"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interacting with the Lord

        I am a finite creature with very limited intelligence and knowledge, whereas the infinite Lord God has unlimited wisdom and knowing. It is his love that bonds us together. I most enjoy interacting with him because I learn and gain so much from him. It's impossible not to become a better and happier person under his influence. Eventually, he raises you to a new height of existence, your heart free of worldly attachments and filled with internal peace. 

9/11 Reflections

        Today is 9/11, a day we can't forget. It's a tragic day that lead to more tragedies worldwide and still continuing to happen. All I can say is that peoples have not truly known God. I doubt that there were many atheists involved in carrying out the terrorist attacks and our counter strikes ~ both sides invoked God and saw the other side as the enemy or evil, but no one really knew the true God as revealed to us through Jesus Christ correctly. They either believed in God falsely or just followed their own will, overriding the Lord's. It's been like that throughout history. Jesus was right when he said that he had come for division (Luke 12). Just be sure that you have the humility and meekness to truly follow God's will.    

Monday, September 10, 2012

Taking Care of the Soul

        The soul is the most important and the only imperishable part of us. If it does not live on forever, then all the talks about heaven, hell, and God break down and our whole life becomes totally meaningless. Anyway, I believe otherwise. Therefore, I want to place my soul in the best possible care. Therefore, I give my soul entirely over to the loving Lord who created it in the first place. As it turns out, he is the only one who takes care of souls. 

Sin & God's Mercy Warnings

          (1) Sin, if ignored, can destroy the soul.
       (2) God's mercy, though infinite, must be claimed when you are still alive before Christ's Second Coming.   

The Spiritual Journey

        The first step of the spiritual journey is the conversion, letting Jesus into your life. The final step is entering heaven to meet the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit plus all the angels and saints. The in-between part of the journey is seeking the beauty of God, celebrating his love, and enjoying union with him. If I may be so considered to be the publicity agent for this journey, then Jesus is your host, the Holy Spirit your guide, and the Father in heaven, both the trip sponsor and your insurance provider. Everyone is welcome to sign up for this once-in-a-lifetime, exciting, life-changing adventure.

Learning to Pray Appropriately

        I pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily. Often I said these prayers first thing in the morning as if I wanted to get them over with. Before morning Mass started today, I saw that it was really a form of anxiety and seriously speaking, I wasn't listening to the Holy Spirit. By listening to him, I knew that I should acknowledge the fact that I was coming before the Lord and should prepare my heart for Mass, not trying to finish the Rosary before Mass began. Even after Mass, I should thank the Lord first before presenting any petitions. In sum, I must pray appropriately at all times ~ another good lesson from the Holy Spirit.   

Let the Lord Do It!

        I am continuing reading Life by St. Teresa of Avila. She has made amply clear that it is the Lord who does everything. The gifts she received, union, ecstasy, levitation... all came from God. Even a lesser gift such as tears we cannot possibly induce by ourselves. When we progress spiritually, it is the Lord shaping us, drawing us to him. Here the secret of attaining rapid progress is revealed. Since we cannot do anything on our own, all we need to do is to remain open and passive and when the Lord sees our desires, he will do the work for us and our progress is assured.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ascension for Us

        As I was praying the second Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the Ascension of Jesus, this morning, he made me see that I should have my ascension too! Of course, I won't have the bodily ascension as the Lord's, but after I die, my soul will ascent to him by his power. Yes, wherever Jesus is, his sheep will be there too because his sheep always follow the master shepherd. Another exciting day for me! 

God Our Most Intimate Companion

        There are people whom I have lived with or known for all my life or all their lives, but I know that we'll never know each other 100%. With God, it's different. He already knows me thoroughly, for he is all-knowing and my creator! How do I know him? He is much easier to know than any other human creature because he is honest, trustworthy, straight forward, and completely open to us. Jesus has come and shown us what the Father is like! Once you know God, you know him all at the most personal level. 

