"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Describing God

        During Mass today, I just felt that God is a pearl, a great treasure, priceless and most precious ~ somehow it doesn't sound quite right.  That's because there are just no adequate words around to describe how "terrific" God is.  "Terrific," another inadequate word. 

Eucharistic Feast

        Feelings at Eucharistic time:  What a feast!  What a heavenly banquet!  Such intimacy!  Such love!

Feeling Safe and Secure

        In this morning's Gospel reading from John, Jesus actually prayed to the Father that his disciples might be one as he and the Father are one.  Jesus actually protected and guarded them so that none were lost.  And he wanted them to share his joy completely.  He asked the Father to keep them from the Evil One, consecrated them, and even consecrated himself for them.  As one of his disciples, I just feel absolutely safe in his protection and secure under his watch.     

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Do God's Will

        Live as if God alone exists. 

Total Immersion in God

        Don't just test the water with your fingertip or dip only your hand in it.  If that water is the Lord our God, jump all the way in and let it cleanse, soothe, and heal you.    

Surrender Unceasingly

        This morning during prayer before Mass, the sacrament of holy orders came into my mind.  I could picture those ready to be ordained lying prostrate on the ground in total submission.  And I thought that it would be nice to submit ourselves like that before we think each thought, say each word, and perform each deed.  This would be a great way to practice surrendering to God.  Like praying unceasingly, we also surrender unceasingly. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reason to Believe in Jesus

        From John 16, today's Gospel reading, we learn that the disciples, having seen the many wonders Jesus had performed, heard his many discourses, and discovered that Jesus knew everything, finally came to believe that he came from God.  I have not met Jesus in person, but this testimony from the disciples is plenty good enough for me to believe likewise.  

God Is Awesome

        This morning as I kneeled and prayed facing the altar before Mass began, I trembled because I sense the awesomeness of God.  This is the God whose magnificence, beauty, generosity, and mercy are beyond our comprehension.  I was overwhelmed, yet there was no fear as his love came right through.  With such an awesome Father, we can surely become awesome as children too. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Love to Reign in the Heart

        At Communion time this morning at Mass, I desired Love to reign completely in my heart, dispelling all of me.  Jesus heard me and gave me great peace.

Trust, not Question

        The word for me today is "trust."  I have been praying faithfully for a number of people to come back to the Church or to accept Christ as savior.  So far I have not yet seen any clear changes of the heart.  I looked to the Lord and he let me see that my role is to trust and not question.  Most of those I pray for are of younger ages than I, so it's possible that I may not even see their return or conversion in my lifetime.  That's OK.  I am to keep on trusting in God's mercy always.  

Friday, June 3, 2011

To Be Joy or Sorrow to God

        In my last posting, I pointed out that the Lord is our joy.  Then because of his great love for us, we can be his joy too.  We learn from the parable of the prodigal son how his return brought such great joy to the father. Jesus also told us that there would be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.  If we can affect God this much, then naturally, we can easily bring him great sorrow too by sinning against him.  Such is the "power" we have over God ~ we can touch, move, or break the heart of God.  The choice is ours.

Jesus Is Our Joy

        Entrance verse at today's Mass from Matthew 25.34: "Come, you whom my Father has blessed.  Inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world."  Hearing this brings great joy to the heart!  In today's Gospel reading from John 16, Jesus said to his disciples: "Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you."  The Lord wants us to be happy.  How can we not rejoice when we realize that he loves us so much and that he always wants the best for us (what can be better than eternal life in heaven?)  Any time we think about the Lord, ponder upon his mercy, pray to him, or receive him in the Holy Eucharist, we should be like the infant John the Baptist in the womb of his mother Elizabeth leaping for joy at the approach of Mary with Jesus in her womb.  Yes, Jesus is our Joy!    

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jesus Is the Savior

        At Mass this morning, I felt that "Jesus is the only one I need to attach to.  Everything else in the world I can let go.  He's more than sufficient for me.  With him, my life is fulfilled." 
        On the way home over the radio, I heard more bad news as usual.  One story told how a government contractor hired Fiji women by telling them that they're going to Dubai to earn high wages, but in reality shipped them to Iraq to provide service for the military.  Over there they were abused, mistreated, and prevented from leaving.  The story that followed was about how many veterans that have come home are still suffering terribly from their war traumas.  Surely whoever started the war(s) must bear the most responsibility.  What saddened me are the greed, the utter disregard of human dignity and human life, and the lack of compassion for others.  Jesus is still being crucified.  But he is our savior!  People may not love him yet, but how foolish it is to not even worry about eternal damnation! 
        I want to shout to the whole world that we have a savior, who is our only bright hope in the dark world and who's all we need for eternal life.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jesus to Be Taken Seriously

        I have just finished reading Chapter 6 of the Gospel of St. John and received these thoughts.  With Jesus, you must take him seriously.  You should examine and weigh his sayings and check him out thoroughly.  If you don't, it'd be very easy to walk away from him and go back to your former way of life.  Of course, if he's just an ordinary man, then no harm will come to you.  But what if he's really God?  That's why you must take him seriously before walking away.

Love, a Two-Way Thing

        Between God and us, mercy, justice, forgiveness... flow from God to us only and never in the reverse direction; while faith, hope, obedience, praise, adoration... emanate from us toward God, not the other way around.  Then there is one two-way thing between God and us: love.   

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Achieving Peace of Mind

        How to have peace of mind?  It obviously has to do with the mind.  As long as you have a lot of thoughts, good or bad, going through your mind, you will not experience peace.  "No thought" is the answer.  What I really mean is allow only necessary thoughts and not clutter the mind with any useless thoughts.  Naturally, the most necessary thought is the Lord.  Think of him first always before all other necessary thoughts and you'll have peace. 
        1 Corinthians 2.2: "I resolved that while I was with you I would think of nothing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified."              

Start with Union with God

        In today's first reading from Romans, Paul advises his listeners to do this, to do that, not to do this, not to do that ~ altogether twenty separate pieces of advice.  And there are so many other counsels we must remember as Christians.  Then I realize that the more we achieve union with the Lord, the more following these counsels becomes automatic.  When we achieve total union, doing all these things will be our second nature.  Aim for union with God and all will work out fine. 
        In case you haven't read my previous posts, union with God is achieved by asking the Lord to transform you, making you Christlike, through receiving the Holy Eucharist. 

Mind God's Business Alone

        As members of God's family, we must mind his business alone.  Our life must revolve around pleasing him.  Doing his will must be our sole goal.  The rewards are living a life with purpose; knowing that our eternal destiny is all set; freedom of the heart; and inner peace as promised by Christ.