"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Pray

        Present your prayer to God as if it's a most beautiful gift you have found for him.

A Time of Giving

        Christmas is a time for giving ~ so let us give to God all we have and shouldn't have: our life, health, soul, talents; our family, material possessions; our sins, fears, worries, angers, pains, hang-ups, bad habits, plus any other thing you can think of ~ the more the merrier. 

No Sin, No Fear

        It came to me that we have fears because we sin.  Jesus committed no sin, so he never had any fear.  Agony yes, but never fear.  A sinful person does not trust in God and never feels secure, so fear easily sprouts from his heart.  A holy person feels secure in God and has no room for fear to take hold in him.  Where the Holy Spirit dwells, fear does not exist.    

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Christmas Exhortation

        Christ is the light of the world.  If you turn your back to hide from this light, you shall remain in darkness.  But if you turn to this light to let it shine upon you, you will feel its warmth and gentleness and also the love and mercy of God.  Reject this light in this life and you shall never see it again.  Accept this light now and you are on your way to living eternally with God.  It's that simple, so don't make it hard on yourself and on God.  

On Accepting Our Crosses

        If Jesus accepted his Cross and we are to follow him, how can we not take up our little crosses? 

Holy Communion Thought

        As I received the Lord today, I realized that I was a great sinner, yet he reached way, way, way down to offer himself to me ~ it's pretty hard to believe, and I felt great gratitude for his mercy.          

Thy Will Be Done

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 1, we also learn that Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him in a dream and took Mary into his home.  This is a good example for us.  If we feel uneasy when we say "thy will be done..." in praying the Lord's Prayer, then it's clear that we and God are not really in accord with each other yet ~ a sign showing that more submission is in order.  Remember that taking orders from God does not mean that you'll be given an unpleasant task to perform.  On the contrary, you'll always feel rewarded and peace after obeying him.  Pray that we'll develop a zeal to anticipate and be ready for God's call at any moment.         

Abortion Is Dead Wrong

        Today's Gospel reading is from Matthew 1.  It tells how the birth of Jesus Christ came about.  Through the Holy Spirit, God made it possible for the child to be conceived in Mary.  I am thinking that today, abortionists through their own will make it possible for the child to be killed in the mother ~ the opposite of God's doing.  Just intuitively, I see that abortion is dead wrong. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Jesus' Agony

        Received while praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary after Mass:
        Since Jesus is all-knowing, he must have felt the agony a lot more acutely than any of us ordinary mortals would have felt going through the same experience. 

Be Like the Dough

        Be like the dough so that the Lord may knead you to his heart's content.  And the end product will be something absolutely beautiful.

Why Always Jesus?

        So far I have posted 374 times and the subject has pretty much been on just Jesus.  Why?  Am I crazy??  I can assure you that I have never been this sane in my whole life.  It's just that his love and mercy and riches and glory are inexhaustible; his perfection and beauty, overwhelming!  In his shining brightness, all else fade away and all other subjects under the sun become "boring" next to him.  That's why. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Truly Beautiful

        The media love to talk about the so-called beautiful people in our world.  They are usually the rich and the famous, making headlines and getting featured in the media.  Often, lists of the best dressed, the sexiest, or the most beautiful pop up.  And there are beauty contests held around the world (I think that to be totally fair, the contestants should not be allowed to use any makeup). 
        Now, let's talk about the truly beautiful people, beautiful before the Lord, that is.  They are simply those who love the Lord and reflect the beauty of his love.  No external glitz can possibly hold a candle to God's beauty.       

It's All God's Doing

        Thoughts received following Communion.
        (1) I am totally worthless before the Lord; I am absolutely nothing.
        (2) Then God makes me worthy and it's all his doing.
        (3) Therefore, I should let him do whatever he pleases with me.

What Did You Go Out to See?

        In today's Gospel reading from Luke 7, Jesus asked the crowds about John the Baptist "what did you go out to see" three times.  This question made me remember that in the past I had gone to see many shows, attend concerts, and even check out Time Square on New Year's Eve.  I now realize that I should let Jesus alone be my drawing card and look for him in all my brothers and sisters.  Looking for all other things would simply be a waste of time.

Calling and Mission

        Thoughts received during prayer before Mass this morning. 
        (1) Calling (for all followers of the Lord): To become light of the world.
        (2) Mission: To bring others to Christ, the Truth.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No Other God

        Today's first Mass reading from Isaiah 45 starts out: "I am the LORD, there is no other..."
        Recently, I recited the Apostles' Creed as if it was my very first time and I was amazed by the extraordinary things stated, especially those about Jesus Christ.  Reading about him in the Gospels, I see that he just came to us, meek and humble, loving others as himself to the very end of his earthly life.  It's as if he just followed a prescribed plan, not seeking for one moment his own glory.  Indeed, there is no other like him.
        Another thing I see.  In believing in him, we can become nothing and then be filled with all of God ~  a thorough spiritual transformation of the self.  I don't see this in any other faith in the world.

Our Only Role

        Another thought for today.  God is everything and we are nothing.  Therefore, our role, the only thing left for us to do, is to believe and obey.  Consequently, let's seize every opportunity to give God glory. 

Charity Starts at Home

        Often those who are closest to us we offend easily ~ that's because they are close to us and we take them for granted.  It's good to share our feelings and opinions openly with each other, but we can easily forget that the other person, most often the spouse, is a person with feelings too.  It's usually the way how things are said that's at fault.  We do much better with others not so close to us.  It's a big realization for me that I must let charity start at home before loving others outside of my home.