"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Learning from the Holy Spirit

        This morning before Mass started, I was filled with the desire to learn from the Holy Spirit.  I remember that in one period of my life, I discovered the beauty of mathematics and started taking correspondence study courses from two universities.  I finished seven courses in two years in my spare time ~ I was that hungry for math.  Now I don't need that kind of knowledge anymore ~ what I thirst for is the wisdom for me to live right and have life in the Lord, which the Holy Spirit provides.  Perhaps studying pure math was my way of getting close to God.  Now that I've known him intimately, what better and more satisfying way is there than going directly to the source for enlightenment?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jesus Is Joy

        Jesus is the cause of our joy.  He is with us and fills us with hope.  He is delightful.  He loves us and awaits us when life in this world ends.  Jesus is joy. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Death Is a Nonissue

        Tomorrow is Memorial Day, a holiday to commemorate all U.S. soldiers who died in wars.  For true Christians, death is no longer an issue.  By the promise of Christ, we shall live forever with him in heaven after death and by the power of Christ, we shall be resurrected one day.  If death is about the death of the old person, then we have already died and begun living a new life in Christ.  No matter how you look at it, death has been overcome and needs no longer be an issue.    

Saturday, May 28, 2011

We Are Truly Special

        We are the only creature (1) that was created in the image of God, (2) who can conceive God in our mind, (3) made to feel restless until we find God, (4) whose form God chose to let his Son take, (5) for whom the Son dies out of love, and (6) who is capable of understanding that God is love.
        Before God, we are nothing; yet we are also everything.  We are special!   

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Joy of the Holy Spirit

        The joy of the Holy Spirit is different from any other joy one experiences in the world.  Since the Holy Spirit dwells deep within the soul, his joy orininates from our inmost interior, welling up like water from a spring.  It intoxicates our whole being and is impossible to repress.  Like the wind, it comes and goes at the will of the Spirit.  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Known by God

        Just saw a TV program on the old cemeteries in San Francisco.  Many of the buried were well known, distinguished personalities.  So I started thinking that it is a common desire for us to want to be known while we are alive and   remembered after we are gone.  Then obviously, to be known and remembered by the whole world for even a billion years is worth nothing when compared to being known and loved by God alone.  And God just happens to know every single one of us intimately and will never forget us.  Embrace him and his love now and cast away all your other cares.

Start Living in Heaven Now

        The goal is to achieve union with the Lord, and the Holy Eucharist makes it possible if you'll let it do the work.  Receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist with great reverence and all your love, and ask him to transform every part of you, every fiber and molecule of you, with his love.  Then think every thought, speak every word, and do every deed as one with the Lord.  You are now starting to live in heaven.  When you get there, there won't be much adjustment you'll need to make.              

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Being Christian Is Special

        I just caught the TV program Do Not Go Gently on PBS.  It shows the benefits of creativity among seniors.  Some of them continue to use their God-given talents to teach others or create more works for themselves.  I did catch one senior expressing his uncertainty that there's a God.  I felt sad that such a great talent did not know where his talent came from.  If you have immense creativity, keep busy, and enjoy tremendously what you are doing, but do not have Christ, then you are still earthbound and working in vain.  Being Christian is absolutely special because Christians have unchangeable vision and know exactly where they are heading.  They do not just work to keep going; they know that life is not transitory and is full of meaning.  Christ has made the difference. 

Be Pruned to Bear Fruit

        In today's Gospel reading from John 15, Jesus says that he is the true vine, his Father the vine grower, and his disciples the branches.  The Father prunes the branches so that they may bear fruit.  Whoever remains in the vine will bear much fruit and anyone who does not will be thrown out like a branch and wither.
        This is a beautiful depiction of discipleship.  If you haven't asked the Father to prune you yet, do so now.  Get all that are weak, diseased, and dead pruned away so that you may become true disciples of the Lord, bearing much fruit and glorifying the Father.
        A footnote.  The pruning process is like a good body massage.  You feel some pain when you are worked on, but you feel great afterwards.        

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Being Fed from Heaven

        I was getting a consecrated host this afternoon to take to a homebound person.  As I knelt before the tabernacle on the altar, I knew that I was going to get the bread that came directly from heaven.  Every time I receive the Holy Eucharist myself, I am being fed from heaven.  The journey toward heaven has already started on this earth.

