"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Friday, November 18, 2022

***End Times Chaos

         There have been alleged messages from heaven warning us that we are heading toward a one-world religion, and I just read in the news that Pope Francis has met with all the world religious leaders at Mt. Sinai, together putting forth a set of new Ten Commandments for climate justice. Also in the news is that in Listowel, Ireland, when a Catholic priest in his homily let it be known that promoting abortion, sex between two men or two women, and transgenderism are all sinful, exactly what the Church teaches, a number of parishioners couldn't take it and walked out, accusing the priest of lacking compassion. Later the Bishop had to apologize for the priest and say that the priest's views were not Christian. Trying to save souls is not not being compassionate nor Christian? This would put our Lord in that category. Satan has certainly captured a large part of the world. Another video shows a prominent Protestant pastor telling the congregation that all Catholics are heading for hell. True that evil has infiltrated the Church, but those who criticize the Church don't realize that the Church holding all the truths is no guarantee that all her members are saints. They should look at themselves first before judging others. Anyway, this is nothing new and it's almost impossible to make such people see the truth. With so much confusion and conflicts going on, we are certainly in or near end times. I am just holding onto Christ, the Holy Eucharist, and my Catholic faith and nothing'll be able to disturb me.   

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