"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why I'm Catholic, Steve Ray's Website

        I lost my link list and am unable to start another one using the gadget.  I suspect (not believe) that it's because I have Internet Explorer 9 as my browser and Google is forcing us to switch to Chrome.  Anyway, a website I'd like to recommend is Steve Ray's: http://whyiamcatholic.com/.  I read Steve's book Crossing the Tiber a few years back and have enjoyed watching his presentations Footprints of God on EWTN.  Yesterday I saw him on Marcus Grodi's Journey Home, also on EWTN ~ he was a joy to watch as he was articulate, fluent, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and filled with joy.  So I went on his website Why I'm Catholic and found it to be full of beautiful conversion stories ~ a site as articulate and joyful as Steve himself.

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