"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

***A Life Passing By

        I am already at a ripe old age, so I think I am qualified to describe what living a typical life in a country like the USA is like. Take a typical person who lives to about eighty. Of course, in the early years, you are just discovering the world and learning about it. Then you go to school, studying all the common secular subjects. Say you do get thru college. Now you concentrate on getting a good job. Your whole aim is to make a lot of money. As time passes, you work hard to realize you dreams. You might have already become a Christian by then, but Christ is just not you top interest. When you approach sixty, you either continue to pursue material success or start thinking about retirement. In the meantime, various health issues start popping up and finally, you start thinking about God and your own inevitable demise more. But the attachment to the material world is still strong and you face fighting a tough battle. You still decide to enjoy this world as much as possible in the time you've left, whereas abandoning yourself more to God is more appropriate. Really, the best way to live is to follow Christ first and only as early as possible, then you'll become detached to all material things. When death approaches, you look forward to meeting Christ your Savior and returning to the heavenly Father in peace and with joy. Heaven is now assured.

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