"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Simplified Approach to God

        I tend to see things in their simplified state. I am also a relatively short-winded person. Once I attended a piano workshop on preventing hand injury. As I recall, the entire set of 30+ videos on this method was available for $800. After listening to lectures with demonstration on the piano and watching many videos that weekend, I could summarize the essence of the method in three sentences. Similarly, when it comes to seeking union with God, you can take lessons, courses, or workshops that involve spiritual reading and exercises, learning how to pray, etc. ~ such formation process could take years. What if I am illiterate? What if I don't have access to all the information? Certainly, God wouldn't exclude me from seeking union with him. Again, I see how to achieve the goal the simple way. You surrender to God, put you trust in him, and let him draw you into union with him. God already knows what you desire; total abandonment in him is the only act you need to perform. 

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