"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

***Praying to Be Holy First!

        As long as we pray only for others, but not for ourselves to be holy, we'll never have true peace in the world! For peace must first start within our hearts and only being holy can bring us inner peace. If sinfulness is our first order of business, then holiness must be too.

God All-Knowing

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 4, people were astonished that Jesus spoke with authority and power. Even the best politicians or most learned pundits today stumble or make gaffes under questioning, but no one was ever able to trip, trick, or stymy the Lord, for he knows everything!

Absolute Fool

        In reading 1 from 1 Thessalonians 5 today, Paul wrote that the day of the Lord would come like a thief at night. Jesus himself said that of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angles of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone; and that we must be prepared, for at an hour we do not expect, he will come. Therefore, anyone who spends time trying to figure out when the Lord will come instead of staying alert and sober has to be an absolute fool, and there has been no shortage of them.

*Alone Before God

        We stand before the Lord alone. Even if someone has caused you to sin, you are still at fault. Playing the blame game doesn't work here. Just know that no one, with the possible exception of the Blessed Mother, can help you at judgment time.

Pity Our Faith!

        At this moment, the US East Coast is bracing itself for the arrival of Hurricane Dorian which had just pounded the Bahamas. In Mark 4, we read how Jesus calmed a storm at sea. He rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Quiet! Be still!" The wind ceased and there was great calm. If the Lord can totally command the wind and calm the sea, then we must see Hurricane Dorian as an intended sign for us. God is always telling us something; we are the ones who have no faith.

Monday, September 2, 2019

*Fundamental Motivation

        We love our family or good friends, that's because they are close to us and we know them well. But the fundamental motivation for loving them should be because God loves them. With this motivation, we'll be able to love those not close or even obnoxious to us, strangers, and even our enemies. Aim to please God alone and we can accomplish the impossible. Open up to let the Lord do great works through us.

***Sensing God's Presence

        It would be difficult to live a good spiritual life if you do not sense God's presence. Even a single brief encounter with God can make a difference. Catholics do have the advantage of receiving the Holy Eucharist, but the key requisite is that you remain open to the Lord. If you do, he will enter, as he is always knocking on the door of your heart. If you go all out to seek union with God, then in time he will let you know of his presence within you without the slightest doubt. Christ now becomes more real than anyone you can see or touch! As I've said, God is to be experienced, enjoyed, and savored. 

*All in God's Hands

        Yesterday the Lord popped one thought into my mind before Mass and nine more during Mass for me to blog. Today there has been only one so far, which shows that all is in God's hands, exactly what I want to post about. Since all is in God's hands, I realize that my future is in his hands too. Therefore, I must obey the Lord to insure that I shall have a bright future. Also, it would be stupid and a waste of time for me to go out and do whatever I wish to do, ignoring God's will. Knowing that you are in God's hands behooves you to live in his holy presence. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

***Living the Superior Spiritual Life***

        If you do not seek union with God and want to be holy, you have a ton of things to remember to follow . . . do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that . . . the list is endless. But if you seek and attain union with God, there is not one thing to remember, let alone struggle against. For now the Lord God does all the work for you, in you, and through you; you just keep him company.

***Freedom of the Soul

        Communion experience. I relish and cherish the Lord entering me. It's so good to live in my God and Father and not care about what the world thinks of me. This is what freedom is all about! It's freedom of the soul.

***Get Personal with God*

        Always go directly to God or at least to him first if you are still going to other human beings, for he is instantly accessible. Once you have established intimate contact with him, you hear and learn directly from him. This is the fast track that will save you so much time and effort in your quest for the Lord because it is exactly how you seek union with him.  

*Only Influence We Need

        Our feelings are greatly affected by what we encounter. We become unhappy when bad things happen to us. If we can only let God influence us, we can be sure that we'll always be happy, for God will shape us to become like him in dealing with problems and God can surely handle anything. I can testify to you that his theory has been proven experimentally to be correct time and again. 

*Contagious Holiness

        Do you know that sensing the awesome holiness of the Lord God can inspire you to become holy? Holiness is not a disease, but shall we say that it is also contagious? Therefore, meditate upon God's holiness to get inspired. I suppose this would be difficult for those who are deep in sin to respond. It only shows all the more that they need to become holy. 

**Side Benefit of Doing God's Will*

        The joy of knowing that you are pleasing the Lord. When you make God happy, how can you  possibly not feel happy? Another secret of happiness.

**Simple and Powerful Way to Live*

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 14, we learn from Jesus that everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted. What shall we do? My personal solution is to remain in union with God and not even be concerned about ourselves. A simple and most powerful way to live our life.

Food for the Soul

        We need to hear the words of Jesus spoken to us, for our soul needs to be fed and nourished. They are as important to the soul as food is to our body.

***What Catholics Need know Urgently!

        Number one is to know the Lord thoroughly. Seeking union with God is essential. Number two is to know their faith thoroughly, especially as regards the significance of the Holy Eucharist. Here the Church bears the full responsibility of teaching the faithful. 

*The Only One Trustworthy*

        When I accepted a job offer which I thought was the best one for me, it did not turn out that way. Last year I picked a painter among several to paint my house, I wished that I had picked a different contractor. I can say that anytime we make a choice in this life, we are taking a chance. But there is one exception! Choose Christ the Lord and you'll never be disappointed, for he is the only one who will not ever let you down.