"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Where to Lose Yourself

        Do not just watch or admire God from the sidelines. You must actively jump into the game of going after him, grabbing ahold of him, and hanging onto him. The Lord is an ocean of love, dive into him to stay afloat. He is the ideal space in which to abandon ourselves. Lose yourself in God and you are found for all eternity!

Acknowledging the Father

        Each of us has or had an earthly father or we wouldn't be here. Then we also have one heavenly Father of all of us or we wouldn't even exist. Let us acknowledge him, our creator and most loving Father.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Beautiful Journey

        First, the awesome holiness of God humbles us. Then we surrender to the Lord and he purifies us. Humility leading to purity ~ a most beautiful journey!

Beautiful to God

        As our loving Father, God desires that we be holy like him. Therefore, we are most beautiful to him when we are holy. 

Encountering Truth

       Today Friday I prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. If I hear about someone suffering for whatever reason as much as Jesus had, I would feel very sorry for the person. In Jesus' case, I not only feel the sorrow, but also gratitude and finally, joy ~ this is because Jesus underwent his sufferings to save me from my sins so that I might have everlasting life. The fact that Jesus resonates with me is proof that I have encountered the truth, revealing to me that I am a sinner and need salvation.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Soul Security

        On earth, our soul is secure only if we abandon ourselves to God. The greater our abandonment, the greater our security.

God's Special Creation

        Think about yourself. Each one of us is truly a unique being. With the exception of born identical twins, no two of us look alike. You are distinctly you, aware of your self and identity. We instinctively sense good and evil and search for God for fulfillment. By intuition alone, I know that we are God's very special creation. Now it's time to think about God.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Perfect Union

        Union with God only increases our longing for God as the union is not yet perfect. We shall be be completely content only after we reach heaven when our union with God becomes perfect.

Attractive to God

        Sin gets God's attention, but to make yourself attractive to God, you don't need to dress up nicely, appear pleasant, or make insincere compliments ~ all you need to do is to keep your heart pure.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Ever Present Urgency

        Recently, a relative visited me, but his mind had deteriorated since I last saw him a couple of years ago. Today he is much quieter and forgets what he has just heard. I had told him about Christ on various occasions in the past, since he was a nonbeliever. He listened politely, but always expressed doubts. He made me realize the critical importance of accepting Christ while the mind is still clear. In fact, the urgency of considering Jesus the Lord is ever present. It is urgent because our eternity is at stake and everything in life is passing.

Good Sign

        If you sincerely pray for a happy death and anticipate the Lord's Second Coming, you are not far from God.

What Abandonment Teaches

          You might think that by abandoning ourselves totally to God, we can become super strong in every way with his backing. The reality is that the more we enter God, the more we realize our smallness and finiteness and thus our need to depend upon him. It's humbling to see that we shouldn't ever attempt to play God, as we just don't measure up. Yes, we are stronger in facing the problems of life, but before the Lord God, we are as weak as ever. One best thing learned from abandonment to God is the realization that we absolutely need God in all things, including our very existence.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Complete Fulfillment

        Communion experience. I felt that I was being initiated into the circle of God's chosen.

Formula for Freedom

        Today's Communion antiphon (Matthew 16.24): Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me, says the Lord. The three steps are (1) self-denial, (2) taking up the cross, and (3) following the Lord. The invitation does not sound inviting, but once you accept it, Christ will lead you to self-abandonment and spiritual freedom.   

Secret of Learning From God

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 21, the chief priests and the elders of the people questioned the authority of Jesus. Jesus countered by asking them a question. They did not know how to answer, so Jesus also did not respond to their question. What's clear is that if we want to learn from the Lord, we must be childlike, realizing that he is higher and greater than us. Then he will reveal what he knows to us freely.

Going the Wrong Way

        Today is Memorial of St. John of the Cross. The saint says, "What does it profit you to give God one thing if he asks of you another? Consider what it is God wants, and then do it." The world is in disorder because we've learned to consider what we want and go for it, making us even more self-centered.

Still a Sin

        If a member of your family loves you, and you take it for granted and do not make any effort to love him or her back, you commit a sin of omission.

Most Urgent Pain

        We must deal with in this life the torture of the soul. The is the pain we experience after we realize that we have offended God. We must wake up, repent, and have our sin(s) removed by God or undergo tortures of the soul for all eternity.