"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, February 3, 2025

****Living Above the Genius Level

        Here's a video that's a compilation of eight past "CBS Sunday Morning" stories featuring some brilliant and remarkable prodigies and talented individuals. It's almost 43 minutes long, but I think you probably would enjoying watching it. I suppose that most of us wouldn't mind being gifted in some special way. Here are some of my thoughts. If you use your amazing talent just to earn fame or riches, or just to feel good yourself, not realizing that it all came from God, then your achievement is not really on any lofty level. On the other hand, talented or not, anyone who loves and serves Christ faithfully and humbly is truly operating on a level way above all the other levels. Then if you were one of those remarkable geniuses and love and live for the Lord with all your heart, that would be absolutely fantastic!

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