"Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Only God Can Speak Thus

        In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 10, Jesus gives many commands to his Twelve disciples with great authority. Some excerpts: "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me." This is clearly God speaking, all right!

We Too Levitate

        Levitation is defined as the rising of a body in air by supernatural means. Historically, there have been many levitating saints. In a way, we also "levitate" as we get to know the Lord. At the beginning, we are deeply immersed in the world and attached to the many things of the world. The result is that we feel heavily weighed down and tired. As we know God through Christ more and more, the burden gets lighter and lighter until finally, we are in union with him and feel like being lifted up into air in total freedom. So it is like levitation, but the rising just took a lot longer.

Being One in God's Love

        Today is optionally the Memorial of Our Lady of Carmel, so I thought of Mary Our Mother. As Mass was starting, I felt that I really knew and was most close to her, St. Therese, as well as all the other saints. This is made possible through the love of God, for in his love there is no separation, only oneness. It's all understood and felt in the hearts of both the saints and mine ~ one of the numerous delights of knowing God.  

Cana Miracle Amazing Wonder

        I mentioned "wedding ceremony" in my last post. Now I am bringing up the wedding at Cana which Jesus attended. I often thought about the first miracle Jesus performed there ~ changing water into wine. Someday our scientists probably can figure out a way to achieve this, but they'll have to add or do something to the water to change the chemistry, while Jesus just had the empty jars filled with water and out comes the wine. This instant powerful transformation is evidence enough for me to believe that Jesus is God. 

How Union Attracts Us

        During a wedding ceremony, a couple promises to be true to each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honor each other all the days of their lives. I brought this up because once we are in union with Christ, whether we are in good times or in bad, in sickness or in health ~ it doesn't matter anymore! All external circumstances and conditions will no longer affect the union. Such is the attraction of God.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

God Grooms Us

        When God wishes to use us in some way, he prepares us for that specific task. This may take some time, especially if we are not quite up to it yet. Therefore, patience is needed. Actually, we are not even sure what he really has in mind for us, but we sense that he is grooming us, building us up slowly, and we just trust along. Knowing that we are following his will whatever it might be is of great comfort. 

Happy to Awake

        I now get up in the morning around 5:30. I remember that years back for a time, I always slept late in the morning because I didn't feel like getting up to face the day ~ there wasn't much to look forward to. Today I am happy to get out of bed early, because in my waking hours I am aware of Christ's presence. I can contemplate him, talk to him, tell others about him...in general, enjoying our oneness.  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

From Heart to Mind

       When the heart is at peace, the mind is uncluttered and any thought that comes to it will be orderly. But when the heart is in turmoil, the mind will be restless and the thoughts, disorderly. As Jesus said, it's what comes out of the heart that defiles a person; that's why the first thing God looks at is our heart. It makes all the sense to let God enter our hearts so that we may have peace. 

Jesus for One

        I attended morning Mass in the small chapel at the local seminary and found myself to be the only lay person there (besides one regular religious Brother). I felt that the Mass was said just for me, then I thought of Jesus who would have died just for me too. I just want to live in his love, the most beautiful place to be.  

Eternal Life at Stake

        In the Gospel reading at Mass continuing in Matthew 10, Jesus said to his Apostles, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." Here Jesus made it clear that there is life after death and hell exists. I used to teach mathematics at a community college and many students were afraid of the subject because they thought that it's just too hard. I firmly believed that they didn't do well because they were too lazy to think hard, so I bet them that if they should think so hard as if their life was at stake, they would solve all the problems quickly. Now, if we live as if my eternal life is at stake, we would succeed too. In fact, there's no "as if" about it ~ our eternal life is definitely at stake!

Only One Important Goal

        Our one big goal in life should be to love God. From a practical speaking point of view, I could just say that the big goal is to make heaven. Then in life, there are numerous other small goals, out of necessity or not, for us to accomplish. Here, whether we succeed or fail doesn't matter that much ~ only reaching that big goal is absolutely important, for it matters for all eternity! So be wise ~ focus on the big goal and set the small ones to help you achieve it.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

Where God Comes In

        On the physical level, we can pretty much take care of our problems. If we are sick, we go see a doctor. On the intellectual level, there's plenty of knowledge out there for us to absorb and learn. It's on the spiritual level that only God can help us. Here's where he comes in to remove our spiritual deficiencies and bring us into wholeness. Once we are healed spiritually, the problems on the two lower level will become insignificant or disappear. That's why we need to seek God first and foremost.  

"Bickering" over Bickering

        I feel sorry for the those who love to bicker over small matters to the last penny. They just want to take all the advantages they can get. They miss the overall picture of what living is all about. Bickering is a total waste of time while you can aim high, hold lofty visions, and reach for the stars. If you decide to quit bickering, may I suggest that you go as far away from it as possible, that is, get to know God, who can definitely help you quit.

What Unbelievers Miss

        At least two things an unbeliever will never experience. They are the peace that surpasses all understanding which St. Paul mentioned and the sweet joy that intoxicates the soul which the Holy Spirit generates deep within you at various moments.

Most Satisfying Vocation

        It struck me during Mass that Discipleship is a most beautiful word! (I made the "d" capital because I am referring to following Jesus, the true God.) Being a disciple of Jesus has to be be the most satisfying vocation in the world. And whoever wishes to enter it will be welcomed by God in person! 

The World in Balance

        Today's Gospel Reading comes from Matthew 10. Jesus to his Apostles: "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves...beware of men, for they will hand you over to courts... Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise up against parents... You will be hated by all because of my name..." You could say that all this is even "truer" today than in Jesus' time. The news all over the world is shocking to the point that we are becoming numb. I see the world caught in a vortex sending all those in it to a bottomless pit and the saddest thing is that they are not even aware of it, still deeply immersed in the things of the world and in themselves. The true God, our only hope, couldn't be farther from their minds. Yet I can't feel too sad because the whole dire situation is balanced by the infinite mercy of God and I trust in his mercy.  

We Are All Prophets!

        Reading 1 at Mass all this week has come from Hosea, the prophet. We who follow Jesus and listen for his voice do hear him speak to our hearts from time to time, since the Lord wants to teach and shape us. For example, all my posts initiate from the thought buds the Holy Spirit placed in my mind and felt by my heart. I see that when we share the good things we hear from Jesus with others, we are in a way speaking as prophets. Check out the first definition of "prophet": A person who speaks for God or by divine inspiration. 

Be Surprised or Be Disappointed

        I mentioned that I was into photography in the past. Recently, I got invited to participate in a coming group show. Although I am not active nowadays anymore, I did conceived of a couple of images ~ an abstract piece which I may entitle "Heaven" and a moonlight scene still to be worked on. So I saw the invitation as an invitation for me to bring these two images into reality. Then the mind quickly projected ahead and started thinking about sending out invitations, friends showing up at the opening...I cut it off right there. I know that if we expect too much, we're likely to be disappointed ~ the fact here is that some of my friends don't even understand art much and some may even dislike what they see. (A slight digression. One famous pianist gave a recital and really didn't play that well. After the recital is over, his friend, another pianist, went backstage to "congratulate" him and said, "You did it again!") So it's better to not expect anything and be surprised later. What Jesus says in Luke 14.10 comes to mind: "When you are invited, go and take the lowest place so that when the host comes to you he may say, 'My friend, move up to higher position.' Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table." The lesson again to me is: Do not project ahead but live in the present moment, then you will not be disappointed and can only be surprised.