"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All Authority and Power is God's

         In today's Gospel reading from Luke 4, people were astonished at the teaching of Jesus because he spoke with authority.  They were also amazed that with power and authority Jesus commanded unclean spirits.  In the Gospels, we read how the scribes and Pharisees repeatedly tested Jesus, trying to trip him; never once did they succeed.  The all-knowing Lord had all the answers.  He even read people's minds and hearts.  All proofs that he is God.  Yes, he was put to death, but that's what he had willed.  We do go against his will, but that's because he had given us the free will and we misuse it.  All authority and power is his.  Banish all thoughts that we can rebel and come out on top.  Total obedience is the way to go. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

God Our Perfect Answer

        "Do not reply upon anything that's limited, unstable, and transient."  This statement should be sensible to all.  So we should put our trust in something that's infinite, constant, and eternal.  What do you know ~ God turns out to be the only answer!  And Jesus came into the world and made God intimate and personal to us ~ how much better can it get?

Let Nothing Disturb Your Peace

        A friend calls up to tell you that he can no longer come to see you for whatever reason and you start to think that perhaps he really doesn't want to see you.  The human mind is always conjuring up disruptive thoughts.  The Holy Spirit wants us to dismiss outright all thoughts that disturb our inner peace.  In the case above, even if your friend tells you that he truly doesn't like you, don't dwell upon it but go right back to the Lord.  Since God's love for you is ever present, only how you love him back matters.  Let everything else go that disturbs your peace.

Playing Seek or Hide

        Those who are not afraid to seek God will gain even the courage to become holy after they find him.  On the other hand, whose who are afraid to face God will hide in fear that worsens as they approach the end of their life.  (But the Lord, being infinitely merciful, always leaves the door open, should you change your mind and decide to turn around while there's still time.)  

Being Fearless in God's Presence

        Today is the Memorial of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist.  John was fearless in telling Herod that it's unlawful for him to have his brother's wife, and Herod actually feared him.  We can be fearless too in God's presence.  As Paul says in Romans 8: "If God is for us, who can be against us?"  We can be fearless in speaking the truth, in taking up our crosses ~ in fact, under all circumstances.  Being fearless brings freedom of the heart, while those who do evil remain in turmoil.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

One Form of Self-Denial

        In today's Gospel reading at Mass from Matthew 16, Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."  For some, talking less and listening more to others will be a form of self-denial.  To follow the Lord requires listening for his voice first, and this would be difficult, if not impossible, if we do not know how to be silent.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Two Deaths Better than One

        At morning Mass, I was so happy that I didn't mind dying right then to be with Jesus.  Then I realized that my time was not up yet and if I desired a happier ending, I should make sure that my inner self dies first before my natural death takes place, the former death being extremely important and the latter, relatively immaterial.  Two deaths are definitely preferable over one.       

God Found

        Today's Communion verses from Matthew 13 read: "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one rare pearl he sells everything he has and buys it."  Jesus is that rare pearl.  How blessed are those who have searched and found it!  

God Ignored

        Jesus, our Lord and God, came into our world and he was crucified.  Today the world hasn't changed much.  He is here to save us and we blaspheme him.  He waits for our return to God and we totally ignore his presence.  He can give us all we need to have peace and we shut him out of our hearts.  He wants us to have eternal life with him and we couldn't care less.  Is this the way to treat Everlasting Love?  Do we even have a heart?  Nothing can be worse than to forget where we came from.  Nothing can be more foolish than forging ahead with blinds over our eyes.  The proud shall not see God ~ how true!  I feel sorry for us, not the Lord.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Person Is not an Object

        Pope John Paul II wrote Theology of the Body, which I haven't read yet.  Father at morning Mass brought it up.  He said that if we understand that theology, we would view each person as a Person and never as an Object.  All persons are to be loved and respected and never to be used like objects for our own gain or advantage.  It's clear to me that if everyone practices this theology, there will be peace in the whole world ~ no more wars, no more abortion on demand, and no more atrocious news in the news.  Let's take the first step by practicing this theology ourselves.         

