If we recognize God to be our heavenly Father, then let us treat him so. We must worship him, be grateful to him always, and above all, obey him. This last act pleases him the most and benefits us the most too. It is the most beautiful thing we can possibly do as his children while we are on earth.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
**Filled-with-Life Experience*
Communion experience today. The main or even sole purpose of attending Mass is to receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist. When I received it this morning, I realized that it was the Lord who is the life filling me, vitalizing my present life to the fullest and making my next life eternal! It was almost too much for me to bear or contain. I couldn't have felt more content and exuberant.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
**Baring the Soul
Christ the Lord is the only one to whom I can bare my soul with the greatest comfort, for he treasures and understands all souls, and can heal them and make them whole.
**Awesome Bread
Communion experience. I received the bread that came directly form heaven, and that bread was the body of the Lord himself.
Monday, April 10, 2023
***Most Exalted Experience***
Communion experience. In my life, I have tasted many great food dishes, heard some of the most beautiful music, visited many interesting places around the world, and experienced the sweet feeling of falling in love when I met the girl I was going to marry. But receiving the Holy Eucharist has to be the most exalted experience of all, for it unites you and your most loving Lord and God as one, fulfilling your innermost longing.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
*****Great Easter Joy*****
Happy Easter to all of you who read here. Knowing that Christ is risen makes our hearts leap for joy, for we know that because of him, we'll rise one day too!
Saturday, April 8, 2023
***Feeling Overjoyed***
This is Holy Saturday. Of course, the disciples were overjoyed when they learned that Jesus had been raised, and they were overjoyed again when the Lord appeared to them subsequently. What about us Catholics? Well, we already know that he had resurrected, and we now get to receive him in the Holy Eucharist and know that we'll surely see him again in person. We really should feel overjoyed at all times! Sing praise to the Lord!
Friday, April 7, 2023
**An Innate Awareness
It's Good Friday. I went to Church 20 minutes early for confession this morning. People had already lined up along one whole wall. As I waited, another lines formed and now there were twice as many people. Three priests worked. That was heartening! My turn came 45 minutes later. I knew for sure that many others waited way over an hour. I attended the afternoon Communion service. Again, the church was packed. The first reading from Isaiah 52 amazingly prophesied the coming of the Savior. The long Gospel reading from John 18 & 19 told how Jesus got arrested, crucified, and buried, fulfilling the prophecy. Many of us resonate with this and decide to give our lives to God. This has to be because deep down we just know that we are sinners and need salvation of our souls.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
**What Life Is All About (an Awakening)
When we first came into this world, life was a mystery. It was like entering a wonderland with so much to explore. Then we soon learn that it's not a perfect place. When we see a lot of bad things happening to people, the concept of sin begins to materialize. Then we find God, the God of Christ for us now, and finally realize that it's the lack of love that causes our miseries. We now see the reality: the existence of truth, falsehood, holiness, wickedness, God, Satan, heaven, hell . . . and that life is all about love or the lack of it. We are not meant to live on the earth forever! If you only live for this life, may God have pity on you. We urgently need to awaken to this reality. Otherwise, we just remain trapped by sin!
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
***Amazing God
This is a very interesting video. I knew the story, but here it's presented again in more detail. What I learned from watching it are that God is amazing and that when we trust in him (as Tom Zimmer in this video did), our life becomes amazing too.
*****No. 1 Prayer Goal*****
Whenever you pray, reciting traditional prayers or speaking spontaneously from your heart, the No. 1 prayer goal that's unspoken but must be understood and present is that you are there to be obedient to the Lord. Very important, for the Christian life is all about doing God's will.
***Huge Difference!
Let the Devil possess you and you are enslaved by him forever. Let Christ possess you and you are set free for all eternity. Our choice.
**Be Realistic and Wise
We all shall face the LORD sooner or later, so why not face him right now to get ready? This way we'll be fully prepared, eliminating any future shocks. It is being realistic and wise. Procrastinators usually lose.
***Looking at the Big Picture
Many things big and little happen to us in life, robbing us of peace. When that happens and if you are already a Christian, I want you to look at the big picture. You already have the Lord, and that should be more than sufficient for you. This world is no longer your permanent home; you are just passing through. If the going gets a little rough, so what? In fact, letting go of all things in this life is what smoothes you way to your next life in heaven.
***Let Nothing Shock You*
God we must take most seriously, for he is forever present and the one whom we depend upon for life. The greatness of his glory, holiness, love, and mercy are beyond our comprehension. Know that heaven is more joyful than we can possibly imagine. By the same token, hell is definitely a lot more horrible than we can visualize. Never think that all your little sins are OK. When the illumination of conscience happens, you'll be rudely shocked. To enter heaven is hard if you don't have faith in Christ the Savior, but it becomes super easy if you accept and believe in him. Take the God of Christ seriously and you'll always be amazed and surprised, never shocked.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
***We Are God's Children!
Near the end of the Mass this morning, the Lord made me see that we are all his children. Now, children are kids. As kids, we need to love our Father, get to know him, and ask him to teach us everything. We are not just some creatures that somehow showed up on earth and are left alone. We came from God and are meant to return to him.
**Wake-Up Questions*
It is unavoidable that we'll face God when we leave this world, and it's a given that we shall leave this world in a relatively short time. Then why are so many of us live as if we are never going to die and God doesn't even exist? Why are we burying our heads in the sand?