"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

*****All Religions Lead to God?*****

        Pope Francis has just announced that all religions lead to God. This really bothers me. If it were true, then why did Jesus even bother to come and die for us? We could just seek God in any way we like and get to him! I might as well ignore Jesus' last command to his disciples that they go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature! Another problem to square with is that all religions understand God differently with teachings contradicting each other. Note that I am not saying that if you're not a Christian, you won't get to know God. Take those who were brought up as non-Christians who do not know Christ at all. If they are basically good people, God could very well save them since he is fair and just. But in that case, they are still saved thru Christ! Here's a video by John-Henry Weston of LifeSite providing a clear response.

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