Be Ready for the Lord Always

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 25 at Mass, the Parable of the Ten Virgins was read.  In it, Jesus tells how when the bridegroom showed up unexpectedly, the five wise virgins were ready and went into the wedding feast with him, while the five foolish virgins who were not ready were locked out.  I'll always remember the haunting verses near the end in Luke 17.  Jesus said that on the night he is revealed, "there will be two people in one bed; one will be taken, the other left.  And there will be two women grinding meal together; one will be taken, the other left.”  Could this mean that our own family may be split up?  I think so.  We must work and pray for the salvation of all family members before it's too late.  Earlier this morning I saw a life insurance commercial on TV.  Just want to point out that buying life insurance to protect your family is absolutely no help here. 

The Gift of Heart

        God has given each of us a heart so that we may desire him and through which he may enter us.  What a precious gift!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

All Is Relative (God Is the Ultimate)

        Way back for many years I watched TV on a black-and-white set.  Then I finally switched to a colored set and I must admit that the viewing experience became more satisfying.  In high school, it's easy to think that we have learned a lot until we find out more in college.  In fact, I thought I was pretty good in mathematics until a 14-year-old in the same university honor class scored twice as high as the best of the rest on every single test. 
        People are flocking to see a current Picasso exhibit at a museum not too far away.  Some friends wonder why I, being artistic in nature, have no desire to go see it.  All I can say is that all is relative.  Once you have tasted the Lord, everything else just loses its flavor.  Relative to God, everything is "inferior" now.  You have tasted the best and the best has made you see things right.  The truth is that there's nothing true satisfying beyond God.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God Is Joy!

        The theme for me today is "Joy."  It started at morning Mass, celebrating the Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle.  Kneeling before the altar, I feel the joy of worshipping God, adoring him.  The Gospel reading from John 1 tells how Nathanael (Bartholomew) found Jesus.  And I feel that joy of finding the Lord.  The Communion verses from Luke 22 read: "I will give you the kingdom that my Father gave to me, and in that kingdom you will eat and drink at my table."  Hearing them read certainly brings even more joy to the heart. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Be Detached to the World

        We don't live in this world forever, so why get attached to it? When we die, it's like the whole world leaving us, saying goodbye to you.  There is really no point of hanging onto something that passes.  Start living free now.  Our everlasting, loving Father is the one and only one worth holding onto.

Sins May Be Forgiven!

        Got a new battery for my car, so I was able to go to Mass this morning.  During Eucharistic Prayer, I heard the priest, while consecrating the wine, say "...this is the cup of my blood...  It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven."  I had heard this countless times, but today those last four words hit me.  Only God has the power to forgive our sins!  It's a tremendous grace available to us.  Whether your sins are forgiven or not makes all the difference ~ the difference between eterrnal union with God and Eternal separation from him.  Always take the Lord's words seriously, for he offers us only love. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Going Beyond the Bible

        After watching Brent Stubbs, former Pentecostal, on Journey Home on EWTN, the following thoughts were generated in my mind. 
        Protestants are bound by the Bible.  Anything that's not found in the Bible is excluded.  Catholics are free from the Bible as the teachings of the Lord were handed down through tradition before the Bible came into being.  Naturally, the Bible does not contain all the teachings and whatever is in it merely supports what the Church has been teaching all along.  
        The next two thoughts are practically direct quotes from Brent.
        (1) Protestant churches are pulpit-centered, while Catholics churches are altar-centered.
        (2) In receiving the Holy Eucharist, Jesus comes to us.  This got me thinking.  We just wait (for him) and he comes to (into) us ~ what a beautiful thought!   

God Has His Reasons

        I couldn't go to Mass this morning because my car battery was totally dead.  It's an old 1999 battery and had obviously served its purpose.  The lesson here is that I should adapt myself to the situation and not fret nor complain.  It's a form of offering our sufferings up to God.  What happened was a blessing in disguise.  Trust God always.