Focusing upon the Lord Always

        Our focus should always be centered upon the Lord. Even when I sin, rather than feeling bad about myself for having offended him, it is much better to realize that the Lord has been hurt by me. In short, think more about God feeling bad and less about me feeling bad. In short, be God-centered and not self-centered. 

On Using Our Time

        A good question. There is so much to seek, explore, wonder, and enjoy in the infinite beauty and everlasting love of God, then why do we waste so much of our precious lifetime bothering with all the ugly, unedifying, even trifling things of the world?   

Peace God Grants

        I believe that one reason why anyone with little faith in God does not have peace in his heart is because he is affected by everything that happens to him. Whereas one who has been drawn close to God is occupied by thoughts of love for the Father, feels the Son in him like a anchor holding him securely in divine love, and has the Holy Spirit screening all incoming thoughts so that nothing disturbing can get through. A blessed state indeed!

Made to Belong to God

      We are not made by God to own anything he has created in this world, since we ourselves are his creatures. It follows that we are made by God to belong to (be owned by) him.  

Only a Two-Way Relationship

        There are really only three possible players in our lives ~ God, us, and all other humans beings. (As for Satan, as long as we are aware of his existence and know God, he may be safely ignored since he just becomes a distraction, a small annoyance at times. He is dangerous only to those who do not believe that he exists.) We must respond to God alone and ignore all other fellow human beings, no matter what they do to us. What I mean is that we still take action following God's will, but we won't let their wrong doings in any way affect our love for God. If someone offends you, it's no different from a tree branch falling accidentally on top of you car ~ he will have to answer to God on his own in the end. You may picture that we are all linked to God upward individually, with no horizontal links between any two fellow human beings ~ a clean and simple image to remember.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lost Souls Abound

        There are so many lost souls nowadays constituting a huge portion of the population of any big city in both the United States and other Western countries. Let's just say that he is male for convenience' sake and I'll provide a description. He does not know the meaning of life and has no one to guide him. He drifts from one day to the next. If he is working, he is not happy in his job. His family does not support or care much about him. Most likely he has financial as well as marriage or girl friend problems. He has no qualms about trying drugs or engaging in sex with others ~ to him it's no different from going to a bar to have a few drinks. And abortion does not bother him either. He thinks like his friends, not knowing that they are as lost as he is. The whole aim is to get out of or forget his own misery with no concern about morals. In a big cosmopolitan city, if there is any opportunity to have some quiet time appropriate for reflection, he mopes in gloom instead of thinking calmly to figure out how he could change and improve his life. Such souls are not inherently wicked ~ they simply are overcome by secular forces and become helpless. Since there are so many millions of them out there, we need to pray hard that they will discover the love of God one day. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Power of Mass

        Today during Mass, drawn by the love of Christ, I yearned to go deeper into him. The Holy Eucharist inspired great reverence ~ I knew that I touched the Most Holy and would not the same anymore!

Abandonment to Freedom

       In today's first reading from 1 Corinthians 4 at morning Mass, St. Paul said that when the Lord comes, he will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will manifest the motives of our hearts, and then everyone will receive praise from God. 
         Anyone who truly trusts in God is not concerned about what is going to happen to him because he has left all in his hands. He is willing to accept whatever God sends his way ~ no questions, no complaints; only total acceptance. He welcomes God to expose all that's hidden in darkness and manifest the motives of his heart, for he knows that whatever he receives will be for the glory of God. When one abandons himself to God, all fears and worries are tossed out as well.

Jesus Is with Us!

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 5, the scribes and Pharisees noticed that the disciples of Jesus did not fast or offer prayers like those of John the Baptist and theirs, but ate and drank. Jesus responded by saying, "Can you make the wedding quests fast while the bridegroom is with them? But the day will come, and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days." 
        Today, I see that the Lord has completed his work of salvation, left us with the great gift of himself, the Holy Eucharist, which can lead us to union with him, and he has sent the Holy Spirit to us, to be with us always; the gospel is still being spread around us. Yes, the bridegroom is with us, more intimately than ever! As his disciple, I too feel upbeat and joyful.