The Sad State of the World

        There have been so many natural disasters happening around the world, almost continuously ~ earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, tornadoes, floods, mudslides, and at this moment a volcano still erupting.  The occurrences have been more violent than ever, resulting in losses and destruction on an unprecedented scale worldwide.  Does God have a message for us in all of this?
        First of all, nothing can happen without God's permission and God is always trying to speak to us one way or another.  Of course, the disasters have saddened the world, but what's even sadder is the fact that we are not aware or don't believe that God send us messages.  It's so easy to simply attribute all the happenings to nature.  Politically, mentioning God in public is no longer correct.  How often does God come into our minds?  How many Christians actually talk about how the Lord works in their lives?  Why is he always shoved into the background and ignored?  Are we ashamed of him?  Do we care more about what people think of us than what God thinks of us?  A lot more questions.  
        Yet the Father always has us in his mind, on his heart, and under his watchful eyes; but we dismiss him at will.  It's just so one-sided! Jesus, the cornerstone, was rejected by the builders; now the Lord, our creator and savior, gets ignored by his own creatures whom he loved with his own life.  What a sad state we are in!     

Three Spiritual Nourishments

        (1) Faith in God
        (2) Every word that comes forth from the mouth of God
        (3) Doing the will of God

Monday, May 23, 2011

Think Only What God Thinks

        If I have enough humility, not to receive any praise or recognition for any good I've done is not difficult to accept.  But if someone says something that's not true about me or makes me look bad, that's a lot more difficult to deal with.  After Mass during prayer, the Holy Spirit made me see that these two situations all had to do what people think of me and should be looked at the same way.  If I only care about what God, not anybody else, thinks of me, then I shouldn't have any problem.  Thank you, Lord Spirit. 

Real Presence Shows Great Mercy

        During Communion time, I was aware of the Real Presence of the Lord in the Holy Eucharist.  Jesus could have given us just ordinary bread and wine to symbolize his true body and blood, yet he didn't ~ that's because his mercy is much, much greater!  He gave us the Real body and blood, so that we not only get to touch him, but also become one with him, achieving the most intimate union this side of heaven.   

Holy Spirit, the Great Teacher

        At this morning's Mass in John 14, Jesus said to his disciples, "The Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you."  I had the strong desire to want the Holy Spirit to teach me, to illuminate my muddy mind, to make me see what's right and what's wrong, and to guide me always.  I shall now post what I did learn during and after the Mass.  

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jesus Is God

        Pretty much all this week in the Gospel readings this week at Mass, Jesus let it be known that he is in the Father and the Father is in him, that he and the Father are one, and that whoever has seen him has seen the Father.  In that case, Jesus is God.  In that case, we must believe in him 100%, not any less.  Once you have that rock solid faith in him, you will see wonders happen and be rewarded with deep satisfaction.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

God Makes the Difference

         Thoughts this morning.       
        Without God, I would be living a self-centered life, grabbing whatever I can for myself, wanting to do better than or at least keep up with the others, and enjoying the things of the world as much as possible.               
        With God, everything that's important before is no longer so.  Now I have him guiding and leading me ~ I do not have to struggle for myself anymore.  A new, free way of living with peace in the heart ~ it's God's way, which makes all the difference in this life, and the next too (I almost forgot).   

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ego, Still an Enemy

        I was telling a friend something.  That something was true and appropriate for the moment as it illustrated a point relevant to the topic we were on.  I realized that telling the story would reveal the fact that I was involved in a ministry that might make me look "holy" to the other person; but since that's not really my intention and the story was interesting, I went ahead and told it.  I did feel a little uncomfortable afterwards because it made me feel like a name-dropper. 
        I started thinking about this.  I feel that the buildup or formation of the self (ego) starts from the moment of our birth.  Over time through upbringing, learning, and experience, we become the center of  ourselves.  From this center, we think, speak, and do things our way.   You hear people say "That's the way I am" or "God has made me this way."  Of course, we can change; but after years of forming shields and protective layers around the ego, it becomes difficult.   Surrendering to God by displacing the ego with humility provides the solution.  Nothing is impossible with God.