We shouldn't speak ill of anyone, but if the LORD is offended, his followers cannot remain silent. It's not to judge others, but to defend the LORD. Evil has already infiltrated the Church, causing many scandals. Here are three sins of omission committed by the church hierarchy. (1) Abortion is one of the most grave sins. According to World Health Organization, about 70 million abortions are performed worldwide every year—a staggering figure! In this country the pro-life laity has been the main force in protesting against abortion, while the majority of Church leaders remain relatively quiet. In fact, many Catholics are pro-abortion and they rarely get corrected by the clergy. (2) According to a latest survey, 70% of Catholics do not believe that Christ is really present in the Holy Eucharist. This is pretty shocking! You really can't be a true Catholic if you don't believe in this central doctrine of the Church. Yet the Church doesn't seem to be in any big hurry to solve this crisis. (3) This issue is also related to the Holy Eucharist. On both Easter and Christmas day, droves of submarine Catholics showed up for Mass. It looks like many of them do receive the Eucharist. Perhaps no one ever told them that to receive this most holy sacrament, you must be in a state of grace. Looking back, I don't recall ever hearing this warning given in advance for the sake of not offending the Lord at those Masses. Pray that the Holy Church will become as pure as the LORD himself.
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