"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

****God's Constant Presence

        We live as if God is absent or not aware of what we are doing. The fact is that even if we don't see him or sense his presence, he is right present and knows each one of us to the most minute detail, more than we know ourselves. For example, we might have forgotten some of the sins we have committed, but not the Lord. I hope that once we realize his is all-knowing and always present, we will refrain from sinning so freely.

Monday, September 20, 2021

*Budapest Eucharistic Procession

        Another clip from EWTN showing the recent Eucharistic procession held in Budapest. It seems that Hungary is stilled a blessed country.   

*A Humble Request*

         If reading this blog does mean something to you, then I hope that you'll let as many people know about it as possible. This is not to make me popular; it's to glorify God. If each of you can glorify God a million times more than I can, I would be overjoyed being the least effective servant. I know that this blog is not for everyone. If it were, it would have gone viral a long time ago. If you have considered or are considering attaining union with God, then he has indeed called you. The first step is always the hardest one to make, then God makes every next step easier and easier. Once you take off, your spirit will soar with his effortlessly in total freedom. Life is short, but never too short for achieving union with God. Besides, your desire to be one with him is exactly what he loves to hear from you and shall unquestionably fulfill! (Do God's will always and your life will be a great success.)

**Prayer Demands Submission to God*

        When we pray the Our Father, the Rosary, or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, every time we say "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death," and "For the sake of his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world," we should surrender ourselves to God. Otherwise, we just say the words in vain.

**Solving the Puzzle of Life

        If life were a jigsaw puzzle, then Jesus is that last missing piece we need to solve the puzzle. Without him, life remains incomplete. 

**Test of Our Pride

        Psalms 145:8, The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. Indeed, God is  infinitely patient. If he weren't, we would have been wiped out by him a long time ago. Being human with pride and ego, we had always expected that our Savior would be someone like a king or military leader on our side and come and wipe out all our enemies so we would become powerful in this world. We never would have imagined that God could turn out to be humble and meek and be purely love to save all of us. This is one reason we find it hard to accept and believe in him. The test is whether we would realize our sinfulness, swallow our pride, and admit that we indeed need salvation from him.

****Something You Must Know*

        Never forget that we are mortal; only God is everlasting. But we can become everlasting like God if we love him as our Father. This is an irrefutable fact and you don't want to bet your soul against it!

**Our Best Preparation Now

        A true Christian lets the love of Christ rule over him. It's this love that motivates him to think, speak, and act like the Lord. He remains in union with him thru the Holy Eucharist. This is our best possible preparation on earth before meeting the Lord in person.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

**Sure Way of Entering Heaven

         I live in California and Interstate 80 is the major highway connecting San Francisco and New York City. To go to NYC, I only need to get on I-80 about 5 miles from here and head east. When I-80 ends, I'll be just 4 miles from the city. To go to heaven, I know I only need to believe in and follow Jesus and one day soon, I'll be there with him. I don't even need a car. Unliking driving, the trip will be absolutely safe and direct. And heaven is a lot cleaner and more fun than NYC.

***Greatest Unseen Miracle

        Today's Communion experience. When the bread and wine were consecrated and became the body and blood of the Lord, it was the greatest invisible miracle. Believing in that just makes your faith extra special.

**Enjoying Freedom in the Lord

        In today's Gospel reading from Mark 9, Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all." So serve the Lord single-heartedly and think not about yourself at all. 

**Fear of Facing Reality*

        Good and evil are real. So is spiritual warfare. God wants you to follow him, while Satan wants you to follow yourself. This is not difficult to see. If you don't want to think about it, that's because you've chosen to follow yourself and want to remain so.

****Church Doesn't See End Times

         Many of us sense that we are near or in end times. There is a plethora of signs and prophetic messages coming to us from heaven. The urgent call to prayer and conversion you just don't hear coming from the official Church with the exception of Archbishop Vigano and a few other good bishops I know of in this country. The handful of brave priests who spoke up all got cancelled by their bishops. At most parish churches, social events are held as usual as if nothing is going wrong. It's been like this ever since things started going bad decades ago. It is very sad to see evil getting the upper hand all around the globe. We reap what we sow, and if we do not change, what we are going to reap won't be nice. Watch Fr. Mark Goring's video here about Catholicism being watered down. 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

**Feeling of Freedom

         Trust in God completely with total absence of your own ego and you'll feel the freedom in the Lord.

***Prayer Power

           In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said to the disciples, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Again, in Luke 17:6, he said to the apostles, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you." Of course, what's commanded to take place here is all done through God. It just shows the great power we have in making God do things for us. Have faith and trust in God is what we need to know and practice. 

***Our Perfect Model

        Reading about Jesus in the Gospels, you see that he was perfectly obedient to the Father, did everything selflessly with love, practiced everything he preached, and always spoke the truth forthrightly. Forget that he is also God, as a human being alone he is worthy of our respect and admiration, one for us to imitate and learn from. Add the fact he is our Savior and he becomes indispensable for me to know and embrace.

Friday, September 17, 2021

***Wonderful Things Happen . . .***

when you and God are one, on the same wave length, in perfect harmony. (This is just a periodic reminder.) 

*God's Good Feeling

         When you want to be good or do something good, you feel good. This is God's doing. Imagine how good you will feel when you become one with him.