"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year-End Thoughts

      2016 is just a few hours away. For me, every moment of this year has been good. I feel that the Lord is teaching me using less words, now that I am a better learner. Final thoughts: one can be a good person in every way, but without Christ his life is just not complete, for it is through Christ that we get to return to my eternal Father for good. A blessed and safe New Year to all!

Consider Hell

        It's New Year's Eve. Why should I bring up hell? It so happens that I have caught a bad cold despite the great precaution I took against catching any germs. I first felt it in the throat, then the nose, and finally started coughing. Feeling miserable, I thought about the misery of hell. What's worst is the longevity of suffering in hell, for it never ends. If there are good and evil, and God and Satan, then there has to be heaven and hell. Jesus himself mentioned the place of damnation about a dozen times in the Gospels. The awareness that horrible hell exists could help people turn to God. The world is in such a bad shape that applying a shock treatment may do much good. Besides, doing our best to save as many people as possible from ending up in hell makes a good resolution for the New Year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

God's Beauty

      There is much beauty for us to see, hear, and enjoy in the world, but all such beauty pales next to the heavenly beauty of God. Then if we do sense the beauty of God, the beauty we sense in this world is enhanced because we see that it all came from God.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christians' Unique Joy

        They have Christ the Lord and God of all to live and die for.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


        I am now in a big city away from home. This morning I attended Mass at a local church on the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. My heart almost reached the breaking point when I thought about the many families, my own included, that are divided. All family members should be close together, yet great separation exists because not all believe in Christ. This is heartbreaking for those who already believe in the Lord. God is now even more my refuge.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Living the Genuine Life

        There is the inner life and the outer life. Normally, the inner life is the secret one known to ourselves (and God) only and the outer life, the one we live for others to see. In other words, we lead a double life, hiding our inner life behind the outer one. But we can let God put our inner life in order, thus eliminating the need for presenting a false front. The result is living one honest, genuine life, not ashamed for all to witness.

Staying Afloat

        You can let your ego keep you afloat. When it gets punctured inevitably, you fall hard and hurt badly. Or you can let the Holy Spirit keep you afloat, with him lifting you up high heavenwards with no risk of falling or getting hurt. 

Christmas Blessing

        What a beautiful way to live! We let the love of God be our love for him. Then we let this love motivate everything we do and we are connected with God and remain in profound peace. All this is nothing new, but the Holy Spirit made me see and feel this as if I was hearing it for the first time. This was my Christmas blessing.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Sin and Mercy in Balance

        Christmas deepens my joy. Jesus is our Savior, precisely what mankind needs, yet so many of us do not recognize his coming. Then I realize that indeed we are born with original sin, and that God is balancing it with his infinite mercy. The good news is that we can easily tip this balance by our free choice. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

All About Life

        Communion time thoughts. We were born and we die. Life and death are unavoidable realities. Jesus says, "Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." He reveals to us what we need to know about life with no mention of physical death. It's enough to see that if we live for him, we shall always have life with him.        

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Freedom of Worship

        God loves us and nothing can possibly separate us from this love (see Romans 8.38-39). Know also that when God sets us free, we are given the freedom to worship him without fear, and no one has the right to take that away from us.

All About Trust

        When we pray for something, we are to have faith that God hears us and will answer us. We cannot strength our faith by forcing ourselves to believe harder. On the contrary, we should relax and put my trust in God, that is, we should abandon ourselves to God. In this way, trust builds up faith and is in turn manifested by faith. We all know the Divine Mercy message from Jesus: "Jesus, I trust in you." So it should be trust, trust, trust . . . through our whole life without one single worry.

Essential Sacrament

        Communion experience. The Holy Eucharist assured me that God is with me. It also validates our oneness with God. It's impossible for me to imagine union with God without the Blessed Sacrament.

Letting God In

        Today's Communion antiphon, Revelation 3.20: Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door to me, I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me. This post segues nicely from the previous one. The key phrase in the above verse is "open the door to me." If you are attentive, you'd hear the Lord speaking constantly to us. If we would only open the door after hearing each knock, our life would change completely. Again, humility and submission are required for it to happen.

Not Ready for God

          There are people who know about God, yet they do not want to hear about him because any mention of God makes them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes they even react violently as if they were being attacked. What they fail to realize is that running away from God indicates their even greater need for God! It's the same old case of wanting to be your own god. Salvation will come only when we realize that there is only one Lord and God and that we must move aside and submit ourselves to him alone. Simple theory, but most difficult for some to put into practice.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Life Worth Living

        Even though the world is in complete chaos and disorder, the Christian remains hopeful, knowing that everything will work out and be squared away in the end and God's justice will prevail. This makes life worth living.

Understanding Misunderstanding

          Do not feel bad if others misunderstand you when you try to show them God's love, for no one except God is capable of understanding us completely. The Prayer of St. Francis teaches that it's better to seek to understand than to be understood. Everyone will be held accountable for his doings before God. Therefore, focus upon loving God and cast all other cares to the wind.

Praying for All

        We are all loved by God the same, since you cannot measure an infinite love. Therefore, pray hard for the salvation of all souls. This means not being attached to anyone in particular. Rather, pray more for those who have most need of God's mercy.