rejecting the Greatest Offer

        God has sent his only begotten Son to us to die for us so that we may have eternal life. This is a huge deal. So if we reject the Son, we reject God's love for us, and you can be sure that this would cause serious consequences.

*****The Transformation That Perfects Us

        I attended the 8 AM Mass. Fr. S gave a great uplifting homily. During the liturgy of the Eucharist, the bread and wine were transformed into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I saw that this was the transformation that could perfect our own transformation. Thank you and praise be to you, my Lord and God.

***No. 1 Prayer Request***

        With the world in disarray, the things we need to pray for seem to be endless. Then I heard the Lord asking us to pray for our own submission to him first. If we are still in rebellion and ask him to make the world peaceful for us, he'd be less inclined to take us seriously. But if we are in total union with him, he would fulfill all our desires without our asking. Once we all put our own house in order, there'd be nothing for us to be concerned about. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

***Massive Crime Against Humanity

        I have shown that in this country, since abortion was legalized in 1973, over 60 million babies had been aborted through 2017 (see my video). The US population of 2017 was around 325 million. If there had been no abortion, the population would have exceeded 385 million. Not counting the abortions that took place before legalization, we can say that in 2017 at least close to 16% of the US population never lived to see the daylight (60/385=15.84%). This has to be a massive crime committed against humanity and, of course, God.

**Way to Peace and Joy

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 23, Jesus said to the crowds and disciples, "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted." This great counsel not only shows the way to entering heaven, but also helps me in living my daily life. For example, right now I may get the chance to exhibit my photographs at a museum. (Someone proposed that for me.) That would be nice, giving others the pleasure of looking at some beautiful images. I should feel excited about that, right? Well, not really. If it interferes with my spiritual life and/or get me exalted, it wouldn't be good for me. So I remain calm about the the whole thing. If I don't get that chance, I wouldn't feel disappointed at all. It's in God alone that you find true peace and joy. 

***Rendering Satan Powerless*

        Do you know that you can totally control Satan? If you decide to fight any temptation head-on, believing that you are strong enough, you'll lose. The smart way to beat Satan is to seek refuge in the Lord and Satan won't be able to touch you. God may allow him to attack you to test you, but if you ignore him, you'll be completely safe.