"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

***Receiving Revelation from God***

        Throughout Church history, there have been private revelations purportedly coming from heaven. They all try to teach us something about God or warn us about something that's coming from him. Many of them are inspiring, while others more dubious or even controversial. Anyway, the Church doesn't bind us to believe in any of them, even if they've been approved. The thought that came to me this morning at Mass was that the Lord does give messages to every one of us privately for the good of all humanity, even if we're not saints or mystics. Such revelations don't have to sound supernatural to be authentic. Especially when you are in union with the Lord, the communication between you and him are completely free and unobstructed, and you hear him speaking to your heart at all times. 

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