"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

****Know Yourself First****

         How pure are your motives? I start to question myself because I realize that I like different people for different reasons. We tend to like people who are pleasing to us. Then I like one person others don't like too much, and realize that it's because I want to feel that I am more loving than others—not a pure motive. Pure love is blind! Now, if you'd look deep into your own heart with complete honesty, you can learn a lot about yourself. This can be an enlightening, satisfying, and even exhilarating experience! (I'd like to do this after Mass in solitude under the Lord's watchful eyes, for he can make me see things difficult for me to see on my own.) Understanding yourself is liberating and always a joy, and most of all it unites you close to God.

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