"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

*God Completes Us

          Communion experience. I truly felt as David felt when he wrote Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. The Lord fulfills me completely. Besides, he is most trustworthy, the only one I can trust with my soul!

**Walking by Faith

          In today's Gospel reading from Mark 6, Jesus sent the Twelve out to the villages around to preach repentance. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. This is indeed traveling light, but more importantly, it's to walk by faith. I believe that if we rely upon the Lord fully, he will support us fully. If we don't seek his support, we won't witness any of his wonders. A faith journey is basically an adventure filled with the wonders of God. 

***Removing Our Sins, a Huge Deal!

        "Jesus can forgive and take away our sins." You've probably heard this many, many times. I have, but it hit me today that this is a huge deal and we must pay critical attention to it. Christ can actually remove all our sins to make our soul clean again. What fantastic news! He is the only one who can do this. With a clean soul, we are fit to enter heaven. I hope you now see that this hackneyed saying actually brings us the best possible tidings we need to hear.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

***Wake-Up-to-Reality Call

        We have those who work for the Devil. If they do not turn around, they'll become demons one day. We have those in the middle who are more or less lost, surviving like sheep with no shepherd to guide them and not knowing why they are here nor where they are heading. Then we have those who follow the God of Christ and know exactly where they'll be going. Their names are already written in the book of heaven. This is quite a wide range. We can choose where we want to be now and to go later. Wake up, think ahead, make your choice  and be ready, for life on earth is short and fleeting.

***Christians Called to Be Dynamic

        A Christian cannot remain static, peaceful yes but not static, for God is always calling us to action! If we just trust in God and remain static, how can we bear any fruit? We are to love the Lord with all our heart, with all our all soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength—this means we cannot sit idly and not sense any urgency, especially in dark times as now. Storing up treasure in heaven and bearing fruit in this life is our full time duty we must perform with great dedication. Be awake, alert, and vibrant!

*****What Union with God Is About*****

        Union with God does not concern so much about how the Lord dwells within you or contains you. Being mystical, it's more about how much you become like him, A perfect union means that the Lord's ways and thoughts are now all yours as well. (Time for great rejoicing again.)   

**Letting Pure Love Liberate You

         What is love? I think love to us is most often sexual attraction or strong attraction to anything we enjoy sensually. True pure love is something else. To know this love, you'll have to know God first, for he is that love. Know him so that you may be freed from the entrapment of impure love. 

*****Most Expedient Way to Know God

        For many years in the past, I prayed to God a lot, but I never did open myself up completely to him. I kept him at a distance, you could say. Wishing to love him more, I read a lot of books about many saints and other spiritual classics. That helped. I still have about 20 of those books set aside containing many passages that spoke to my heart which I had highlighted with a yellow highlighter. Today I finally realized that if I had gone directly to the Lord with a completely open heart, I would have progressed so much faster and sooner. I took the longer, indirect route, but lived long enough to discover the most expedient way to know God. For this I am most grateful. I can now say that if you let yourselves be completely known to God, he reciprocates by letting himself be completely known to you. Now you and the Lord get to enjoy each other fully!

*****Words from Our Heavenly Mother

        In this video, you hear the words spoken by the Holy Mother to us. They are moving, comforting, and most beautiful. Her Triumph is near!

***Encouraging Stories

         Finally, a video with  two happy stories. The Lord always works in a beautiful way to those who seek him. 

****The Church Being Destroyed!

        Now, Fr. Mark Goring's message. More scandalous news. More prayers needed.

****Suppression of the Truth

        Today, I'd like to share a number of videos. First, Fr. James Altman's bishop finally suspended his priestly faculties. I see this as the doing of the Devil. This video shows his reaction to that on the John-Henry Westen show. To hear Fr. Altman only, you only need to watch the first 24 minutes or so. How sad and revolting it is that many bishops silence those priests who proclaim the truth out of love for God and his people! Christ, have mercy on us!

Friday, July 9, 2021

***God Will Always Prevail

        The God of Christ is the truth, and the truth will remain true and last forever. Whoever has this truth will live forever and triumph over all evil and overcome all obstacles. This has been predetermined already. In this truth, peace and joy vanquishes all fears and worries. The Lord will always prevail. It's sheer folly to think otherwise.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

**A Sane Voice in These Dark Times

        Hearing Archbishop Vigano speaking out at a time like this is like haviing a breath of fresh air or seeing a ray of sunshine. 

**Not Knowing Our Place

          Leg us remember that we are finite beings, born into the world and had to learn everything from scratch; while the Lord God is infinite, the beginning and the end, who created all of us and knows everything and the future. Before him, we are nothing, yet he treasures us. Our proper, sensible response should be to humbly submit ourselves to him with gratitude and trust. Yet so many of us think that we are somebody, want to have our ways and even discard God! What a ridiculous, perverse, and foolish generation! We need to put ourselves in our place before God does it for us.

*Like a Blank Canvas

         As I did my early morning walk today, I saw myself as a blank canvas, clean and spotless, ready for the Lord to paint whatever he wants on it. This is a great way to start each day, letting him do whatever he wishes with you, knowing that you'll always get the most loving care from him.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

**We Are the Culprits

         The love of God alone is enough to make us all holy and go to heaven, and turn our world into a peaceful haven for all. That this is not happening is because not all of us are cooperating with God. It's that simple. There is nothing more beautiful than the love of God for us, yet we do not see or accept that because we are in sin. That is clear. We are the ones giving God a hard time. We need to repent and pray hard for ourselves foremost.

***God Ready for You to Experience*

       God is real and you need to experience him. Otherwise, your spiritual journey will be arduous. It is true that faith alone is sufficient for salvation, but why not make your journey easy and a joy when you can? I do not mean that you need to witness miracles or have apparitions, etc., which can actually be distractions; I am talking about experiencing the Lord himself! Our God is not remote nor aloof. In fact, he even became one of us to befriend us on earth 2,000 years ago. All you need to do is be open and desire to experience him and he will respond readily to you, for he loves you and is waiting for this moment to establish a most beautiful intimate relationship with you. Never forget that he died for us so that we may live forever with him in heaven!