Last thought after morning Mass ended. There are really thousands or more things going on around me in my life in this world at any moment, but nothing can be considered critical to us except for one thing, and that is, not bering aware that Jesus Christ is our Lord, our God, and our only Savior.
The sharing of my spiritual thoughts and experiences
Monday, November 21, 2022
**Yet Another Joy
That we can become like God when we submit ourselves to him and let him transform us.
*Instant Communication
Another joy came to me again. It's realizing that I can connect with my Lord and God instantly from my heart. It's faster than the speed of light.
**How God Serves Us
When I say that the Lord God serves me, I mean that that he guides me, motivates me, strengthens me, and makes whatever he want me to do easy. I could say that he really does everything for me. Without him, I'd be laboring in vain.
***Happy Tears to Shed***
If you realize that you are a sinner and have offended God, and you break down and cried, those would have to be your most blessed tears. How I wish we'd all experience that. Crying from the heart is what we need to realize our miserable states and God's great mercy. To be humble enough to repent of your wrongdoings is one of the most exhilarating and liberating feelings you can possibly have, as that makes the whole heaven rejoice! Yes, all those in heaven root for you! It is certain that whatever joy you give to God will always come right back to you.
***An Unbelievably Beautiful Thing*
After my last post, I realize that when God has given all of himself to us and we now give all of ourselves to him, it is a most beautiful thing! We and God are now united as one! No more rebellion from us, no more sinning; only perfect harmony and peace exist between God and us. We are now heaven bound, on my last leg of return to our Father and creator. Bon voyage to all who are traveling on such a unique journey!
**Proper & Profitable Giving of Ourselves
Today is the Memorial of the The Presentation of the Virgin Mary. Here's the Gospel reading from Luke 21: Jesus saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two mall coins. He said, "I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood." We should give all of ourselves to God because he has already given all of himself to us. By so doing, we show our love for the Lord and will be rewarded with eternal life.
**God Beyond Comprehension (for Now)
My first feeling this morning before Mass began: We cannot possibly comprehend how great, how beautiful, how magnificent God is until the day we see him face to face. And this is the day we should all look forward to.
***No Ego → True Freedom***
Sometimes I say something that seems to be innocent or even amusing, then I realized that I was basically being unkind, and I regretted it. Because of the presence of our ego, it is difficult to suppress our proud feelings. Even if we do receive many favors and joys from God, a truly humble person would not reveal it to anyone. To live secretly in the Lord alone, not for the world to know, is the way to go. This is the beginning of true freedom.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
****Becoming Immortal!*
Communion experience. At this heavenly banquet, I receive the food of immortality! I rejoice that the Lord has included me in his banquet guest list.
*****Most Amazing Lord*****
Today is The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The Lord is much more than just a King to me—he is also my God, my creator, my Savior, my liberator, my best friend, my soulmate, my confidant, my brother, my companion, my consoler, and even my most meek and humble servant. And most amazing of all, he is invisible to me, yet I know him so much better that anyone else I see and know, for he directly speaks to my heart and heals my soul—he makes me anew. This Lord is definitely the one to worship, to adore, to love, and to live and die for!
Friday, November 18, 2022
***End Times Chaos
There have been alleged messages from heaven warning us that we are heading toward a one-world religion, and I just read in the news that Pope Francis has met with all the world religious leaders at Mt. Sinai, together putting forth a set of new Ten Commandments for climate justice. Also in the news is that in Listowel, Ireland, when a Catholic priest in his homily let it be known that promoting abortion, sex between two men or two women, and transgenderism are all sinful, exactly what the Church teaches, a number of parishioners couldn't take it and walked out, accusing the priest of lacking compassion. Later the Bishop had to apologize for the priest and say that the priest's views were not Christian. Trying to save souls is not not being compassionate nor Christian? This would put our Lord in that category. Satan has certainly captured a large part of the world. Another video shows a prominent Protestant pastor telling the congregation that all Catholics are heading for hell. True that evil has infiltrated the Church, but those who criticize the Church don't realize that the Church holding all the truths is no guarantee that all her members are saints. They should look at themselves first before judging others. Anyway, this is nothing new and it's almost impossible to make such people see the truth. With so much confusion and conflicts going on, we are certainly in or near end times. I am just holding onto Christ, the Holy Eucharist, and my Catholic faith and nothing'll be able to disturb me.
**Christ Makes It Easy for Us*
Christ has already undergone his Passion for our sake. All he now asks of us is to believe and trust in him and be willing to take up our little cross and follow him. With his help, all that can become almost effortless and even joyful. We've got it made!
**Heaven No Longer a Dream
People dream that there is a heaven or about being in heaven. Of course, when you believe in Christ, that dream becomes a reality, and you simply wait for the day you go to him in peace.
****Best and Only Way to Glorify God
***Understanding God Clearly
Our heavenly Father loves us and never wishes to condemn us. He sent his only Son to us exclusively to save us from sin. Any fear of him is unjustified unless we deliberately offend him. So, if we get condemned, it's by our own choice.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
*****Image of the Invisible God*****
I have posted quite a number of times about the Shroud of Turin. You can find two videos on the Shroud listed under Good Websites, Blogs, Videos . . . in the right sidebar of each blog page. Here's another video I just came across and watched. While the others show more scientific facts, this one was done more from the heart and is quite beautiful. I watched it and was almost moved to tears. My faith deepened even more, as I was filled with unspeakable joy. I pray that you will also be enlightened by the presentation.
***Focusing on God's Will Only
Today I prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The second one is The Visitation—Mary, newly pregnant with Jesus, travels to Judah in the hills to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who is in her 7th month with John the Baptist. As I meditate on this mystery, I start feeling sorry for Mary. The journey couldn't have been an easy one and she's making it while she's pregnant. Then I realize that this thought is all mine and not from God. I love Mother Mary, but I also know that she always does the Father's will joyfully and would not ever feel sorry for herself. After all, it's a Joyful Mystery. So we lapse into our thinking and let our feelings take over easily, whereas we should always focus upon the Father's will instead.