"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Quality over Quantity

        In serving God, it's best to do everything with care and love than trying to do too much.  If you try to do too many things, it could become self-serving and you risk getting burned or stressed out.  Since we are supposed to serve God in all the things we do, the principle then applies to doing anything.  (If someone asks you to do something that's not necessarily pleasant but would be helpful to someone, consider bypassing that person and doing it for God and you'll feel a lot better.)  

Dependence upon God

        This morning on my way to Mass, I came to sense my total dependence upon God.  If he does not sustain me by keeping my heart beating and my lungs pumping, I would be dead right now.  Everything I depend upon for my living, health, enjoyment, intellectual and spiritual growths ~ all come from God.  If he hadn't planted the thoughts I am expressing right now in my mind, I wouldn't have anything to enter today.  My eternal destiny depends upon the Lord.  This dependency is a fact, whether we are aware of it or not.  Believers, being little branches, receive further nourishment directly from Christ the vine.                  
        Once we realize the existence of this dependency, trust follows.  We now know that God is always there to support us, catch our fall, and keep us in his love without fail.      

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Martha & Mary

        Today's reading from the Gospel is taken from Luke.  Jesus was welcomed by Martha.  Her sister Mary just sat beside Jesus at his feet listening to him speak.  Martha, burdened with much serving, complained to Jesus that Mary wasn't helping her.  Jesus pointed out to her that "Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her."
        The Lord made it clear that we need to spend time listening to him.  Since he is not physically present today, we need to do it through prayer.  Of course, there are many other things to take care of.  As long as we aim to please God by doing everything with our best effort and love, we are turning our doings into prayers.  This makes "praying unceasingly" possible.       

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pieces Fit Together

        (1) Jesus as God showed what the Father is like.  (2) Jesus as man showed what we should be like.  (3) Jesus asked us to be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect.
        So, imitate Jesus.

Being Hypocritical

        If we know what the word "lord" means, and we address Jesus as Lord but do not listen to him, then we are being hypocritical.        

Thursday, July 15, 2010

No Time to Waste

        Obviously, God has a plan for each one of us.  Sometimes we think that God is not leading us anywhere because nothing "spectacular" is happening.  Well, maybe God just wants us to remain unknown and hidden.  We must be patient and wait for the Lord to lead us.  If we rush ahead, we'll end up wasting more time, and time is limited in our life.  By the way, the saints regard patience as a sign of holiness. 
        In today's society, we're easily conditioned to go, go, go, so we don't hear God speak and his plan for us is set back.  "No time to waste" doesn't mean that we hurry to do all kinds of things; it simply means we must seek and do God's will in the short lifetime we have.     

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Looking Good

        For many, to look good before others is very important.  They spend much time looking at themselves in the mirror, keeping up with the latest fashion, shopping for name brands, etc.  If we are to live a balanced life, we should at least be equally concerned about "looking good" before God too.  

Another Paradox

        I posted two paradoxes on Dec. 2 last year.  Here's another beautiful one based upon Matthew 11, 25:  
        The more you believe like a mere child, the more God reveals to you what has been hidden from the learned and the clever.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We Are Naked!

        We don't like to appear naked before other people for various reasons.  But before God, we are always naked, for there's nothing we can hide from him ~ he sees everything in our heart, our mind, and our soul.  What we should make sure is that there is nothing in us that will make us feel, to put it mildly, embarrassed before the Lord. 

Monday, July 12, 2010

On Abortion

        Abortion is a heavy topic.  Let's first talk about the claim that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body.  Is this really a right?  The child conceived in the mother's womb is a separate being residing temporarily in the mother's body, not a part of it.  This fact invalidates the claim of having such a "right."  Let's now say that the child in the womb is indeed a part of the mother's body, then abortion becomes the mutilation of one's own body.  This the law must not allow, just as we have the seat-belt fastening law to prevent injury to the body of the motorist.
        Having an abortion is like dropping the bomb from the air ~ when you don't see what really takes place at the other end, it's not that hard to go through.  If God had made the body transparent so that the mother could see exactly what happens to the baby during the abortion process, I doubt if there would be many abortions performed.
        I believe that many of the pro-choice people really haven't thought about the issue yet.  When you hear that a woman shouldn't be told what to do, that sounds pretty "right."  Once at a photo workshop, I met a man who told the group that he just couldn't believe that his own mother was pro-life, holding such an outmoded view.  There are people who really don't see that abortion is murder.  (I myself once thought that divorce was fine.  What's wrong when two people couldn't get along and break up?  I was young and idealistic, loved to go against the conventional ways to show my progressiveness.)  So education is needed.
        One friend I had, a very nice person, held a high position in Planned Parenthood at the time.  We talked about abortion a little bit.  My parting remark to her was that anyone who has experienced the love of God would never consider abortion as an option.  Let's pray for this love to touch all on the other side so that they may see the truth.                 

