"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, April 1, 2024

*****What the Church Needs to Do Pronto

        On Easter Sunday, the church was extra packed at all Masses. Many Catholics who didn't attend Mass regularly showed up—they were not really Catholics anymore. I have no idea as to how many of them received Communion. As you know, if you receive the Lord not in a state of grace, you commit another mortal sin. Possibly, some of those lapsed Catholics might not even realize that. Anyway, I believe it's super important for the sake of not offending Christ our Lord to let all know of the requirements for receiving the Holy Eucharist at the beginning of each Mass even if there were only one person present who needs to be informed. Since surveys have shown that a great percentage of Catholics no longer believe in the real presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, this is a crisis so urgent that we must solve without delay. To me, this is even more fundamental than stopping abortion or human trafficking. Without this belief, there would be no Church! And this should also be mentioned as one of the requirements for receiving the Lord. If we do nothing to stop people offending our Lord, we'll have to answer to him for this grave negligence! 

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