"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Sunday, May 19, 2024

*****Ther Holy Spirit Is Real!

        Today is Pentecost Sunday. It's good to recap again my experience with the Holy Spirit. We must go back almost half a century to the 1970s, the heyday of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement. I got involved in it because I was searching for the Holy Spirit. We were told that after confirmation the Hoy Spirit dwells within you, but how do I know if I didn't feel anything different? All members of the Renewal Movement had the choice to take the Life in the Spirit Seminar. After seven sessions, the whole group prayed over you for the release of the Spirit. I must say that in every case I saw, including my own, you develop a terrific desire to know the Lord who became alive in the Gospels. Praying to God became super easy and a joy at any time. Different people also received special gifts. One person found that his addiction to watching all the ballgames on TV was cured. I experienced a bubbling exuberance in my upper body for about three and a half months nonstop. At the first Charismatic Mass I attended, I received the gift of tears which made me cry tears of joy the entire time. The zeal for Christ I felt in my heart has only increased over these last five decades. God the Holy Spirit is real! Do not neglect to praise and pray to him!

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