"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, August 23, 2024

*Regret upon Leaving the World

         I think mine will be having sinned against God and not loved him enough.

***God's Undeniable Existence (What We Need to Do)*

        The Lord God has done so many wonderful things as God, creation of the universe filled with infinite galaxies and our plant earth with plentiful things for us to live on and enjoy. We mustn't forget ourselves, marvelously created in every way. It is he who keeps us alive every moment. Last, never forget the sending of his own Son to us to free us from sin. The list of wonders is endless. His existence, power, and love are overwhelmingly present, yet many are blinded by pride and remain lost. It's so one-sided and unjust. This clearly reveals the existence of that underlying war between God and Satan with both aiming at capturing our souls. And we cannot afford sitting idly by without choosing sides and joining in the fight.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

***Holy Greed*

        When God is blessing you directly or through someone like a priest, and you are completely open and receptive, nothing can stop that blessing from coming to you. Of course, yourself can ask God to bless you too. But in all cases, be sure that you are in a state of grace first. Then ask for all the blessings you want. that would glorify God. This will definitely heighten and excite you spiritual life.

**Best Place to Be In*

        Communion experience. To be in union with the Lord is better than being anywhere else. 

**Shocking Reality?

        Today's Gospel reading was the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew 22. Jesus' conclusion after telling the parable was "Many are invited, but few are chosen." I show it in red because it's a pretty shocking statement. I've always prayed that God would save all souls. Perhaps now I should pray specifically that all those who are called would respond favorably and be chosen. 

**Defeating Our Biggest Enemy

        Sin is the biggest enemy of our life. As sinners, we struggle against it our whole life. Now, if you repent your sins to Christ and ask him to forgive you, he takes them all away and you are set free! Really, no problem is too big for him, our Lord and our God. So wise up please.

***Joy of Being New*

         Today's is the Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We celebrate New Year because it gives us hope that we'll have a better year. Anything new makes us feel good. Do you realize that when you yourself become new, it's even more exciting? Every time we receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist, he heals our soul—it's like we have a brand new soul again. In today's Reading 1 from Ezekiel 36, we heard that the Lord could give us a new heart and place a new spirit within us. It has to be the best feeling when we have a new heart, a new soul, and a new spirit all at once. God can make all things new, so let him make us new too!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

*****My Blunt Loving Warning*****

        I am coming right to the point. If you definitely believe that there is life after death, then live every moment for Christ now, for this will produce the happiest result! If you believe that there'll be nothing after you die, then by all means do whatever you want now and I guarantee that you'll have a miserable life in this world and a much worse one later for all eternity, mind you.

***Amazing Love***

        Today I am amazed that I (along with innumerable others) can fall head over heels in love with Jesus, a man who was crucified on a cross. This is something we can mull over our whole lifetime. 

*****The PERFECT Meeting*

        Communion experience. Receiving the Lord in the Eucharist is a perfect meeting. It's perfect because there is no better way of meeting the Lord in this life. At this meeting, you and the Lord enter full union with each other, fulfilling each other's desires! It's reaching the ultimate point of your life.

*****What Life Is All About***

        In view of all the extraordinary benefits of surrendering to God I listed in the last post, I can also come up with a list of horrible disadvantages of rebelling against God. It's so very clear that life is all about whether we obey God now or not. We cannot ignore this criterion, for it will be used by the Lord at judgment time! I am reminding all now so that you may all pass this critical test when the time comes.

***Extraordinary Benefits of Surrendering to God***

        (1) You solve the whole mystery of your existence! When you and God reconcile, you restore your relationship with him and the entire heaven rejoices! (2) You experience freedom, peace, and joy; you are now worry-free. (3) You enjoy God's holy presence at all times. (4) You fall deeply in love with the Lord, knowing that you are a brand new creature. (5) In union with him, sin becomes absolutely repugnant. (6) Death is no longer fearful. (7) You never feel lonely and is always full of hope. (8) You now love and never hate anyone. (9) Talking to the Lord is a joy. (10) Hearing his voice is even more satisfying.

**Be Happy and Big-Hearted

        Today's Gospel reading was the Parable of the Workers of the Vineyard. At the end of the day, the landowner paid all the workers the same daily wage, irrespective of how many hours they had worked. Obviously, this made those who were hired first or earlier unhappy. The owner said to to them, "My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what is yours and go. What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?" Jesus added, "Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last." My interpretation on this is that if we all get to heaven, be happy, for there's no point of minding that some had lived a more sinful life than you?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


        This is my second realization today. There is only one true God, the God of Christ, and he is all love. To live on forever, we only need to possess this love. Nothing else matters! This is the love that sets us free and enables us to attain union with our God. I have just given you the best possible news for your existence!

**Let the Transformation Begin*

         Today is the Memorial of Saint Bernard, Abbott and Doctor of the Church. After hearing Reading 1 from Ezekiel, this thought entered my mind: We are not God, but the Lord can make us become like him—this is enlightening, inspiring, and most exciting! So abandon yourself to the Lord and let the transformation begin.

Monday, August 19, 2024

***A Beautiful Prayer***

        Communion time thoughts. When you are ready to receive Christ in the Eucharist, it is the perfect time to surrender yourself to him completely. This results in a permanent union with God forever. This act of giving oneself to God is in itself a beautiful prayer, for it embodies perfect obedience to the Lord.  

***The Next Level

        The Gospel reading came from Matthew 19. A young man approached Jesus and said, "Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?" He answered him, "If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." The young man said to him, "All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?" Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." We see that keeping the commandments is just getting started. To proceed beyond that toward perfection, We must actively do more. Again, seeking to attain union with God thru the Holy Eucharist is the direct way aimed at attaining perfection. 

**God Makes All Things Simple for Us

        Today's response from Deuteronomy 32:You have forgotten God who gave you birth. We didn't just happen to appear on earth; we were created by God! This knowledge or awareness can make a huge difference in our outlook. It relates us instantly to the Lord; all that's left for us to do is to believe in him.