"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, June 21, 2019

Holy Spirit Our Prompter

        Whenever your ego motivates you to do something, you may feel good momentarily, but you will not experience true peace in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit prompt you to do everything, and you'll feel good and also experience peace. So get to know the Holy Spirit well first.

*State of the Soul

        Have you ever opened yourself up to let God reveal the state of your soul to you yet? When you submit yourself to him, you are letting him in to reveal himself to you and to help you understand yourself. This is something everyone of us should do before we die. When you see your own soul in God's light, it's time to ask for its healing. Once the soul is made whole, you are ready to live your Christian life to the fullest.

*Wise Declarations to Follow

        In today's Gospel's reading from Matthew 19, Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." This is what we need to hear and heed, for we are completely immersed in living on earth and hardly ponder heaven. How about starting out by giving your heart to the Lord? Then he will surely make you understand all his wise counsels.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

***Featuring the One and Only God

        Communion time realization. Christianity is unique in this way. God came to us in person to demonstrate his love for us and to show us how we can be saved forever. Then we can attain union with him, with him residing within us and with us knowing him most intimately. He is for all, yet he also becomes our most personal God. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

**Living Secretly in God

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 6, Jesus taught the people about almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Essentially, we are to give alms, pray, and fast in secret, without any intention to make others notice you. It comes down to that we should do everything for God and not for our own ego. Recognize also the reality that each of us is on his or her own in this universe. When we face the Lord at judgment time, we shall be there alone and all issues will be resolved between us and God. It should be clear that only what we do for God will matter. Therefore, start living for God in secret. By the way, such selfless living will definitely bring you joy and peace.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

**How Good Is Your Life?

        There are people who lament that they do not have a good life. They feel sorry for themselves or complain that life is not fair. Here are my thoughts. If you know that you are returning to God, then you should feel good about your life, for it is your very path to heaven. If you are heading towards hell, then no matter how good you think you life is, it has to be horrible living.  

*Most Personal Bonding

        Communion experience. I actually received the body of my God. Talk about bonding!

***To Have Life Forever!

        To be alive for a limited time definitely cannot be considered as having life. To me, to have truly life is to exist in happiness and contentment forever. Is this even possible? I can answer yes with great joy, for Christ has come to us two thousand years ago to tell us that he is the life and whoever believes in him shall have eternal life! The best part of this is that we'll be happy not just for a century or even a million years, but forever without end, as the God of Christ lives forever without end. Obviously, becoming one with him will without doubt make you live forever.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Joy of Hearing from God

        When God speaks to your heart, it is such a heavenly joy, for you are assured that he is with you, you are with him, he cares for you, and you belong to him. 

*God Most Wonderful!

        Communion experience. This is the Lord who saves and perfects me!

To Live Without Anxiety

        Jesus spoke to his disciples and crowds, taught them many things, performed great miracles before them, etc., and he never ever showed anxiety. He suffered greatly, but always remained in peace. He advised all not to be anxious about anything. By trusting in him and becoming one with him, we can also live without anxiety.

God's Peace and Joy

        The peace and joy we receive from God are beyond human understanding, for they are deposited in our hearts directly by the Lord.

***Secret of Spiritual Attainment

        When we abandon ourselves totally in God, God totally accomplishes all things through us. Again, it comes down to us letting God be our God, with us staying completely out of his way. This is the secret of attaining rapid spiritual growth. 

**Desiring What God Desires

        John 17.20-21: I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us. Here, Jesus prays that we may be one with him and the Father. So if we desire union with God, coinciding with his desire, you can bet that wonderful things shall happen to us within our hearts.

**Key to Preserving Inner Peace

        Anytime we play God, it is certain that we will lose our inner peace. For example, we judge someone and we get upset, forgetting that God is the only one who is qualified to judge us. If we truly love God, we will surrender ourselves to him to let him truly be our Lord. Then nothing will be able to rob us of our inner peace anymore. 

***How God Makes Us Anew

        Today's first thoughts before Mass began. We should think right, speak right, and do our deeds right, then we shall have inner peace. But how do we get there? The Lord showed me that the heart, the brain, and the mouth, apart from the soul, are the operating parts. To start, we must let our soul be healed and made whole – precisely what we ask for before receiving the Lord in the Holy Eucharist and what he grants when we receive this Most Blessed Sacrament. Once the soul is made whole, God can start purifying the heart to take care of our thoughts, words, and deeds. Very cool to see this. You are now made anew from the inside out. During the process, you get to know the Lord most intimately. Such a great joy to let him transform us!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

**Glory to Our God!

            Today is the Solemnity 0f the Most Holy Trinity. We have God the Father who created us and loves us to death. We have God the Son who is our brother, our friend, and our Savior. And we have God the Holy Spirit who teaches us, guides us, and shields us from all evil. We have the perfect Triune God. Hallelujah!  

**Recognizing Our Predicament

        While I was exercising on a tread mill at local gym early this morning, around a dozen or so TV sets were turned on throughout the extensive space. Today being Sunday, there was a preacher preaching to a group of people on one screen, but you must be careful nowadays, for many preachers present their own views, often in disagreement with other preachers. Anyway, all the other secular shows, including commercials on screen, served to draw our attention away from God. Today the academia are mostly secular too. Then Hollywood and the entertainment industries couldn't be further away from God. As for the many politicians today, they are plain anti-God. This world is filled with those in cahoots with Satan, placing all souls, their own included, in great jeopardy. Of course, there is always hope – all it takes is to believe in and follow Jesus, our Savior. But with us full of pride, we become our own stumbling block. I hope that recognizing our predicament can help us overcome ourselves to get on the path of salvation.