"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

***To Experience God's Wonders

        I believe I posted about this before, but it's worth sharing one more time. If you are in tune with the Lord, you experience wonders. "To be in tune with" is "to be totally open to." One example to illustrate what I mean. You may be familiar with the phenomenon of being slain in the Holy Spirit. That is, when you are blessed by a spirit-filled priest, you fall to the ground and experience great peace. It's as if the Holy Spirit had kissed you. I had experienced this quite a number of times. You just have to be totally receptive and open. I still remember the time a holy priest came to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Sacramento, Ca, close to where I lived. He blessed all present with a piece of wood from the cross on which Jesus was crucified, and we all collapsed to the floor. Since you must leave space for others, you got up within a minute or so. Otherwise, you probably could remain in that peaceful state for a long time. Anyway, there's one time I went up to be blessed by a priest and didn't fall like the others. That's when I had a littler bit of extraneous thoughts on my mind and wasn't 100% in tune with the Lord. The lesson I learned was that God knows everything about us and we must be totally in peace with him to experience his wonders.

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