"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Sunday, January 23, 2022

**Why Spread the Gospel?

         There are those around the globe who do not know Christ through no fault of their own, but are good people—they may still be saved through God's mercy. Then why do we still need to spread the gospel? We do it for these reasons. (1) Before his Ascension, Christ commanded his Apostles to go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. (2) Truth deserves to be made known to all. (3) Even though those who do not know the gospel may be saved, they do not have the assurance. Knowing and believing in it makes it certain that you will have eternal life in heaven. This is the crowning trademark of Christianity.

**Dealing with Temptation*

        If we pray the Our Father and ask him not to lead us into temptation, we must learn to turn away from temptation the instant we sense its presence. As starving the ego is the best way to eradicate the ego, escaping from temptation is the best way to overcome temptation. It is to be nipped in the bud fast. If you have a pretty good conscience, a one-second delay can cost you many days without inner peace. Temptation is worse than quicksand or plague, for it can lead to spiritual death. 

***Our Only Business

        We need to see all others as our loving Father sees them. He loves them all and wishes them to be saved from eternal damnation. If we go against his will, then we really do not love him, and we become no different from those we dislike, despise, or hate. Our only business is to learn to be like our merciful Father.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

*Price Christ's Disciples Pay

       Today is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection for Unborn Children. Legalizing abortion is the greatest sin of this nation. We need to repent and try to correct this grave wrong before asking for God's blessings. Allowing the murder of the defenseless, innocent unborn shows the extent to which evil has entrapped this country. We are in an emergency right now.
        The Gospel reading today from Mark 3 consists of only two verses: Jesus came home with his disciples. Again the crowd gathered, making it impossible for them to eat. When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." For any of us who are zealous in following Christ, be prepared that others, often our relatives, may think that we are out of our mind. For we are not of the world anymore. This is the price we pay as his disciples, and what we gain is great joy now and forever.

**Two Truths We Face*

        Today I see these truths. (1) Since we have inherited the original sin, we are somewhat like wild animals that need to be tamed; and to let God love us is exactly what we need and can transform us. (2) We wonder what life is all about: Christ turns out to be our test. Whether life is meaningful or not depends entirely upon whether we accept him as our Savior or not.

Friday, January 21, 2022

**Sane View on End of the World

         Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries is a spirit-filled person who loves the Lord, not one of those self-proclaimed prophets. And I value his views. Here's an interview with him on the end of the world. After I watched it, I rejoiced that I actually know Christ the Lord God and creator of the universe personally and most intimately. The incredible is now totally credible!

**What's Truly Impressive

        Here is a video showing the new art museum named M+ Museum which just opened in Hong Kong last November. It took 10 years to build and is spectacular and most impressive. For many, it'd be an exciting place to visit. But I doubt if a project like this would draw people closer to God or help them get to heaven. I thought of Mother Teresa of Calcutta (now Saint Teresa) who went to India to care for the poorest and the dying. Her work impresses me more than any mega-project the world has built. All that glitters is usually empty.

**Praying Properly*

         Since God always looks into the heart, we should love him with all our heart and pray to him with all our heart too. We can rush through a prayer to fulfill our obligation, say it lukewarmly, or take our time and pray with utmost sincerity, meaning every word we say. I believe that the last way mentioned is most proper and will work wonders. Surely God is to be taken seriously, and you reap what you sow.

***Baptism of Jesus Christ

        I love the first Luminous Mystery of the Holy Rosary, Baptism of the Lord. Here is a cool new video to watch:

Thursday, January 20, 2022

**Living for Christ

        This is to do everything for his sake, under his guidance and relying totally upon his power. It's the Lord doing all his work through you. You are getting ready to serve him in heaven. It's living in his love. 

**Think like God Foremost

        In Matthew 16, when Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, the scribes, and be killed, Peter rebuked him, "God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you." He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do."
        Peter spoke out of good will like a normal person, yet Satan was behind it. Imagine how much worse a situation an evildoer who knowingly serves Satan would be in. We must not only be good, but also think as God does. Again, attaining union with the Lord is the way to go.

*One More Reason We Need God

        We are finite. We may have strong faith, but when we are tested, we may still experience anxiety, fear, uncertainty, insecurity, etc. Not so with the infinite God who knows exactly what he's doing. Realizing our imperfections and limitations, all the more we need an all-perfect and omnipotent God to rely upon.

**Sin and Inner Peace

        If you don't have your sins removed, you'll never experience God's peace. That's how God has made us. Carry on as if you were OK, and you only fool yourself. God loves the genuine you, not the fake one. 

***To Jesus Through Mary

        To those who hesitate to face the Lord God directly for whatever reason, I suggest that you approach Mary our Holy Mother first. We all need a truly loving mother and she is it. A mother good enough for Christ is surely good enough for us. She is instantly available to guide you, assist you, and protect you. Once you get in touch with her, she will always lead you to her divine Son, for that is her mission. She is our best ally.

***The Reality of Christ

        This morning my wife got up at 5 a.m. because she had to leave for another city to take care some things. I got up an hour later and it was still dark outside. With no one around, the house was completely silent. Sitting alone in my bedroom, I could almost hear my own blood circulating through my body. I instantly sensed the presence and reality of Christ. He is the unavoidable and indispensable one to all of us, always watching over me. And he is also the one to ensure that I'll be clean and blameless when I return to him.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

***Top Choice for Us

        I am interested in music and photography, so I consider myself an artistic person. To be an accomplished artist, craftsman, computer person, etc., you need to work hard to learn and practice as much as possible. Then I thought of becoming a saint. All you need to do is surrender yourself to God and let him do all the work. It's a lot more exhilarating and enjoyable. This should be everyone's top choice, for the benefits you'll receive will be phenomenal and out of this world. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

**We Are Key Players

        In bringing order to the universe, do you know that we are the key players? We can end the war between God and Satan. We can be in total harmony with God and let him restore peace and order in the universe and in our hearts. Or we can remain rebellious, creating chaos, and end up destroying our own souls.

**Glad God Looks into the Heart

        Today's first reading comes from 1 Samuel 16 in which the Lord sent Samuel to Bethlehem to choose a new king for Israel. He instructed him not to judge from the appearance, for God does not see as man sees—the Lord looks into the heart. I rejoice that our God can see everything in our hearts. This is such a great consolation, for if no one knows what's in my heart, I'd absolutely be lost! Because the Lord knows everything, he keeps me on the right track on my return journey to him and sets me free spiritually on earth. 😇