"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, June 3, 2024

***Beware of Prophecies***

        Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 that many false prophets would arise and deceive many. Today in what I believe to be end times, we have prophets galore. On YouTube alone you find all kinds of signs, miracles, apparitions, warnings, etc., reported or presented. To me, a true prophecy deserves to be presented accurately and clearly with all the detailed information on where, how, and when it came about. Looking at these videos on YouTube is like looking at a Hollywood production. You see special effects and hear dramatic music. The thumbnail usually shows a made-up fake image with a clickbait title or description which often is not even mentioned in the video. Sometimes it also shows the picture of a well-known Catholic religious figure just to lend credibility. The image of any sign or miracle presented is always fuzzy or somewhat dubious. Some weeks ago, some videos reported that Virgin Mary would appear atop the Statue of Liberty on June 1, just two days ago, according to Vicka, one major Medjugorje seer. The thumbnail showed such an image as if it had already happened. So far I haven't heard that it had. So this false reporting's can potentially ruin the credibility of all those alleged Marian apparitions that began in Medjugorje. What bothers me is that there are prophets who advise us to eat special foods, keep certain objects in the house, and even not to go out on a certain day during certain hours. To me, to be ready spiritually is of foremost importance, not performing certain specific little things. The best policy is to stick to the Church-approved prophecies, even though the Church doesn't require us to believe in them either. Put your trust in Christ and you can't go wrong.

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