"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

***To Experience God's Wonders

        I believe I posted about this before, but it's worth sharing one more time. If you are in tune with the Lord, you experience wonders. "To be in tune with" is "to be totally open to." One example to illustrate what I mean. You may be familiar with the phenomenon of being slain in the Holy Spirit. That is, when you are blessed by a spirit-filled priest, you fall to the ground and experience great peace. It's as if the Holy Spirit had kissed you. I had experienced this quite a number of times. You just have to be totally receptive and open. I still remember the time a holy priest came to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Sacramento, Ca, close to where I lived. He blessed all present with a piece of wood from the cross on which Jesus was crucified, and we all collapsed to the floor. Since you must leave space for others, you got up within a minute or so. Otherwise, you probably could remain in that peaceful state for a long time. Anyway, there's one time I went up to be blessed by a priest and didn't fall like the others. That's when I had a littler bit of extraneous thoughts on my mind and wasn't 100% in tune with the Lord. The lesson I learned was that God knows everything about us and we must be totally in peace with him to experience his wonders.

**What Makes Me Happy*

        Nothing can make me happier than making God happy, even though I don't always succeed.

Friday, October 8, 2021

***Abortion IS Evil!***

        Life begins at conception, this should be obvious. Anything that grows has life. Even the animals instinctively defend their newborn. Yet many human beings choose to exterminate the unborn. Evil has indeed taken possession of them.

****God's Way to Peace****

        It is significant to me that all the messages coming from heaven to us, whether from God the Father, Jesus, Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, or others, have asked us to continue to hold onto our faith, pray hard, convert ourselves, and do good works. Not once did a message tell us to go out and harm any evildoer. This is in total conformity with how Jesus lived his life on earth. It is clear that God wants us to rely upon him to fight the battle and not do what we feel like doing as human beings. This makes sense, for if we take matters into our own hands, we'll never have peace for long. The world's problem is like our own, which is best solved thru submission to God. Also, his way makes sense and is clearly best if you wish to save as many souls as possible.

***Presenting the True Reality

        Death is not the end, but the beginning. For the Christian, it's the beginning of the sweetest part of their journey and they eagerly look forward to it! Nothing can be happier than being taken care of by your most loving Father and creator for all eternity. This is true fulfillment! God has prepared the way to save us. We believe in the Son, follow him, and we pass the test. Now we are ready to enter heaven. It's all so clear and real. It's just terrible not to see this and be lost forever! But if you hear me, you still have time. May we all know Christ and see the true reality!

**Believing in Jesus' Promises

        Jesus has made many promises to us. His prophecies and many of his teachings are essentially promises. If we believe that he is God, then we must believe in all his promises. And the big promise I firmly believe in is that we will have eternal life if we believe in him. And the evidence for that is overwhelming.  

**Evildoers Are like Goats

        In Matthew 25, Jesus told his disciples, “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." Sheep and goats describe the good people and the bad people, respectively, well. I know a little about them, for I have used both in controlling weeds around my house. Goats are clever, wild, and destructive. They jump over fences, climb trees, and kill plants indiscriminately. They killed the only tree that displayed beautiful yellow leaves in the fall on my property. It was a sizable tree; they just chewed a ring around the trunk and that was it. I felt bad about that. The evildoers are like that. They don't care about others, and do and destroy whatever benefits them.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

*****Best Gift for Us on Earth

         In today's Gospel reading from Luke 11, Jesus said to his disciples, "What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" Obviously, the Holy Spirit is the best gift our Father can give us on earth. Therefore, ask for that from him so that you may become one with the Holy Trinity! 

***Most Fundamental Act

        In my last post, I talked about doing all things for God. What comes before that is even more fundamental. It is that we surrender ourselves completely to God. This forms the basis for doing everything else. If we can do that, we solve our biggest problem with God, will bring peace to the world and eliminate any chastisement coming our way.               

***To Be Great in God's Kingdom***

        Doing one simple little thing for the Lord God means infinitely more to him than doing a million big things for ourselves. So if we can do the million things all for God, imagine how great we will be in his kingdom!***

***Way To Be Perfect

        Obeying God is most important. But since we are human and cannot attain this perfectly, our intention to be totally obedient becomes more important than how perfect we turn out to be. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

**Why I Blog

      I've been told that my messages judge others. All I can say is that they may make some people feel uncomfortable, but God forbid that I should judge anyone. We have only one judge, the Lord God. I am merely a lowly servant spreading the gospel. I do it out of pure love for him and for all. I speak what I believe to be the truth, nothing more. Any reader is free to accept or dismiss what I say. I only wish the best for all.
        I've also been let known that what's coming from me might not be the truth, for it might not have come from the Lord. Sorry I can't prove to you in any way that it's from him, but I can say that everything I say is scripture based, not something I've made up. In fact, I never have to think about what to post next; the thoughts are just there in my heart and I experience great peace. If you want to hear from Jesus only, then there'd be no point in listening to any human speakers, saints included, anymore. That leaves reading the Gospels only to hear from Jesus. Then again, Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John only reported what they heard from or about Jesus. Open wide your heart to the Lord so that you may discern whether any message is from him or not.
        May God bless all of you, especially in turbulent times such as ours now.

**Trust in God's Love Only . . .

for no human being can love as perfectly as he loves. 

***Focusing on Jesus Alone

        To know Jesus, I have always advocated going to him directly, for this is the fast and effective way to get to know him. There is another reason for doing it this way. Many people seek signs and miracles in looking for God, but there are dangers here. First, signs and miracles can become their main focus instead of the Lord. Also, the Devil can produce deceptive signs and miracles to confuse you too. I would think of Jesus as the greatest of all signs or miracles. Go to him and ignore everything else would be fine.

**A Spiritual Breakthrough

        If you can realize your own ugly sinfulness and then see the truly beautiful holiness of the perfect God, you will want the Lord to bring you into his light to be transformed by him. It's like you were in darkness and discovered daylight, and you just want to enter that light to be able to see all the beautiful things.    

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

***Our Biggest Concern

        The Devil is already evil; you can't change that. And God will totally take care of him in the end. Besides, if we are with God, he cannot possibly hurt us. Our biggest concern is about ourselves. For we can obey God, even become saints, and be saved forever or, if we do not watch out, stray away from God, and become lost forever. The plan for our salvation has already been worked out by God and offered to us, so we only need to accept that while we are still alive on earth.

***Central Truth Revealed

      Look at Almighty God with his infinite power, he remains meek and humble. He never rushes to judge us. He wants to give us all the possible chances we can have to get ourselves saved. He respects us and pities those who need mercy. Then look at ourselves. What a contrast! We who need to be saved ourselves judge others, condemn others, and look down on many without any pity. Shame on us. The only cure for us is to surrender ourselves to God. I am revealing or reiterating this central truth for all to see and embrace. If you still don't want to hear it, I can only pray for you, but know that your own prayer here will always be most effective. 

***Live for Eternity

        You can watch the volcanic eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands, live now on YouTube. The power and force are spectacular and awesome. The sight made me think of God, evil, heaven, hell, and the fragility of life. Even though Canary Islands are over 5,700 miles away from where I am, disasters of such magnitude can happen here too. It'll be foolish to live as if I am not going to die. So wake up! In a fire like the one on La Palma right now, we'd be totally consumed in a second. Live for eternity and you'll have eternal life. Live for now and that's all the life you are going to get.