"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Called to Enjoy the Lord

        During Liturgy of the Eucharist at last Friday's Mass, I became acutely aware that the priest was exactly following the instructions of Christ during consecration of the bread and wine.
        When I was about to receive the Eucharist, I knew that the Lord was already in me and I was going to receive him just for the sheer joy of union.  Yes, we are called to enjoy the Lord.

Door to Freedom

        The door to freedom is surrender to God.  Out of pure love, God wants to capture us.  So when we surrender, we perfectly fulfill his will.  And when we perfectly fulfill his will, we become free!          

The Same Love

        God loves us with his pure, holy love.  And because of it, we love him back and others.  It is the same love that originated with God and gets spread around and passed on by his people.  It is this love that makes us become detached to the world.  

Shedding Unwholesome Relationships

        The healthiest wholesome relationship only exists between God and us.  It is based upon agape, the unconditional, unselfish love Jesus has demonstrated by his life and death.  This is the standard by which all other relationships are to be judged.  Too many people are emotionally involved with others (even with their pets or other inanimate objects) in unwholesome ways.  Such unhealthy, improper relationships must be shed if you ever wish to grow holier. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An Announcement & Message

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, the Lord gave some great teaching.  It's about doing good in secret.  "When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing..." pretty much sums it up.  Basically, we are to please God alone and seek his acceptance and approval only.  Humility comes into play again.  The bottom line is that we need to be humble always.
        Due to an important family event scheduled for the weekend, I'll be away for the next four days.  Since blogging depends upon computer accessibility and the Holy Spirit, I do not know when I'll post next.  I know that this blog is not for everyone.  If you are a kindred spirit, you would enjoy reading it.  A nonbeliever may or may not be interested in reading all this spiritual stuff, depending upon where he/she is at on his/her spiritual journey.  If you think that reading these posts would benefit someone spiritually, I hope that you will forward them for the glory of God.  I shall remember you all in my prayers.  God is always present and forever loving us.       

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jesus Heals the Soul

        A thought after Holy Communion.  Many doctors can heal the body, but only Jesus heals the soul. 

Inseparability from the Lord

        The word "inseparable" is extra beautiful when you and Jesus become inseparable.  Today's Communion verse from Psalm 27 partially echoes that sentiment: "One thing I seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life."  When you receive the Lord in Holy Communion, that inseparability is sealed one more time. 

Addressing Jesus

        Suppose you see Jesus today ~ how would you address him?  
        I love the response of Thomas when he finally saw the resurrected Jesus: "My Lord and my God."  Then Peter said to the Lord: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."  I am also deeply moved when I hear the refrain sung in the song You Are My God: "For you are my God.  You alone are my joy; defend me, O Lord."  The melody is beautiful as well.  It just got into my mind this morning that should I see Jesus, I would say to him: "You are the Word of Life." 

Spiritual Progress Measured

        I mentioned once that when I first read the spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis many years ago, I felt uncomfortable because I was still my own man, with not much humility in me.  Now I want to be like Jesus.  I read the book again and loved it ~ a clear sign that I have grown and progressed spiritually.  The Lord has mercifully and graciously nurtured me in all these intervening years.  Cause for rejoicing.

We Need Jesus

        Saw part of "Wild Balkans" on PBS TV.  The sceneries with mountains, lakes, rivers, and colorful trees are just beautiful.  In the vast landscape, I could picture that any one of us in it, if visible, would just appear as a tiny dot, and sensed that this vulnerable creature definitely needed someone greater to rely upon for safety and protection.  And we have Jesus upon whom we can absolutely rely.  More than that, he also shows us the way to eternal happiness, make life full of meaning.     

Monday, June 13, 2011

Looking at Others

        If someone you know irks or bugs you, think of some of the good things or qualities about him/her (if you can't find any, you probably annoy other people too).  Most of all, remember that you are looking at a specimen that's created in the image of God and whom Jesus deeply loves.  

Run Around with Jesus Alone

        There is truth in sayings such as "We are what we think" and "We are what we eat."  It's also true that we are whom we keep company or run around with.  Just look at how kids turn out the way their parents behave.  In general, friends are a big influence upon us.  So, let's keep company or run around with Jesus alone so that we'll be like him.  Our reward will be that we become truthful to ourselves, enjoying interior peace and freedom.  

Holy Eucharist, Awesome Gift

        Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, a day to begin a new spiritual life.  I asked the Holy Spirit to renew me once more, this time catching whatever needed to be renewed.  
        Today after I received Holy Communion at Mass, it was clear to me that if the consecrated bread and wine are truly the body and blood of Christ in substance, then without a question he must be divine.  This was an intuitive understanding.  On top of this, I was also receiving the soul and divinity of Christ as well, since they cannot be separated from his body and blood.  It's just awesome, awesome, awesome!         

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What Total Giving Deserves

        Caught part of Scott Hahn's talk on Our Father's Plan on EWTN.  Again, I was reminded of the total giving from Jesus.  He offered himself on the cross for our salvation and gave us the Holy Eucharist, his true Body and Blood, for our sustenance.  This total giving deserves nothing short of total acceptance.  It calls for total union with God.  

The Christian Walk

        Today's Gospel reading comes from John 21.  When Peter asked Jesus what's going to happen to John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, Jesus essentially told Peter to mind his own business and follow him.  Indeed, our business is to just follow Jesus only and not get curious about others' businesses.  Not even concerns about ourselves!  Just follow the Lord single-mindedly and we'll always be heading in the right direction.  The opposite way is to wander off on our own and risk getting lost totally. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

How to Make What You Do Beautiful

        No matter what you do, if you  do it for the glory of God with love, the act becomes beautiful.  That's why everything Jesus did on earth was beautiful.  Heaven is beautiful because all who are up there glorify God, doing his will.

Ideal Match-up

        I was thinking about relationship this morning.  We all like to have friends who unconditionally love us, always understand and support us, and are most patient with us.  The only one that fits the bill is the Lord our God.  On the other hand, having made us to understand his love, God needs us to love him and spread his love around the world.  Thus, we have an ideal match-up here.  Let's work to establish this close relationship in this life, the only chance we've got.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Praying More Personally

        The Lord dwells within us.  I just feel so much more personal when I pray to the Father or Jesus or the Holy Spirit right within me.  (I don't even have to step outside.)