"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

***Relating to the Lord

        God has created us in his own image so we can get to know him. He loves us to death, wishing to save us from sin so that we may have eternal life in heaven. Meanwhile, he is sustaining us on earth every second and shielding those of us who love him from evil. Know all these truths so that we may relate ourselves to him dearly, as we are no strangers nor outcasts. 

**Connecting with God*

        To know the God of Christ, just keeping our eyes and ears open won't do much good—we need to soften and open our hearts to connect with him! Let giving our hearts to the Lord God be our ultimate goal.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

***Going Beyond Our Limits*

        As finite humans, we are limited in every way, but we can be unlimited in loving God! For in loving God, we receive power to love him even more, exceeding all limits. Now the Lord carries us, making living exhilarating.

*****Our Best Treasure***

         Communion experience. The Lord is all mine! He is the only treasure you want everyone else to possess too—he's that good!

**Need to Accept Jesus*

        If what Jesus says inspires or makes sense to you, you should accept and believe in him even if it's demanding or hard to swallow. As a matter of fact, the difficulty you encounter only exposes your need to accept him. The Lord knows our hearts!

***Dealing with the Ego*

        The ego is our nasty enemy. You cannot get rid of it entirely, but you can starve it by not feeding it. As soon as you sense it surfacing, ignorer it outright. This is exactly how we deal with temptations from the devil as well.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

*****Face of Jesus and More*****

        Watch this video to 10:06. The best part comes after 6:10, showing the awesome Eucharistic miracles! Time to believe in Jesus the Christ, our Lord God and Savior!

***Rule for Smart Ones

        Never bend God; instead, bend yourself to fit him.

***Serving God Overriding All Else***

        My wife wasn't feeling well yesterday, so she rested in bed in the afternoon. Meanwhile I was blogging away, enjoying the Lord's companionship. Then she, feeling hungry, called out to me to get her some food to eat, but I responded OK, I'll do that soon, since I was finishing up one post. Then I realized later that I should have stop blogging and do what she had ask for right away, for I could always finish that post later. In other words, serving God should take first priority, even over enjoying him. I remember how St. Juan Diego chose to skip his set meeting with Our Lady of Guadalupe and went to see his sick uncle instead, and Mary understood and wasn't offended at all. That's a good example for all of us to emulate.

**Your Choice**

        We can reconcile with God right now, later, at the time of death, or never. You decide. Putting it off is never wise.

***To Love & Not to Love Yourself*

        We should love ourselves, for we are most precious to the Lord, loved by him to death. Then we must also not love ourselves, meaning that we are to hate our own ego. So love God and be selfless—the two go hand in hand. Freedom is born when you forget all about yourself and trust in God completely.

***Sign of a Strong Faith

         You are completely open to the Lord and completely comfortable with him.

**Only One We Can Count On*

        I got to Mount St. Joseph for morning Mass early and parked under a huge oak. Since we go thru a dry season here each year, sometimes a big dry branch would break and fall suddenly. Well, I could get my car crushed, but the chance of that happening was slim. Anyway, in this world, things happen unexpectedly at all times. World War III could break out tomorrow, etc. My thoughts shifted to the Lord God. The chance that he will stop loving us is absolutely zero, and all his promises we can account on completely—so he's the one in whom we can trust unreservedly.

Monday, August 26, 2024

*****Apostasy Warming***

         The Church Messed up.

*****Critical Message for All (Especially the unbelievers)*****

        It will be a different Jesus at the Second Coming. 

**Stark Contrast**

        The wise never do anything to risk losing the soul, while the dumb sin nonstop without reservation.

***Death No More*

        Communion experience. I have received the body of my Lord, no way I can possibly die anymore! 

*****Be Aware of the Holy Spirit!*****

        God the Holy Spirit is real. When you realize that you have offended God and repent, the Holy Spirit in you is working. When you feel God's love and are moved to tears, the Holy Spirit has touched you. You thank God for his mercy, it's the Spirit prompting you. You feel sorry for someone and offer help, the Spirit has moved you. You want to serve God, praise him, or yearn for him, the Spirit of God is right there. At this moment, I feel great joy glorifying the Holy Spirit, for he is in me. A Christian is in love and union with God the Holy Spirit. Be aware of his holy presence always, praise and adore him, share all that's in your heart with him, and be open to him to receive the power of love from him without end.