Near the end of the Mass this morning, the Lord made me see that we are all his children. Now, children are kids. As kids, we need to love our Father, get to know him, and ask him to teach us everything. We are not just some creatures that somehow showed up on earth and are left alone. We came from God and are meant to return to him.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
**Wake-Up Questions*
It is unavoidable that we'll face God when we leave this world, and it's a given that we shall leave this world in a relatively short time. Then why are so many of us live as if we are never going to die and God doesn't even exist? Why are we burying our heads in the sand?
**God's Great Mercy and Love
Communion experience. I see all my imperfections and feel totally unworthy to receive the Lord, only deserving his pity; yet he doesn't mind, always giving me the chance to become more perfect.
**Do We Betray the Lord?
In today's Gospel reading from John 13, Jesus announced Judas's betrayal. This prompts me to ask myself if I have betrayed my Lord. I might not intentionally betray him, but anytime I am not 100% faithful, I see that as a betrayal. Our perfect Lord deserves our perfect trustworthiness, and this is only possible if we become like the Lord in every way. This points to seeking union with him as our only way.
***The Hard, Harder, and Hardest***
To repent our sins may be hard, but it's even harder to be humble. We repent our sins mainly for our own sake. To be humble is more for God's sake. That's why surrendering totally to God is the hardest, for it calls for the humbling of all of one's self. Anyhow, the farther you go, the greater your reward will be.
**Made in the God's Own Image**
Again on this Tuesday, I pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. When many of us realize that God the Father loves us so much that he willingly sacrificed his only Son for our sake, we are filled with gratitude and even moved to tears. To me, this clearly shows that we were made in the image of God!
Monday, April 3, 2023
***Christ the Only One
Communion experience. In this crazy, disordered world of today, Christ is the only one who can keep us sane and our souls safe.
****Mutual Exaltation
In Mathew 23, Jesus said to the crowds and his disciples, "Whoever humbles himself will be exalted." Do you realize that when we humble ourselves, we actually exalt the Lord? So whenever you want to exalt the Lord or to be exalted by him, just humble yourself.
***Spiritual Progress*
Repenting our sins is a major step in our spiritual life. The next big step to take is realizing how much we fall short of loving the Lord. Then we may very well decide to seek union with God through the Holy Eucharist. This is how we make our journeying toward the Lord increasingly beautiful.
*****Living Perfectly for God*
Today the Lord also made me see that if we do anything for his sake, it's a very beautiful thing. That's all he expects from us and the best we could do for him. Yes, do everything for his sake and for his glory. It shows that you love him. This is obedience. The Lord is easy to please!
***Letting the Lord Touch Our Soul*****
It was good that I was good enough to attend daily Mass again. Praise my Lord and my God. And I was also happy that I found my favorite rosary I thought was lost for a while. It's a wooden one I bought from the Carmelite Sisters at the concentration camp memorial site in Dachau, Germany. The first insight I received from the Lord at Mass this morning was that "we all need to let God touch our soul." This will be enough for the Lord to start transforming us to live a new life in him. To let that happen, we need to be completely open to the Lord and desire to possess him, to attain union with him, to abandon ourselves to him, or to belong to him totally.
**Satan at Work*
So many souls have fallen into Satan's snares. I can come up with a long list of examples, but I'll just bring up one big one first. The news media are supposed to report facts objectively, but today the majority of them spread blatant lies. This is going directly against God's Commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." As a result, millions of people have been led to embrace falsehood, risking losing their souls. It is tragic and pitiable beyond measure that we need God's mercy more than ever!
Sunday, April 2, 2023
***Only Thing We Need to Do
Communion experience. We only need to obey the God of Christ in this life to gain eternal life.
**To Experience Christ's Peace
Christ is our supreme example par excellence. When we see how he completely resigned to the Father's will and willingly went through his Passion, we are inspired to let all our worries and unrest go and begin to experience his peace.
***Palm Sunday Thoughts***
On this Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, the Gospel reading began from Matthew 26:14 and continued through the entirety of Matthew 27. The topics covered: the betrayal of Judas, preparations for the Passover, the betrayer, the Lord's Supper, Peter's denial foretold, the agony in the garden, the betrayal and arrest of Jesus, Jesus before the Sanhedrin, Peter's denial of Jesus, Jesus before Pilate, the death of Judas, Jesus questioned by Pilate, the sentence of Death, mockery by the soldiers, the way of the cross, the Crucifixion, the death of Jesus, the burial of Jesus, and the guard at the tomb. The long reading recalled how the Lord suffered so extremely for our sake. Then, of course, he did rise from the dead on the third day and ascend into heaven in great glory. We all go through our own sufferings, minuscule compared to his. But if we remain faithful, we'll get to heaven too! Being grateful for what he has done for us and following him with all our heart is absolutely worth it! This also shows that we do have his love in us.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
***How to Make the Lord Notice Us***
Realize first that we owe our very existence to the Lord God. To make the world notice us, we just make ourselves more important. When we let that go, we allow the Lord to notice us. Then we die to the world and to ourselves, and live only in him. We are now his forever.
***Highest Honor from the Lord GOD
In today's first reading from Ezekiel 37, the Lord GOD says that he will deliver the children of Israel from all their sins of apostasy and cleanse them so that they may be his people and and he may be their God. I see that if we let the Lord GOD deliver us from all our sins and cleanse us so that we may be his faithful servants and he may be our God, that would be the highest honor we can possibly receive from the Lord GOD.