Seeking Praise

        Jesus told his disciples that after having done all they have been commanded to do, say, "We are useless servants.  We have done no more than our duty." (Luke 17).  We are to be content after serving the Lord and not to seek his praise.  
        Nor should we seek human praise, for it can inflate our ego and set us further back on your spiritual journey.  Honors, popularity, fame... ~ all these things do not make it easier for us to get to heaven.  
        Again, quoting St. Therese, "All is vanity except loving and serving God alone."

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Be like the Willow

        Watch a willow tree in a breeze ~ its pliable, hanging branches just swing and sway as the breeze wishes.  When the Holy Spirit prompts us like a breeze, let's be as pliable as those willow branches.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


        Went to vigil Mass today.  When I heard "this is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" proclaimed, I felt tremendous gratitude.  In life we are grateful for the many things others do for us, but the Lord taking away our sins ~ that's in a totally different league, for it affects our eternal destiny.  If sins are not taken away, forget about a smooth journey to heaven.  When I realized this, I was deeply moved by God's generosity and love.

Who Gets Saved?

        Recently, a renowned Protestant minister announced that only those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior will be saved ~ all others are doomed.  If God is really like that, I would be horrified.  And if this minister really believes this way, then he should spend every moment of his life informing all in the world about it, because any nonbeliever he misses is going to hell due to his laxity. 
        I don't believe that it's all black-and-white like that.  God's mercy is infinite.  If someone has never heard of Christ, do you think that our God would condemn him or her to hell for that?  (I do not recall Jesus ever saying something like "If you have not heard of me, you will not have eternal life.")  There are also those who have heard the good news preached to them but still honestly have not come to the point of believing yet.  Are they doomed too?  I have personal non-Christian friends who are kind and more loving than a lot of Christians ~ what about them?  Would God prefer a bad person who had accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour at one time over a super-good non-Christian?? 
        All I believe is that God is merciful and just and it's not our business to proclaim who gets saved and who doesn't.  Often the last shall be first.  If a great sinner ends up ahead of me in line for heaven, praise God.  I believe only those who outright reject Jesus as Lord and Saviour will be doomed. 
        A footnote.  When sinners of all stripes and colors get saved due to God's mercy, the Catholic teaching of the existence of purgatory makes perfect sense.   

How to Love God More

        I remember way back when I belonged to a different parish, one lady took one of her friends to Mass regularly, hoping to get her to return to the Church.  At one time I learned from this friend that no one was going to take her to the next Sunday Mass, I volunteered to drive her.  Later when the other lady found out about it, she was not happy because she thought I was trying to snatch her "catch" from her.  Another lady was in charge of buying books for the parish library.  When I told the pastor that I knew of some good books, he asked me to buy them.  Again, the lady in charge found out and was upset, because she felt that I had done something she alone was supposed to do.  Another example in the same category ~  someone heading a certain parish ministry wants to control everything.  
        It's easy to forget that we are supposed to serve God and not ourselves.  Wouldn't it be great if each one of us wishes that everyone else will love God a thousand times more than we love God?   

To Change or Not?

        Some people are not happy with the way they are, yet they refuse to change. One particular person always says that she can't change because God has made her that way.  Well, what can you say?  
        Clear thinking is required.  It's not how God has made you that's important (by the way, God does not make junk); it's what he wants you to turn into that matters. 

Friday, July 9, 2010

On Obeying God

        I remember that when my grandmother was upset for some reason, she wished that she'd die, and all the grandkids who loved her would say "no, no, no ~ please don't die!"   When Jesus revealed that he was going to be put to death, Peter reacted the same way like us and the Lord rebuked him for expressing what Satan wished.  Wow!  Even if it's God's will to do himself harm, we are not to stand in the way.  It just shows how we must absolutely obey God, once we recognize his will.  There are times we must go against our grain, common sense, or feelings; but if it's clearly doing God's will, we must ask no questions.              

Ego Cure

        As one grows spiritually, one must guard against spiritual pride.  This is the remnant ego surfacing.  I picture the ego as a hot-air balloon.  As soon as I see it rising, I ask the Holy Spirit to pop it with the tip of his cleansing and purifying sword right away.  This mental imaging helps.  Of course, to uproot the ego completely, I need to become totally humble.  Humility and meekness are more powerful than arrogance and haughtiness.